GREAT QUOTES - "Revival or Judgment"
"Strange though it may seem, there are distinct similarities between
the ways of God in revival and in judgment... Because of His very
nature, God cannot and will not permit spiritual decline to continue
unchecked. He is ever halting and reversing the trend of the times
by means of revival - or judgment. Where His people are not
prepared for the one, they shut themselves up to the other."
-Arthur Wallis
"A revival of religion is indispensable to avert the judgements of God
from the church...The fact is, Christians are more to blame for not
being revived, than sinners are for not being converted. And if
Christians are not awakened, they may know assuredly that God
will visit them with His judgements. How often God visited the
Jewish church with judgements because they would not repent
and be revived at the call of His prophets."
-Charles Finney
"The man whose little sermon is `repent´ sets himself against his
age, and will for the time being be battered mercilessly by the age
whose moral tone he challenges. There is but one end for such
a man -- `off with his head!´ You had better not try to preach
repentance until you have pledged your head to heaven."
-Joseph Parker
"Revival is war between the Spirit and the Devil" - Dr. J. Edwin Orr
"Christ showing up in an extraordinarily powerful new way, to
significantly overthrow the status quo and establish the claims
of His kingdom afresh"
-Steve Hawthorne
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