Gereja Tuhan ataupun umat Tuhan harus menyuarakan suara profetik bukan sekedar dalam lingkungan orang percaya tetapi juga berbicara pada bangsa-bangsa yang belum mengenal Dia. Bukan hanya melalui kata-kata tetapi perbuatan kita yang menjadi berkat disertai belas kasihan
Minggu, 28 Desember 2008
Seperti Yesus atau Yudas?
Yudas adalah:
- Salah satu murid Yesus (Luk 6:13-16)
- Ia tetap bersama Yesus saat mayoritas murid meninggalkan Dia (Yoh 6:66). Orang bisa tetap ikut Tuhan namun dengan alasan atau motivasi yang salah.
- Ia menerima kuasa dari Yesus untuk mengusir setan dan menyembuhkan (Luk 9:1-2). Seseorang dapat beroperasi dalam karunia Roh Kudus namun lemah di dalam karakter.
- Motivasi yang tidak murni (dikuasai mammon) (Mat 26:15)
- Suka berbohong dan menipu untuk dapat keuntungan (Mat 26:25)
- Suka “korupsi” uang pelayanan bagi keperluan pribadi (Yoh 12:4-6)
- Ia tidak pernah “ginosko” (mengenal secara intim) Tuhan Yesus.
Bagaimana agar kita menjadi seperti Yesus ?
a. Prioritaskan Tuhan (Mrk 1:35):
1. Doa bukan sebagai aktivitas agamawi tetapi sebagai saat kita berkomunikasi dengan BAPA hingga kita tahu apa isi hati BAPA, apa yang sedang BAPA kerjakan, apa yang BAPA mau kita sampaikan, dstnya (Yoh 10:14-15, 5:19-20)
2. Membaca Firman Tuhan bukan sebagai aktivitas agama tetapi menyadari Firman Tuhan akan memberi hikmat dan tuntunan untuk pertumbuhan rohani bila kita menerapkannya (2 Tim 3:15-17)
3. Menjadi teladan kehidupan dalam “keluarga”, karakter yang teruji dalam rumahtangga (Ef 5:21-6:4, 1 Tim 3:2-5, Tit 1:6-9, 1 Ptr 3:1-7)
4. Memiliki belas kasihan Kristus terhadap sesama (Mat 9:36, Luk 10:25-37). Belaskasihan sebagai landasan melayani sesama, bukan karena pujian sesama atau tugas.
Kita dapat melayani Tuhan tanpa mengasihiNya, namun siapa yang mengasihi Tuhan pasti melayani.
b. Kenali tanda murid Kristus:
1. Pikul salib setiap hari (Luk 9:23)
2. Miliki motivasi murni/karakter Kristus/integritas yang teruji (1 Ptr 1:14-16, Mat 5:48, Yoh 14:15)
3. Kuasa otoritas (Mrk 16:15-18)
4. Menjadi saksi (martur=martir) (Kis 1:8)
5. Menghasilkan murid secara natural (Mat 28:18-20)
Saat anda diubah dan berubah, kesan orang lain terhadap anda berubah (Mat 7:28-29)
c. Iblis akan berupaya menghancurkan anda, oleh sebab itu ingat ini:
1. Anda ciptaan baru (2 Kor 5:17, 15, Yoh 1:12). Anda tercipta dengan kesanggupan untuk taat padaNya.
2. Anda perlu memperbaharui pikiran (jiwa) dengan mengenakan pikiran Kristus (kebenaran Firman Tuhan) (2 Kor 10:3-5, Rm 12:2)
Jumat, 26 Desember 2008
Top Scholars and Experts Confirm the Truth of Christianity
For Immediate Release
HOLLYWOOD, CA (ANS) -- A new survey recently showed that 70% of people in Great Britain doubted the biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ but they are "gravely mistaken," says Dr. Ted Baehr, a professional scholar and theologian who founded The Christian Film & Television Commission® ministry in 1985.
Christianity is true as well as historical, factual and "intellectually sound," Dr. Baehr asserted.
