Minggu, 02 November 2014

Quotes That Inspired


"I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled
armies of Europe"
-Mary, Queen of Scots.

"Do we know a prayerfulness like that of Luther, who once said, "I
have so much business to do today that I shall not be able to get
through it with less than three hours´ prayer.""
-Henry Fish

"We are weak in the pulpit because weak in the closet."
-John Angel James

"Prayer is the first thing, the second thing, and the third thing
necessary for a minister, especially if he have revivals. Pray,
then, my dear brother, pray, pray, pray."
-Edward Payson

"Why is there so little anxiety to get time to pray? Why is there so
little forethought in the laying out of time and employments, so as
to secure a large portion of each day for prayer? Why is there so
much speaking yet so little prayer? Why is there so much running
to and fro, yet so little prayer? Why so much bustle and business,
yet so little prayer? Why so many meetings with our fellow men,
yet so few meetings with God?"
-William Reid

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