by David Wilkerson
It is not enough for us simply to believe in God as creator, the
maker of all things. We also have to believe that He's a God who
yearns to do the impossible in our lives. The Bible makes it very
clear: If we don't believe this about Him, we don't trust Him at all.
In my opinion, no amount of counseling will do a person any good
if he doubts God for a miracle. Don't misunderstand-I am not
against Christian counseling. But it is useless to counsel someone
who is not fully convinced God can fix his problem, no matter what
the problem may be. Couples must believe that God can save their
relationship; otherwise, my counsel is in vain. Things may appear
absolutely hopeless to them; they may have built up years of
resentment and bitterness. But they have to be convinced God
can do the impossible.
I tell such couples right away, "Yes, I'll counsel you. But first I
have to ask: Do you truly believe God can fix your marriage? Do
you have faith that no matter how impossible things look to you,
He has the power to restore your relationship?"
Some answer, "But you don't know what I've been through with
my spouse. I've been wounded deeply. My hurt is beyond what
you could ever imagine." This kind of response tells me they
have bought the devil's lie. He has convinced them that their
situation is hopeless. Yet Jesus has spoken clearly to every
one of His children: "The things which are impossible with men
are possible with God" (Luke 18:27).
All over this nation, Christians are giving up on their marriages.
Even some of my minister friends are divorcing. When I talk with
them about their situation, I realize they don't think their marriage
can be healed. They simply don't trust God to do the impossible
for them. We do not really believe in God unless we believe He
is the God of the impossible!
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