"Top scholars, historians and experts have confirmed that the Bible is the most historically and intellectually reliable ancient text in the whole world, including the Bible's account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles and disciples who wrote the New Testament documents," Dr. Baehr said.
He cited the work of numerous top scholars, historians and experts, such as C.S. Lewis, Gary Habermas, F.F. Bruce, William Lane Craig, John A.T. Robinson, John Warwick Montgomery, Bruce Metzger, Simon Greenleaf, Stuart C. Hackett, J. Gresham Machen, Ronald Nash, Edwin Yamauchi, Craig Blomberg, John Wenham, Lee Strobel, Paul Maier, and N.T. Wright.
"These people are wonderfully astute thinkers, investigators and writers," Dr. Baehr said. "They have refuted all of the important lies, half-truths and silly comments against Jesus, His apostles, the Bible, and Christianity made by non-Christians and even by some allegedly former Christians."
"Not only can you have complete faith in the New Testament documents and what they say about the virgin birth, divinity, crucifixion, resurrection, and teachings of Jesus Christ," Dr. Baehr said, "but you can also rely on what they say about non-Christian places, people and events, such as the names and titles of Roman government officials.
"Jesus is both God and Man," he added. "He was born of a virgin, never sinned in His life, died for our sins, and rose on the third day. Turn away from your sins and faults, believe in Jesus and His teachings, and be baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
The Christian Film & Television Commission® ministry, a non-profit organization registered with the IRS, and its publication, MOVIEGUIDE®: A Family Guide to Movies, Entertainment and Culture, are dedicated to "redeeming the values of the entertainment industry by influencing industry executives and by informing and equipping the public about the influence of the entertainment media."
For more information, please visit, call 1-800-899-6684 or write to
- Source: © Baehr, MOVIEGUIDE®,, 12/25/08.
For Immediate Release
HOLLYWOOD, CA (ANS) -- A new survey recently showed that 70% of people in Great Britain doubted the biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ but they are "gravely mistaken," says Dr. Ted Baehr, a professional scholar and theologian who founded The Christian Film & Television Commission® ministry in 1985.
Christianity is true as well as historical, factual and "intellectually sound," Dr. Baehr asserted.
"Top scholars, historians and experts have confirmed that the Bible is the most historically and intellectually reliable ancient text in the whole world, including the Bible's account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles and disciples who wrote the New Testament documents," Dr. Baehr said.
He cited the work of numerous top scholars, historians and experts, such as C.S. Lewis, Gary Habermas, F.F. Bruce, William Lane Craig, John A.T. Robinson, John Warwick Montgomery, Bruce Metzger, Simon Greenleaf, Stuart C. Hackett, J. Gresham Machen, Ronald Nash, Edwin Yamauchi, Craig Blomberg, John Wenham, Lee Strobel, Paul Maier, and N.T. Wright.
"These people are wonderfully astute thinkers, investigators and writers," Dr. Baehr said. "They have refuted all of the important lies, half-truths and silly comments against Jesus, His apostles, the Bible, and Christianity made by non-Christians and even by some allegedly former Christians."
"Not only can you have complete faith in the New Testament documents and what they say about the virgin birth, divinity, crucifixion, resurrection, and teachings of Jesus Christ," Dr. Baehr said, "but you can also rely on what they say about non-Christian places, people and events, such as the names and titles of Roman government officials.
"Jesus is both God and Man," he added. "He was born of a virgin, never sinned in His life, died for our sins, and rose on the third day. Turn away from your sins and faults, believe in Jesus and His teachings, and be baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
The Christian Film & Television Commission® ministry, a non-profit organization registered with the IRS, and its publication, MOVIEGUIDE®: A Family Guide to Movies, Entertainment and Culture, are dedicated to "redeeming the values of the entertainment industry by influencing industry executives and by informing and equipping the public about the influence of the entertainment media."
For more information, please visit, call 1-800-899-6684 or write to
- Source: © Baehr, MOVIEGUIDE®,, 12/25/08.
