HOLY GROUND - The Only Way To Become Holy
by David Wilkerson
God can´t use a man until He gets him on holy ground. A holy
God must have a holy man on holy ground.
Holy ground is not a physical place, but a spiritual one. When God
commanded Moses to take off his shoes because he was on holy
ground, He was not referring to a two-by-four piece of real estate.
He was talking about a spiritual state.
God called Moses from the burning bush, commanding him:
"Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou
standest is holy ground. . ." (Exodus 3:5).
The place was holy! What place? The spiritual condition he had
finally come to. Moses had arrived at a place in his growth where
God could get through to him. He was now at the place of reception,
ready to listen. He was mature and ready to be dealt with by a holy God.
Please don´t think for a moment that Moses alone was on holy
ground. So was all of Israel, even though they were at the end of
their hope. I have never believed God would keep an entire nation
under slavery just to give Moses time to mature into a gracious
leader. Our Lord is no respecter of persons. God, in those 40 trying
years, was preparing Israel as well as Moses. By way of loving
judgment, the Lord was driving Israel back to holy ground - back
to a hunger for Jehovah.
While Moses was on the mountain being stripped of all his rights -
because that is what was meant by the removal of his shoes -
Israel was in the valley being stripped of all human strength. Moses
would have no rights; Israel, no strength. God could prove Himself
strong on their behalf in no other way. The great "I AM" was being revealed!
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