"A popular evangelist reaches your emotions. A true prophet
reaches your conscience." - Leonard Ravenhill.
"What good does it do to speak in tongues on Sunday if you have
been using your tongue during the week to curse and gossip?"
-Leonard Ravenhill.
"Why do we expect to be better treated in this world than Jesus
was?" - Leonard Ravenhill.
"Today´s church wants to be raptured from responsibility."
-Leonard Ravenhill.
"Our seminaries today are turning out dead men."
-Leonard Ravenhill.
"How can you pull down strongholds of Satan if you don´t even
have the strength to turn off your TV?" - Leonard Ravenhill.
"If a Christian is not having tribulation in the world, there´s
something wrong!" - Leonard Ravenhill.
"Many pastors criticize me for taking the Gospel so seriously. But
do they really think that on Judgment Day, Christ will chastise me,
saying, `Leonard, you took Me too seriously´?" - Leonard Ravenhill.
Gereja Tuhan ataupun umat Tuhan harus menyuarakan suara profetik bukan sekedar dalam lingkungan orang percaya tetapi juga berbicara pada bangsa-bangsa yang belum mengenal Dia. Bukan hanya melalui kata-kata tetapi perbuatan kita yang menjadi berkat disertai belas kasihan
Jumat, 08 Juli 2016
What Are You Becoming?
It is
insightful to me that when Luke listed the twelve apostles, when he came
to Judas Iscariot, he identified him as the apostle "who became a
traitor" (Luke 6:16).
Let me start with a question, a sincere question that may be the most important question you can ask yourself: What are you becoming? Judas Iscariot was an apostle "who became a traitor." This was a man who had been used mightily by the Lord to "heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers [and] cast out demons" (Matt. 10:8). Judas knew the excitement, joy and power of personally walking with Jesus. He saw miracles, signs and wonders.
Yet Judas had a serious character flaw, a moral weakness. The Scripture reveals that, despite the fact that God was using him, Judas "was a thief" (John 12:6). He used to pilfer the money box. It is significant, my friend, that Jesus allowed a thief to carry the money box. Sometimes we think the Lord is going to challenge us on every issue, but there are times when His silence about our repeated sin is His rebuke. Judas knew what he was doing was wrong, but since Jesus didn't directly confront him, Judas minimized the severity of his iniquity. Perhaps he rationalized that if pilfering was truly bad, God would not still be using him to work miracles.
How a little leaven leavens the whole lump! A relatively minor sin that we do not attend to can lead to a major sin that destroys our lives. The Bible says that Judas "became a traitor." He started out in ministry loyal to Jesus, but then he began lying about the finances until his deceitful exterior completely hid a very corrupt and darkened heart. Judas was a thief who became a traitor, eventually taking his own life. His compromise with sin went from bad to worse and it destroyed him.
Today Christians look at the world and see injustice, immorality and corruption. The anger we feel because of these things is not only understandable, it's justified. Why shouldn't we be angry at what we see? Indeed, in many instances we are actually watching hell manifest itself through people and situations in the world!
Knowing we would grieve over the evil in the world, God's Word tells us, "Be angry, and yet do not sin" (Eph. 4:26). We must discern at what point anger degrades into sin. Paul continues, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." We can be legitimately angry about things that are truly wrong, but our indignation must find a more noble, redemptive attitude of expression.
I do not mean we shrink into passive indifference; I mean we rise into aggressive intercession. We feel the same passions against unrighteousness, but we learn how to pray the mercy prayer: "Father, forgive them."
I’m thinking of Stephen who while being stoned to death saw Jesus and prayed, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them" (Acts 7:60). Every time we face an injustice may God give us a fresh revelation of Jesus, that we would not pray for judgment, but for mercy. Out of Stephen’s prayer for mercy, grace was released. It tracked down Saul until Saul too saw Jesus.
You see, when we don’t deal with the anger we feel, if we don’t respond to injustice with mercy and intercession, we soon find ourselves becoming something we never intended. Let me say it again: Judas became a traitor.