A Politically Incorrect Christmas in Baghdad
A Politically Incorrect Christmas in Baghdad
By Ken Joseph Jr.
Special to ASSIST News Service
WASHINGTON/BAGHDAD (ANS) -- Walking the streets of Washington DC leading up to Christmas, I have come across a most interesting phenomenon..
Nowhere, and I mean absolutely nowhere, is Jesus to be found!
It is truly amazing!
Extensive Christmas decorations are everywhere, in the stores, on the streets, wherever you turn it is Christmas!
I started to talking to people and asking them the simple question, “Isn't Christmas celebrating the birthday of Jesus?”
The answers I got were quite amazing.
Literally everybody I talked to, paused and said, “You know; you’re right! It is supposed to be His birthday. What happened to Jesus?"
Imagine if you had a birthday. Your friends all came over, they partied, they ate, they exchanged presents and everybody acted if you didn't even exist.
Well, after a few minutes of that, you would stand up and say, “Hey! It's my birthday!”
As I began to talk to people, dozens of them, I started to get angry. No matter what faith, creed, color - and you can find just about anything in Washington - they agreed. It just wasn't right!
Christmas, celebrating the birthday of Jesus and amazingly there appears to be a very studied attempt to completely ignore Him.
Well, contrast that to Baghdad. I am an Assyrian Christian and my family is originally from the Iraqi village of Mahmoudia in Northern Iraq.
I was there during Saddam’s time and remember the sheer terror that reigned 24 hours a day. The constant fear that you could be hauled off by one of his “goons” and never seen again.
Well in Iraq thanks to our failed policies the poor Iraqis have not learned yet that you are supposed to ignore Jesus on Christmas.
Sponsored by the Iraqi Government -- no separation of Church and State here -- there was a special Christmas Celebration in downtown Baghdad.
Guess what was the main attraction? A huge Christmas tree topped by a Star? A massive Santa Claus? Fake snow?
Nope! They had a huge picture of… you got it, Jesus!
There it was! A huge, beautifully painted color painting of Jesus, the center of the Christmas celebration!
Iraqi Government spokesman Abdul Karim Khalaf took it all one step further when he announced on behalf of the Iraqi Government, “All Iraqis are Christians today.”
Did I miss something?
No, I didn't.
After meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki, on behalf of the Assyrian Christians, I paused and said, “Prime Minister, would you mind if I prayed for you?”
He beamed, ordered all his beefy, confused security guards who were surrounding us, to bow their heads and we had a wonderful time of prayer.
Meeting later with Iraqi President Talabani on the same subject, I asked the question again. This time he pointed to his chest and said, “I just had surgery on my heart - pray here!”
I thought to myself what kind of a reception I would get on Capitol Hill, at the State Department, or a dozen other Government Agencies, after a meeting, if I asked, “Would you mind if I prayed for you?”
A cold silence? Mass panic? A straight “no” - with a couple exceptions.
Well, Washington, and all of us this Christmas can learn something from the poor, politically incorrect Iraqis.
By the way, if Iraq is doing so bad, why is it that I can’t seem to book my ticket to get back there, as there are no open seats!
As every Iraqi Government says so proudly they have been “liberated”` and now celebrate Christmas the way it should be with a huge picture of Jesus whose birthday Christmas is!
May God bless them all and may He call us back to our senses before it is too late.
Of all times in the middle of an economic crisis it is not the time to make the birthday guest upset!
How stupid can you get!
Christmas is the birthday of Jesus and the Iraqis got it right - put Him up front and center! The Iraqis at least know that much! They need Him and all the blessings they can get!
By Ken Joseph Jr.
Special to ASSIST News Service
WASHINGTON/BAGHDAD (ANS) -- Walking the streets of Washington DC leading up to Christmas, I have come across a most interesting phenomenon..
Nowhere, and I mean absolutely nowhere, is Jesus to be found!
It is truly amazing!
Extensive Christmas decorations are everywhere, in the stores, on the streets, wherever you turn it is Christmas!
