Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

A Place for Him to Rest

A Place for Him to Rest
(En Español)
In the kingdom, there are no great men of God, just humble men whom God has chosen to use greatly. How do we know when we are humble? When God speaks, we tremble. God is looking for a man who trembles at His words. Such a man will find the Spirit of God resting upon him; he will become a dwelling place for the Almighty.
Entering the Sabbath Rest of God
"Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest?"                                ---Isaiah 66:1
God asks for nothing but ourselves. The Lord does not want what we have; He wants who we are. He seeks to create in our hearts a sanctuary for Himself, a place where He may rest.
In the Scriptures this rest is called "a Sabbath rest" (Heb. 4:9). It does not, however, come from keeping the Sabbath, for the Jews kept the Sabbath but never entered God’s rest. The Book of Hebrews is plain: Joshua did not give the Israelites rest (vv. 7-8). And after so long a period of Sabbath-keeping, Scripture continues, "So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God" (v. 9).
The question must be asked then, "What is this Sabbath rest?" Let us explore Genesis in pursuit of our answer. "Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work" (Gen. 2:3). Before God rested on the Sabbath, there was nothing special or holy about the seventh day. Had the Lord rested on the third day, then it would have been holy. Rest is not in the Sabbath; it is in God. Rest is a prevailing quality of His completeness.
Revelation 4:6 describes the throne of God as having before it, as it were, "a sea of glass, like crystal." A sea of glass is a sea without waves or ripples, a symbol of the imperturbable calm of God. Let us grasp this point: the Sabbath was not a source of rest for God; He was the source of rest for the Sabbath. As it is written, "The Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired" (Isa. 40:28). And even as the Sabbath became holy when God rested upon it, so we become holy as we put away sin, as the fullness of God settles and rests upon us.
In our study, we are not associating God’s rest merely with the sense of being rebuilt or rejuvenated, which we obviously need and associate with human rest. The rest we seek is not a rejuvenation of our energy; it is the exchange of energy: our life for God’s, through which the vessel of our humanity is filled with the Divine Presence and the all-sufficiency of Christ Himself.
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Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God, available at www.arrowbookstore.com.
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Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God
This is the first book ever written by Pastor Francis. It came after three years of studying and repeatedly reading the Gospels. The truths in this book have stirred men to revivals. This book is a penetrating study of the human heart and how God prepares it for His glory.
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The Days of His Presence

Revised and expanded edition
The Days of His Presence heralds not only the return of the Lord at the Rapture, but also the return of His glory to the church at the end of the age. Supported by Scripture and Francis' prophetic vision, this book will help fill in the gaps in your understanding of the last days; it will help prepare you to receive the fullness of Christ as mankind enters the fullness of time.
Book - $7.80 (Retail $13.00)  
Ebook $7.80 (Retail $13.00)
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Walk with Integrity
Audio/Video Series

Our personal integrity reveals our degree of functional Christlikeness. To walk with integrity is to be consistently led the Holy Spirit, even when no one is looking. Francis Frangipane engages in one of the most compelling studies of the role integrity plays in obtaining the fullness of God.

Message Titles:
Prosperity Follows Integrity
The Substance of Godliness: Pure Thoughts
Breaking the Grip of Sin
Those Who Ascend the Hill of God
CD series $14.40 (Retail $24.00)
MP3 Audio Download $7.20 (Retail $12.00)
DVD series $28.80 (Retail $48.00)
MP4 Video Download $14.40 (Retail $24.00)

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