Judas mutated from an apostle doing miracles into living a double life. Our anger, left unattended, will do the same to us. It causes us to degenerate into something we never planned on becoming: "Christian Pharisees." Paul warned about letting the sun set on our anger as though we had just 24 hours at most to deal with issues. I must admit, there are issues in life that have taken me months of wrestling with them before my indignation was lifted and transformed into intercession. So stay with the struggle until you heart is not embittered, but empowered.
Today America is overstocked with angry Christians. What can we do? We must turn indignation into intercession. We must make our heartache work for us, aligning ourselves with Christ in the prayer of redemption - actually praying for those who persecute us.
Thank God, Jesus didn't look down from the cross at the Pharisees and say, "You need to be taught a lesson. It's the principle." No. He prayed, "Father, forgive them." And then, amazingly, He covered their sin, saying, "They know not what they do."
The sense of Christian indignation infiltrating the church has not come from Heaven. Don't dismiss your anger as a little sin; it disqualified Moses from entering the Promised Land! You see, there are things at stake that are bigger than our indignation about right and wrong. The world is watching how we relate to those who are morally wrong, even when we are biblically right. And they are watching to see if we sound like the Savior or like the Pharisees.
Yet there is one thing more crucial than how the world sees us, and that is how Christ sees us. He is watching what is happening to our hearts. He asks each of us a simple question: Do you know what you're becoming?

Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, The Power of One Christlike Life available at
So instructs Pastor Frangipane in this significant series on releasing the anointing to write. A new generation of writers is being raised up, individuals with something important to speak to the body of Christ. Your arena may be books or articles, blogs, plays, movies or music, but your experiences with God are important and life-changing.
Pastors, learn how to transform your sermons into training material, and even books, to further your effectiveness in teaching.
The wisdom presented by Pastor Frangipane in these seminars was both practical and visionary. If you know someone who has a gift or calling to write but is unsure of how to start, consider giving these albums as an encouragement.
Let me start with a question, a sincere question that may be the most important question you can ask yourself: What are you becoming? Judas Iscariot was an apostle "who became a traitor." This was a man who had been used mightily by the Lord to "heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers [and] cast out demons" (Matt. 10:8). Judas knew the excitement, joy and power of personally walking with Jesus. He saw miracles, signs and wonders.
Yet Judas had a serious character flaw, a moral weakness. The Scripture reveals that, despite the fact that God was using him, Judas "was a thief" (John 12:6). He used to pilfer the money box. It is significant, my friend, that Jesus allowed a thief to carry the money box. Sometimes we think the Lord is going to challenge us on every issue, but there are times when His silence about our repeated sin is His rebuke. Judas knew what he was doing was wrong, but since Jesus didn't directly confront him, Judas minimized the severity of his iniquity. Perhaps he rationalized that if pilfering was truly bad, God would not still be using him to work miracles.
How a little leaven leavens the whole lump! A relatively minor sin that we do not attend to can lead to a major sin that destroys our lives. The Bible says that Judas "became a traitor." He started out in ministry loyal to Jesus, but then he began lying about the finances until his deceitful exterior completely hid a very corrupt and darkened heart. Judas was a thief who became a traitor, eventually taking his own life. His compromise with sin went from bad to worse and it destroyed him.
Today Christians look at the world and see injustice, immorality and corruption. The anger we feel because of these things is not only understandable, it's justified. Why shouldn't we be angry at what we see? Indeed, in many instances we are actually watching hell manifest itself through people and situations in the world!
Knowing we would grieve over the evil in the world, God's Word tells us, "Be angry, and yet do not sin" (Eph. 4:26). We must discern at what point anger degrades into sin. Paul continues, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." We can be legitimately angry about things that are truly wrong, but our indignation must find a more noble, redemptive attitude of expression.
I do not mean we shrink into passive indifference; I mean we rise into aggressive intercession. We feel the same passions against unrighteousness, but we learn how to pray the mercy prayer: "Father, forgive them."
I’m thinking of Stephen who while being stoned to death saw Jesus and prayed, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them" (Acts 7:60). Every time we face an injustice may God give us a fresh revelation of Jesus, that we would not pray for judgment, but for mercy. Out of Stephen’s prayer for mercy, grace was released. It tracked down Saul until Saul too saw Jesus.
You see, when we don’t deal with the anger we feel, if we don’t respond to injustice with mercy and intercession, we soon find ourselves becoming something we never intended. Let me say it again: Judas became a traitor.