I started to talking to people and asking them the simple question, “Isn't Christmas celebrating the birthday of Jesus?”
The answers I got were quite amazing.
Literally everybody I talked to, paused and said, “You know; you’re right! It is supposed to be His birthday. What happened to Jesus?"
Imagine if you had a birthday. Your friends all came over, they partied, they ate, they exchanged presents and everybody acted if you didn't even exist.
Well, after a few minutes of that, you would stand up and say, “Hey! It's my birthday!”
As I began to talk to people, dozens of them, I started to get angry. No matter what faith, creed, color - and you can find just about anything in Washington - they agreed. It just wasn't right!
Christmas, celebrating the birthday of Jesus and amazingly there appears to be a very studied attempt to completely ignore Him.
Well, contrast that to Baghdad. I am an Assyrian Christian and my family is originally from the Iraqi village of Mahmoudia in Northern Iraq.
I was there during Saddam’s time and remember the sheer terror that reigned 24 hours a day. The constant fear that you could be hauled off by one of his “goons” and never seen again.
Well in Iraq thanks to our failed policies the poor Iraqis have not learned yet that you are supposed to ignore Jesus on Christmas.
Sponsored by the Iraqi Government -- no separation of Church and State here -- there was a special Christmas Celebration in downtown Baghdad.
Guess what was the main attraction? A huge Christmas tree topped by a Star? A massive Santa Claus? Fake snow?
Nope! They had a huge picture of… you got it, Jesus!
There it was! A huge, beautifully painted color painting of Jesus, the center of the Christmas celebration!
Iraqi Government spokesman Abdul Karim Khalaf took it all one step further when he announced on behalf of the Iraqi Government, “All Iraqis are Christians today.”
Did I miss something?
No, I didn't.
After meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki, on behalf of the Assyrian Christians, I paused and said, “Prime Minister, would you mind if I prayed for you?”
He beamed, ordered all his beefy, confused security guards who were surrounding us, to bow their heads and we had a wonderful time of prayer.
Meeting later with Iraqi President Talabani on the same subject, I asked the question again. This time he pointed to his chest and said, “I just had surgery on my heart - pray here!”
I thought to myself what kind of a reception I would get on Capitol Hill, at the State Department, or a dozen other Government Agencies, after a meeting, if I asked, “Would you mind if I prayed for you?”
A cold silence? Mass panic? A straight “no” - with a couple exceptions.
Well, Washington, and all of us this Christmas can learn something from the poor, politically incorrect Iraqis.
By the way, if Iraq is doing so bad, why is it that I can’t seem to book my ticket to get back there, as there are no open seats!
As every Iraqi Government says so proudly they have been “liberated”` and now celebrate Christmas the way it should be with a huge picture of Jesus whose birthday Christmas is!
May God bless them all and may He call us back to our senses before it is too late.
Of all times in the middle of an economic crisis it is not the time to make the birthday guest upset!
How stupid can you get!
Christmas is the birthday of Jesus and the Iraqis got it right - put Him up front and center! The Iraqis at least know that much! They need Him and all the blessings they can get!
Ahmadinejad show "causes offence"
Ahmadinejad show ‘causes offence’
Huge row breaks out in Britain over his Channel 4 Alternative Christmas Message
By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries
LONDON, UK (ANS) -- Allowing Iran's president to deliver Channel 4's Alternative Christmas Message will cause “international offence,” the UK government has said.
The BBC stated in a story that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was shown telling viewers of the British TV channel “the general will of nations” was for a return to “human values.”
The decision angered some British MPs, who branded him a “dangerous fanatic” with anti-Semitic views.
Channel 4 said it had offered viewers an “alternative world view.”
“The speech, in Farsi with English subtitles, was the channel's 16th alternative message and was shown after a brief introduction to Mr. Ahmadinejad contextualizing his views,” said the BBC story.
“In it, Mr. Ahmadinejad congratulated the people of Britain on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.
“He said that problems in society were rooted in the rejection of the message of the prophets of God, including Jesus.”
