Bacaan Firman Tuhan:
2 Tim 3:1-7, Dalam terjemahan LAI dan NIV:
Perhatikan baik-baik cara hidup orang-orang di bawah ini, mereka mengaku orang Kristen namun mereka tidak lebih daripada seorang beragama Kristen. Apakah perbedaannya? Orang Kristen nampak dari karakter Kristus yang makin hari makin kelihatan dari kehidupaannya sedang orang beragama Kristen nampak dari KTP-nya & aktivitas “agama”nya, namun cara hidup dan nilai-nilainya sama dengan dunia.
Mencintai dirinya sendiri (lovers of themselves)
Menjadi hamba uang (lovers of money, cinta akan uang)
Membual (boastful, sombong, besar mulut)
Menyombongkan diri (proud)
Pemfitnah (abusive, kasar, kejam, suka menghina dengan kata-kata kasar)
Berontak terhadap orangtua (disobedient to their parents, tidak taat pada orangtua)
Tidak tahu berterimakasih (ungrateful)
Tidak memperdulikan agama (unholy, tidak kudus)
Tidak tahu mengasihi (without love, tanpa kasih)
Tidak mau berdamai (unforgiving, tidak mau mengampuni)
Suka menjelekkan orang lain (slanderous,pemfitnah/pengumpat)
Tidak dapat mengekang diri (without self-control, tanpa penguasaan diri)
Garang (Brutal, kejam)
Tidak suka yang baik (not lovers of good)
Suka mengkhianat (treacherous, berkhianat/curang)
Tidak berpikir panjang (rash, gegabah, terburu-buru)
Berlagak tahu (conceited, sombong, angkuh)
Lebih menuruti hawa nafsu daripada Tuhan (lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, lebih mencintai kenikmatan daripada mengasihi Tuhan)
Secara lahiriah menjalankan ibadah tapi pada hakekatnya memungkiri kekuatannya (having form of godliness but denying its power, menjalankan bentuk keagamaan namun menolak/tidak percaya kuasanya)
Suka menyelundup rumah orang lain dan menjerat perempuan-peremupuan lemah yang sarat dengan dosa dan dikuasai oleh berbagai-bagai nafsu ( who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swaged by all kinds of evil desires, suka masuk ke dalam rumah/urusan orang lain dan menguasai kehidupan para wanita lemah, yang penuh dengan keinginan dosa dan berbagai nafsu jahat yang tersembunyi)
Selalu ingin diajar namun tidak pernah dapat mengenal kebenaran (always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth, selalu belajar tetapi tidak pernah mau menerapkan kebenaran)
PESAN TUHAN,” JAUHILAH MEREKA ITU” (ayat 5b) (have nothing to do with them)
Mat 16: 6, 11-12,” Berjaga-jagalah dan waspadalah terhadap ragi atau ajaran-ajaran Farisi atau Saduki.
Ef 5:5-17, mengajarkan:
Ingatlah ini baik-baik:
Tidak ada orang sundal (immorality)
Tidak ada orang cemar (impure)
Tidak ada orang serakah (greedy)
Catatan ketiganya termasuk penyembahan berhala
So, mereka tidak akan mendapat bagian dalam Kerajaan Allah.
Apa yang harus dilakukan anak Tuhan (orang Kristen)?
Ef 5: 8-11, anak-anak terang (orang Kristen) akan menelanjangi perbuatan perbuatan dosa.
Ef 5:14;
Sadar (bangunlah)
Bertindak (bangkitlah)
Disertai Tuhan (Kristus bercahaya atasmu)
Kala masih ada waktu, mari kita bertobat dan sungguh-sungguh menjadi seorang Kristen dan bukan sekedar beragama Kristen.
1 komentar:
No. 1708 | FEBRUARY 6, 2008
Palestinian Cleric Issa Badwan: The Mahdi Was Born in Palestine Four Years... Ago; Muslim Conquest of Rome Is Imminent
Following are excerpts from an interview with Palestinian cleric Issa Badwan, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on February 6, 2008.
Issa Badwan: Someone who is well known and whom I trust - there is no need to mention his name - told me that four years ago, when he was driving his car, he saw an old woman, who stopped him and asked him to take her to hospital, so she could pick up her daughter, who had just given birth. He did her a favor and took her there, and waited for an hour at the entrance. The woman came out, with her daughter and grandson, and when they got into the car, the baby started talking, and said: "Peace and Allah's mercy upon you." They greeted him back.
Interviewer: The newborn baby?
Issa Badwan: Yes, the baby. The baby said... This is what the man told me, and we reported this to Sheik Nizar and to the Islamic Scholars Association... The newborn baby said: "I am the man who will be killed [sic] by the Antichrist, who will not rule over anyone again." According to the Prophet's hadith, this man [the Mahdi] would be 18-20 years old. These are good tidings.
Of course, the coming of the Antichrist will be preceded by the conquests of Rome in Italy, and Constantinople, like the Prophet told us. These places will be conquered only by the righteous Mahdi. The Mahdi is from Palestine, as conveyed by Mu'adh bin Jabal, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, and Abdullah bin Mas'ud, who were all great imams and scholars.
Interviewer: Is anyone following what�s going on with this child?
Issa Badwan: Yes, now his identity is known, and the brothers follow and take good care of him. I would like to convey to the people, as well as to the scholars, that these are times of victory, with the grace of Allah, that the promised Mahdi lives among us, that the people of Palestine will be the standard bearers, who will carry this religion forth and spread its guidance and light.
people, as well as to the scholars, that these are times of victory, with the grace of Allah, that the promised Mahdi lives among us, that the people of Palestine will be the standard bearers, who will carry this religion forth and spread its guidance and light.
Rasulullah Saw. bersabda :
“Sesungguhnya TIDAK AKAN TERJADI KIAMAT HINGGA KALIAN MELIHAT 10 MACAM TANDA. Kemudian Nabi Shalallahu’alaihiwassallam menyebutkan: MUNCULNYA DAJJAL, BINATANG (keluar dari dalam bumi), MATAHARI terbit dari barat, ISA BIN MARYAM TURUN KE BUMI, KELUARNYA YA'JUJ DAN MA'JUJ, TERJADI TIGA KHUSUF yaitu di timur, barat, dan jazirah Arab. Lantas akhir semua itu MUNCUL API DARI NEGERI YAMAN yang menghalau manusia ke tempat berkumpul mereka.” (Shahih Muslim, Kitabu Al-Fitan wa Asyrathu As-Sa’ah)
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