Judas mutated from an apostle doing miracles into living a double life. Our anger, left unattended, will do the same to us. It causes us to degenerate into something we never planned on becoming: "Christian Pharisees." Paul warned about letting the sun set on our anger as though we had just 24 hours at most to deal with issues. I must admit, there are issues in life that have taken me months of wrestling with them before my indignation was lifted and transformed into intercession. So stay with the struggle until you heart is not embittered, but empowered.
Today America is overstocked with angry Christians. What can we do? We must turn indignation into intercession. We must make our heartache work for us, aligning ourselves with Christ in the prayer of redemption - actually praying for those who persecute us.
Thank God, Jesus didn't look down from the cross at the Pharisees and say, "You need to be taught a lesson. It's the principle." No. He prayed, "Father, forgive them." And then, amazingly, He covered their sin, saying, "They know not what they do."
The sense of Christian indignation infiltrating the church has not come from Heaven. Don't dismiss your anger as a little sin; it disqualified Moses from entering the Promised Land! You see, there are things at stake that are bigger than our indignation about right and wrong. The world is watching how we relate to those who are morally wrong, even when we are biblically right. And they are watching to see if we sound like the Savior or like the Pharisees.
Yet there is one thing more crucial than how the world sees us, and that is how Christ sees us. He is watching what is happening to our hearts. He asks each of us a simple question: Do you know what you're becoming?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, The Power of One Christlike Life available at
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Save 35-40% on Writers Workshop Media
Limited Time Offer
Limited Time Offer
Training Series for Writers and Aspiring Writers
"The word
from God that touched and changed your heart will touch and change the
hearts of others too. So write it! Get it out in one form or another." So instructs Pastor Frangipane in this significant series on releasing the anointing to write. A new generation of writers is being raised up, individuals with something important to speak to the body of Christ. Your arena may be books or articles, blogs, plays, movies or music, but your experiences with God are important and life-changing.
Pastors, learn how to transform your sermons into training material, and even books, to further your effectiveness in teaching.
The wisdom presented by Pastor Frangipane in these seminars was both practical and visionary. If you know someone who has a gift or calling to write but is unsure of how to start, consider giving these albums as an encouragement.
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Senin, 04 Juli 2016
Unoffendable, Part 2: False Expectations
Unoffendable, Part 2:
False Expectations
(En Español)
"Then shall
many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one
another. . . . And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall
wax cold" (Matt. 24:10-12 KJV).False Expectations
(En Español)
The Sequence That Leads to Apostasy
In our last teaching we looked at offenses and examined the lethal effect an offended spirit could have upon our lives. We discussed how the only way to not be permanently offended was to attain the unoffendable heart of Jesus Christ.
Attaining Christ's heart is not a minor issue. Remember, Jesus warned that in the last days "many" would be offended.
A wounded spirit is not the same thing as an offended spirit. We may have experienced a cutting remark or slander from someone that wounds us. As the wave of this event rolls over our thoughts, it is right at this moment that we must determine the outcome, that with God's help we will make this work for us. It is at this juncture that we must process our wounds in a Christlike manner. If we fail to respond rightly we will begin to fake our Christianity.
Indeed, an offended spirit, left unattended and brooding in our minds, will soon manifest as betrayal, hatred and cold love. Jesus said offenses would be the ultimate cause that leads many to fall away from the faith. Listen well: in the above verse, Jesus linked the real cause of apostasy not only to wrong doctrines, but wrong reactions.
Isn't it important that our doctrines are correct? Of course, but we can have right information and still have a wrong response. Doctrinal information can always be upgraded and refined, but Proverbs warns that someone "offended is harder to be won than a strong city," and "contentions" between people "are like the bars of a castle" (Prov. 18:19). Yes, beware of false leaders, but more deceitful than false prophets or teachers are our own hearts when they are offended (Jer. 17:9).
Are you living with an offended heart? If so, you are gradually slipping away from true Christianity, which is known for its agape love.
Thus, dealing with an offended heart is vital in maintaining ongoing spiritual maturity. For this reason, we need to look again at the things that offend us.