And he criticized the “indifference of some governments and powers” towards the teachings of “the divine prophets.”
However, a British Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokeswoman said: “President Ahmadinejad has during his time in office made a series of appalling anti-Semitic statements.
“The British media are rightly free to make their own editorial choices, but this invitation will cause offence and bemusement not just at home but amongst friendly countries abroad.”
Labour MP Louise Ellman, chairwoman of the Labour Jewish Movement, said: “I condemn Channel 4's decision to give an unchallenged platform to a dangerous fanatic who denies the Holocaust, while preparing for another, and claims homosexuality does not exist while his regime hangs gay young men from cranes in the street.
“Who will deliver next year's alternative Christmas message? Will it be David Irving or Robert Mugabe?”
Conservative MP Mark Pritchard, a member of the Commons all-party media group, said: “Channel 4 has given a platform to a man who wants to annihilate Israel and continues to persecute Christians at Christmas time.
“This raises serious questions about whether Channel 4 should receive an increased public subsidy for their programmes.”
The BBC said that Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor said: “In Iran, converts to Christianity face the death penalty. It is perverse that this despot is allowed to speculate on the views of Jesus, while his government leads Christ's followers to the gallows.”
He said Channel 4's decision to broadcast the message was a “scandal and a national embarrassment” and in “its search for ratings and shock factor, Channel 4 had lost its ethical way.”
Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell joined the attack, calling the president a “criminal despot, who ranks with Robert Mugabe, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and the Burmese military junta as one of the world's most bloody tyrants.”
‘Enormously influential’
But Channel 4 defended its decision to broadcast the message.
Head of news and current affairs Dorothy Byrne said: “As the leader of one of the most powerful states in the Middle East, President Ahmadinejad's views are enormously influential. As we approach a critical time in international relations, we are offering our viewers an insight into an alternative world view.”
A spokesman added: “Channel 4's role is to allow viewers to hear directly from people of world importance with sufficient context to enable them to make up their own minds.”
He said the channel had not asked for increased public funding, rather an indirect subsidy to overcome a funding shortfall caused by the digital switchover.
“Channel 4's first alternative message was delivered by gay icon Quentin Crisp in 1993,” said the BBC. “Others to have given the broadcast include French actress Brigitte Bardot, former X Factor judge Sharon Osbourne and TV chef Jamie Oliver.
“Last year's message was given by Sergeant Major Andrew Stockton, a British soldier who lost an arm fighting in Afghanistan.
“Unlike previous years, the president's message was broadcast at night and not at the same time as the Queen's speech.”
Huge row breaks out in Britain over his Channel 4 Alternative Christmas Message
By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries
LONDON, UK (ANS) -- Allowing Iran's president to deliver Channel 4's Alternative Christmas Message will cause “international offence,” the UK government has said.
The BBC stated in a story that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was shown telling viewers of the British TV channel “the general will of nations” was for a return to “human values.”
The decision angered some British MPs, who branded him a “dangerous fanatic” with anti-Semitic views.
Channel 4 said it had offered viewers an “alternative world view.”
“The speech, in Farsi with English subtitles, was the channel's 16th alternative message and was shown after a brief introduction to Mr. Ahmadinejad contextualizing his views,” said the BBC story.
“In it, Mr. Ahmadinejad congratulated the people of Britain on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.
“He said that problems in society were rooted in the rejection of the message of the prophets of God, including Jesus.”
And he criticized the “indifference of some governments and powers” towards the teachings of “the divine prophets.”
However, a British Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokeswoman said: “President Ahmadinejad has during his time in office made a series of appalling anti-Semitic statements.
“The British media are rightly free to make their own editorial choices, but this invitation will cause offence and bemusement not just at home but amongst friendly countries abroad.”
Labour MP Louise Ellman, chairwoman of the Labour Jewish Movement, said: “I condemn Channel 4's decision to give an unchallenged platform to a dangerous fanatic who denies the Holocaust, while preparing for another, and claims homosexuality does not exist while his regime hangs gay young men from cranes in the street.
