NOTE: Would love your comments on this, my friends. An
American Christian sent the following email to me yesterday:
by 'Troubled'
I woke up recently to see Trump has won. Some/many Christians
are happy and think he will be used as a Cyrus and that God will
do good things through Trump. Personally, I feel like they are
deceived and misplacing their hopes on him. Yes, he may be able
to get better Supreme court justices and other things, but overall,
I am troubled by his fruit. Can you tell me what you are feeling in
your spirit regarding Trump and what we can expect during his term?
I still feel that the condition of the Church is the largest problem
and that judgment begins with the house of God first. Christians
may be focused on Trump making America better, great again...
but God´s ways are not ours, right? God is more concerned about
the condition of our hearts, that we become truly humble, repentant,
coming into unity and agape love for one another, sharing the gospel.
Right now, American Christianity is a wretched mess ...I read
Brother Yun´s book, "The Heavenly Man" and chapter 20, "The
Road to Unity" spoke to me tremendously and clarified for me
what is wrong with American Christianty, multiplied many many
times over. The pride and animosity, lack of love, lack of genuine
conversions, rampant sin (Here in America)... stemming from
bickering and fighting over teachings/doctrines... resulting in the
church continually splitting. Brother Yun said the house churches
in China split into about 10-12, then God said he would not pour
out his power until they came back into unity again. Here in
America, I have read we have at least 216, some say as many
as 33,000 denominations! It all depends on how denominations
are defined.
I would like to research this more. But as a whole, I see too much
bad fruit and carnality in most Christians. I am troubled by their
hopeful and even prophetic expectations of Trump.
What are your thoughts, and others that you know?
-PLEASE COMMENT on this important topic at the following site-
God bless you all.
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