The unrealistic expectations we sometimes put on others will, at some point, cause people to fall short and offend us. For instance, I know married couples that expect their spouse will meet their every need -- and yes, they will meet some of our needs. However, at the deepest level, our souls were created to find security in God, not man. When the Almighty truly becomes our source of peace and provision, our well-being is defined by our awareness of God's love. As we put our confidence in God, we can live more comfortably with the people around us.
Still, the very strength of our expectations can choke out the sweetness of a personal relationship. Suppose that, instead of burdening people with our expectations, we simply learned to appreciate them for themselves -- no strings attached. What if we approach family and friends with gratitude for who they are rather than disappointment for what they failed to do?
Suppose that a husband, instead of expecting a full-course dinner from his wife each night, learned to appreciate whatever she was able to offer him? Then instead of his failed expectation degrading into an offense, there would be a living, sincere appreciation for the food his wife prepared. I know we have arrangements by common consent, but in reality, a wife is under no obligation to cook special meals or do housekeeping. You did not marry her to be your housekeeper, but to become one with her.
Or imagine a husband who works a long, tiring job. However, his wife expects that he will work another two hours at home or go shopping with her or listen attentively about her problems. What if instead she welcomed him at the door and sincerely thanked him for daily giving himself to support their family? What if she met him not with demands but with appreciation? Perhaps she might even massage his shoulders and, because of love, have his favorite meal prepared.
You see, expectations can seem like legitimate aspects of a relationship, but false or unrealistic expectations can also cause us to be disappointed and offended when people fall short. I have known situations in the past where my expectations actually blinded me to the efforts being made by a loved one. They were trying to improve in an area I was unaware of because my focus was preset upon a different expectation. I should have been grateful and encouraging, but instead all I thought about was having my expectation fulfilled.
Of course, today I discuss my expectations with those close to me. But the greatest expectation I have is that my heavenly Father will help me to respond like Christ to all situations. I put a premium upon enjoying the uniqueness of others, sincerely thanking God for their contribution to my life.
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Save 35-40% on Writers Workshop Media
Limited Time Offer
Limited Time Offer
Training Series for Writers and Aspiring Writers
word from God that touched and changed your heart will touch and change
the hearts of others too. So write it! Get it out in one form or
another." So instructs Pastor Frangipane in this significant series on releasing the anointing to write. A new generation of writers is being raised up, individuals with something important to speak to the body of Christ. Your arena may be books or articles, blogs, plays, movies or music, but your experiences with God are important and life-changing.
Pastors, learn how to transform your sermons into training material, and even books, to further your effectiveness in teaching.
The wisdom presented by Pastor Frangipane in these seminars was both practical and visionary. If you know someone who has a gift or calling to write but is unsure of how to start, consider giving these albums as an encouragement.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Writers Workshop Series One

Recorded live during our 2005 Writers Workshop, this series from our first workshop is filled with helpful information for writers - new and seasoned. Many attenders testified to the impartation they received from these anointed messages.
An inspiring series of teachings!
Message titles:
Getting Started
Developing Your Style
Authority to Transform Our World
Discipline of Writing
Possessing Creativity
Question and Answers
Getting Started
Developing Your Style
Authority to Transform Our World
Discipline of Writing
Possessing Creativity
Question and Answers
CD series - $23.40 (Retail $36.00)
MP3 download - $10.80 (Retail $18.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Writers Workshop Series Two

Recorded live during our 2009 Writers Workshop, these recordings contain updated material plus all new inspiring teachings. Available in CD, DVD, MP3 download and video download.
Message titles:
How to Become a Great Writer: Testimony
Finding Your Style
You Have Something to Say
Creative Options
Questions and Answers (on CDs only)
CD series - $19.50 (Retail $30.00)
DVD series - $31.20 (Retail $48.00)
MP3 download - $9.00 (Retail $15.00)
Video download - $14.40 (Retail $24.00)
DVD series - $31.20 (Retail $48.00)
MP3 download - $9.00 (Retail $15.00)
Video download - $14.40 (Retail $24.00)
DVD series plus Questions & Answers
Audio CD - $35.10 (Retail $54.00)
Audio CD - $35.10 (Retail $54.00)
Both Workshops
Order both CD albums for only $39.60
(Retail $66.00)
(Retail $66.00)
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