Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Prophetic Word for 2010 The Year of the Fivefold Entrepreneur

Prophetic Word for 2010
The Year of the Fivefold Entrepreneur

The Following Word is available online also at

The time is at hand says the Lord, for Me to reveal a new plan for My Body. For many times and seasons of blessing have come upon My people in times past, and many lives have been touched and transformed. Yet one difficulty has plagued My Church from the beginning. And this has caused My people to come under the bondage of the World System and the rulers of this world.

For though you are not of this world, says the Lord, you cannot function without the resources that are in the world. Therefore the enemy has locked up those resources and placed them into the hands of those who oppose My Kingdom. And My people are forced to grovel to the World System in order to carry out My work.

This has caused many of my choice servants in the past to fail in their calling. They were often so restricted because of financial lack, that they failed to complete their mandate in the time available to them. And while those who serve the Wicked One prosper, My servants suffer lack and hardship.

But I have reserved for Myself those whom I have been preparing out of sight, hidden from view, and unknown to the enemy. And I have been raising up my prophets to decree into existence the era that is about to begin, and to release those whom I have been preparing in secret.

These men and women and have cried out to Me for a way to bring the changes that are needed. To cause the wealth of the wicked to be moved into the hands of the just. To place the resources of this world back under the control of My Body, the Church.

And as the world struggles to overcome its financial problems, seeking ways to solve the effects of financial lack and recession, I have prepared those who will find the true solutions. Those who will not only provide a way out of these problems, but also a way for My people to break free of their dependence on the ungodly and systems of this world.

It is time, says the Lord, to reveal those whom I have called with a different calling, and anointed with a new anointing. Not an anointing for normal ministry, but an anointing to tap into the wealth generating mechanisms of doing business My way. It is time to reveal, not only those called to the Fivefold Ministry, but also those whom I have called with a Fivefold Business Calling.

It is time to reveal, not only the Apostles that I have called and raised up, but also the Fivefold Entrepreneurs that I have called and am raising up. For these men and women will take their stand by the side of My Apostles, and together they will lead My Body to a place that is has never been in the past.

As I called Abraham long ago to leave Ur of the Chaldees and go possess the land I had promised him, staring a new race of people, so I am raising up my Abraham Entrepreneurs to leave the systems of this world and to prepare a place for My people, and a new generation that will rise up and take the land for Me. As Jacob of old learned to prosper and become wealthy using My power, so I am raising up My Jacob Entrepreneurs to tap into the wealth of this world, using My power.

As I raised up Joseph of old to take control of the wealth and resources of Egypt, so I am preparing My Joseph Entrepreneurs to overcome the world system and take control of the wealth of this world. And as I raised up Solomon of old to bring the Nation of Israel to a place of unprecedented wealth and prosperity, so I am raising up My Solomon Entrepreneurs to bring a prosperity to the Church that is without precedent in either past generations or in the Church.

As the year comes to a close, says the Lord, an old era will come to a close. And as the New Year begins, so a new era will begin to dawn. And those whom I have called with this new calling will start to become manifest in the world. They shall rise up and be trained by Me and those whom I have raised up for this purpose.

And then will begin a time of prosperity in the Church that has never existed before. A time of breaking free of dependence on the World System; a time of taking control of the wealth of this world. For this new era will see a new breed of leaders arise in the Church, who are called to prepare the way for the Fivefold Ministry and to finance the completion of My commission to take the Gospel to the whole world.

No longer will My servants rely on foreign missionary organizations to support them in their calling. But My Fivefold Ministers and Fivefold Entrepreneurs will stand side by side and go forward together as one, to take this world for My Kingdom.

Behold the New Year that stands before you says the Lord. It will be the year of the Fivefold Entrepreneur, the era of the Fivefold Business Calling. It will be the year of financial deliverance of the Church; the beginning of a new era that will change the face of the Church forever, and prepare the way for My soon return.

The Above Word is available online also at

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