by David Wilkerson
I am not against Christian counseling. Many people are responding
to the counseling they are getting, and it is healing their lives,
marriages and homes. Indeed, counseling has become a major
ministry in the church of Jesus Christ. Almost every large
congregation in America has at least one full-time counselor on
staff and here at Times Square Church, we use a number of counselors.
But I see more and more troubled Christians who don´t respond
at all to the counseling they receive. They may be ministered to
for weeks, even months, with no results. A pastor or counselor
can take them step by step through the Scriptures, showing them
the clear truth of God´s Word. He can tell them, "Here is what God
says about your problem. He says you´re supposed to do this and
this." He confronts them with the reality that if they don´t forsake
their sin, they will incur God´s judgment.
Yet none of this counsel registers. Why? There is a spiritual veil
over the eyes of these people. They have a terrible blindness to
their own guilt and need to change.
Since I began pastoring, I´ve been caught in the middle of many
family feuds and I can testify that few of these wars are ever
resolved outside of supernatural intervention. Why? Because
everybody wants the other person to change.
One party tells me, "Why is he so stubborn? It´s awful. He needs
to change." Then I hear something similar from the other party:
"How can she be so hard-hearted? She knows I´m doing the best
I can. Is this what I get for being kind to her?"
It´s always the other person´s fault, the other one who needs to
change. That is why I believe no amount of counseling will have
an impact until God´s people resolve something. We all have to
make this our sincere, daily prayer: "O God, change me."
We spend far too much time praying, "God, change my circum-
stances; change my coworkers; change my family situation;
change the conditions in my life." Yet we seldom pray this most
important prayer: "Change me, Lord. The real trouble isn´t my
spouse, my sibling, my friend. I´m the one who stands in need of prayer."
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
(changed) by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2)
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