“Who will deliver next year's alternative Christmas message? Will it be David Irving or Robert Mugabe?”
Conservative MP Mark Pritchard, a member of the Commons all-party media group, said: “Channel 4 has given a platform to a man who wants to annihilate Israel and continues to persecute Christians at Christmas time.
“This raises serious questions about whether Channel 4 should receive an increased public subsidy for their programmes.”
The BBC said that Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor said: “In Iran, converts to Christianity face the death penalty. It is perverse that this despot is allowed to speculate on the views of Jesus, while his government leads Christ's followers to the gallows.”
He said Channel 4's decision to broadcast the message was a “scandal and a national embarrassment” and in “its search for ratings and shock factor, Channel 4 had lost its ethical way.”
Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell joined the attack, calling the president a “criminal despot, who ranks with Robert Mugabe, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and the Burmese military junta as one of the world's most bloody tyrants.”
‘Enormously influential’
But Channel 4 defended its decision to broadcast the message.
Head of news and current affairs Dorothy Byrne said: “As the leader of one of the most powerful states in the Middle East, President Ahmadinejad's views are enormously influential. As we approach a critical time in international relations, we are offering our viewers an insight into an alternative world view.”
A spokesman added: “Channel 4's role is to allow viewers to hear directly from people of world importance with sufficient context to enable them to make up their own minds.”
He said the channel had not asked for increased public funding, rather an indirect subsidy to overcome a funding shortfall caused by the digital switchover.
“Channel 4's first alternative message was delivered by gay icon Quentin Crisp in 1993,” said the BBC. “Others to have given the broadcast include French actress Brigitte Bardot, former X Factor judge Sharon Osbourne and TV chef Jamie Oliver.
“Last year's message was given by Sergeant Major Andrew Stockton, a British soldier who lost an arm fighting in Afghanistan.
“Unlike previous years, the president's message was broadcast at night and not at the same time as the Queen's speech.”
Selasa, 23 Desember 2008
Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2009
Merry Christmas and a happy new Year 2009. Harapan kami di malam Natal kita sekali lagi berjumpa secara pribadi dengan KRISTUS. Doa kami sekeluarga ada penghiburan dan kekuatan yang baru di malam Natal ini.
We that love and care for you,
Dave and Novie
We that love and care for you,
Dave and Novie
Selasa, 02 Desember 2008
What happend to Demas?
What Happened to Demas?
by J.D. King
Have you wondered what it was like to participate in a great move of God? In the first century there were a handful of men who had this privilege. Reflecting on them, the Apostle Paul wrote the following:
"Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends you greetings. And so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke, my fellow workers. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philemon 1:22-25)
Paul names several men in this overlooked passage; calling them "fellow workers." Just visualize for a moment what it must have been like? What miracles you would have experienced as you stood beside the apostle?
However, as you consider the opportunities afforded these men, you cannot overlook their spiritual character. On the pages of another epistle, Paul makes reference to this.
"Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis. Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings."(Colossians 4:12-14)
These men – described by Paul as "dear friends" – wrestled in prayer. They stood in the gap so others could find spiritual strength and maturity. They were great warriors for God. I certainly would not be shocked if many unrecorded exploits were accomplished through their ministries.
However, when reading about these men, it is easy to forget that they were moving through the opening stages of revival. We are listening in as everything is new and exciting. It is not difficult to grab hold of the purposes of God when everything is fresh and easy. It is an entirely different manner when things become hard and a difficult battle ensues.
In these quiet early passages, the great challenges of ministry are not yet manifest. Yes, hints of danger are on the horizon, but mounting persecution has not yet raised its head. In these triumphant moments, Paul and friends are conquering every obstruction before them.
It is easy to run as long as light remains, but what happens when the shadows lengthen.
As warm winds shifted and the seasons changed, this mighty apostolic team began to face difficult opposition. No longer was it painless to minister the gospel. The new crowds they were encountering were not as open to the message as the earlier ones. Paul and his workers were not only being publicly denounced by the Greeks, they were experiencing violence from prominent Jews.
