by David Wilkerson
The Father loves you! It is at this point of understanding that
multitudes of believers fail God. They are willing to be convicted
of sin and failure, over and over again, but they will not allow the
Holy Spirit to flood them with the love of the Father.
The legalist loves to live under conviction. He has never understood
the love of God or allowed the Holy Spirit to minister that love to
his soul.
We at Times Square Church have taught that the righteous person,
the true lover of Jesus, loves reproof. He learns to welcome having
the Holy Spirit expose all the hidden areas of sin and unbelief-
because the more he deals with sin, the happier and freer he becomes.
The attitudes I see in response to my ministry newsletter messages
vary. When I write a message that thunders with judgment, I get
overwhelmingly approving responses. When I share about the
sweetness and love of Jesus, I receive letters saying, "You are
not preaching the truth anymore!" It is as though these people are
saying, "If you are not reproving, then what you are saying cannot
be the gospel."
Such believers have never entered into the great love-mission of
the Holy Spirit. This is an area where you must learn to walk in
the Spirit and not by feelings! Walking in the Spirit means allowing
the Holy Spirit to do in you what He was sent to do. And that
means allowing Him to flood your heart right now with the love of
God! "Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the
Holy Ghost which is given unto us" (Romans 5:5).
Isaiah said, "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort
you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem" (Isaiah 66:13). Isaiah
was writing to a stubborn people of God who "went on frowardly
[rebelliously] in the way of [their] heart" (Isaiah 57:17).
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