In the closing years of Paul's life, many who once stood beside him dishonorably abandoned him. Anointed men with promising futures were convinced that they could not handle the pressure. It is easy to stand up for righteous when things are good, but who will remain in the face of mounting difficulty.
One can almost hear the deep sadness in Paul's voice as he appealed to Timothy - one of the few men who remained faithful.
"Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me." (2 Timothy 4:9-11)
In this tragic epistolary exchange, Paul digresses about Demas; a man once referenced in the same breath as Luke (Colossians 4:14). Who was this troubled man and what became of him? When reading about Demas, many write him off as a pretender; a charlatan who was never really in the faith. For others, Demas' story is little more than a distracting sideline in Paul's overarching theological discourse. They believe these verses are interesting but inapplicable; something passed over on the way to more important passages. This is a wrong outlook. Mistaken assumptions cause us to miss the greater lesson of this scripture.
We have forgotten not only who we are, but where we have come from and where we are going. Churchgoers are blinded to the fact that we are becoming like Demas. Sure we started out in the right direction; moving in the glory and power of the Lord. We loved Jesus with all our heart and were prepared to serve Him all the days of our life.
Somewhere along the way things got harder. Troubles of this world came and started choking the purposes of God. You had everything you needed to fight, but somehow lost heart. Passionate people of the Kingdom are in danger of losing their way. What happened to Demas? Whatever it was you cannot let it happen to you.
by J.D. King
Have you wondered what it was like to participate in a great move of God? In the first century there were a handful of men who had this privilege. Reflecting on them, the Apostle Paul wrote the following:
"Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends you greetings. And so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke, my fellow workers. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philemon 1:22-25)
Paul names several men in this overlooked passage; calling them "fellow workers." Just visualize for a moment what it must have been like? What miracles you would have experienced as you stood beside the apostle?
However, as you consider the opportunities afforded these men, you cannot overlook their spiritual character. On the pages of another epistle, Paul makes reference to this.
"Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis. Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings."(Colossians 4:12-14)
These men – described by Paul as "dear friends" – wrestled in prayer. They stood in the gap so others could find spiritual strength and maturity. They were great warriors for God. I certainly would not be shocked if many unrecorded exploits were accomplished through their ministries.
However, when reading about these men, it is easy to forget that they were moving through the opening stages of revival. We are listening in as everything is new and exciting. It is not difficult to grab hold of the purposes of God when everything is fresh and easy. It is an entirely different manner when things become hard and a difficult battle ensues.
In these quiet early passages, the great challenges of ministry are not yet manifest. Yes, hints of danger are on the horizon, but mounting persecution has not yet raised its head. In these triumphant moments, Paul and friends are conquering every obstruction before them.
It is easy to run as long as light remains, but what happens when the shadows lengthen.
As warm winds shifted and the seasons changed, this mighty apostolic team began to face difficult opposition. No longer was it painless to minister the gospel. The new crowds they were encountering were not as open to the message as the earlier ones. Paul and his workers were not only being publicly denounced by the Greeks, they were experiencing violence from prominent Jews.
In the closing years of Paul's life, many who once stood beside him dishonorably abandoned him. Anointed men with promising futures were convinced that they could not handle the pressure. It is easy to stand up for righteous when things are good, but who will remain in the face of mounting difficulty.
One can almost hear the deep sadness in Paul's voice as he appealed to Timothy - one of the few men who remained faithful.
"Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me." (2 Timothy 4:9-11)
In this tragic epistolary exchange, Paul digresses about Demas; a man once referenced in the same breath as Luke (Colossians 4:14). Who was this troubled man and what became of him? When reading about Demas, many write him off as a pretender; a charlatan who was never really in the faith. For others, Demas' story is little more than a distracting sideline in Paul's overarching theological discourse. They believe these verses are interesting but inapplicable; something passed over on the way to more important passages. This is a wrong outlook. Mistaken assumptions cause us to miss the greater lesson of this scripture.
We have forgotten not only who we are, but where we have come from and where we are going. Churchgoers are blinded to the fact that we are becoming like Demas. Sure we started out in the right direction; moving in the glory and power of the Lord. We loved Jesus with all our heart and were prepared to serve Him all the days of our life.
Somewhere along the way things got harder. Troubles of this world came and started choking the purposes of God. You had everything you needed to fight, but somehow lost heart. Passionate people of the Kingdom are in danger of losing their way. What happened to Demas? Whatever it was you cannot let it happen to you.
Selasa, 11 November 2008
A Corporate Revival in KC
A Corporate Revival in KC: a Report
by Robert Ricciardelli
Joyce and I recently had the privilege of being hosted by Steve and Kathy Gray and the World Revival Church in Kansas City. Steve had seen some of our newsletter articles come through regarding Lakeland. Without being critical, Steve notified Lee Grady and myself about what was going on in his church that was powerful and yet God honoring. He invited Lee and I, and our wives to come and see what God has been doing there. Lee could not work it out in his schedule, but Joyce and I were able to go.
For those who do not know, Steve and Kathy Gray were the pastors of the Smithton Revival, more information here. They are now in the Lee’s Summit area of Kansas City. They are not only pastors but are also producers of the Emmy Award winning Steve and Kathy Show. I was able to conduct an interview that is now being edited and I will share with you as it becomes available.
We were treated very well by everyone and we believe Steve and Kathy will be lifetime friends and partners. Here are some highlights of what we saw in our 4 days there.
Humility: Steve and Kathy walk with a limp. There is nothing sweeter in my eyes than humility. I will take humility over anything in the world. These two in the midst of God promoting them, and their ability to influence, are humble and give all glory and honor to the Father. We see this in their leadership team as well. They see God showing up, and yet they do not own it, and they do not think they are exclusive in their experience.
Word: The Word of life is preached. They do not glory in the signs and wonders but glory in Jesus. They are not looking for gold dust, but searching for the character of Jesus. They are not seeking 3rd heaven experiences, but asking the Lord to bring heaven to earth now. Jesus is exalted and unlike recent leaders I have seen, Steve and Kathy do a great job of deflecting any glory from themselves as leaders. Deflecting all glory from self is a sign of humility and another reason why Joyce and I fell in love with them.
Presence: The people of WRC go after God with all that is within them and God is showing up. Joyce and I have been to Lakeland and we did not sense the presence of God in power like we did at WRC. We also witnessed some healings and dozens of lives changed right before our very eyes. I must note that these folks do not hype or embellish what God is doing. They do not use it to say look at us, so this was a far departure from some of what we saw this year at some other notable events.
People: We got to meet most of the pastors there as well as many members and they were genuine in their love and passion for Jesus. Their zeal was real and not pumped up. Many of them had powerful testimonies of radically transformed lifestyles. Joyce and I felt welcomed and loved. This life is also now spilling into their everyday lives and impacting their spheres in the marketplace.
Relationships: They really are a family. A very committed people. When God called them from Smithton to Kansas City, 68 families quit jobs, sold homes and moved to be part of the work God had for them in their new community. They went in faith and God has further brought them together as family, and they really do love each other and it is very evident. I see a very “safe place” for mutually submitted relationships and a community growing together.
Expression: Those who know us know that we value every corporate and organic expression of Christ-like living. We have seen radical Christians in house churches, denominational, combinational, and nominal expressions of faith communities. We believe that any expression that does not breed lives that bring His presence, nature, and character to the outside world, is fruitless religion.
WRC begins their time together on Thursday nights for Intercessory prayer. This is foundational in what God is going to do on Friday and Saturday nights as well as Sunday mornings. 75% of the members at this time are engaged in all four of the gatherings each week.
Order: When God shows up and meets the flesh of mankind, there are sometimes reactions that take place both by the Spirit and the flesh. I believe Steve and his teams have done a great job to make it a safe and refreshing place to be for not only the members, but the guests that come each week. Regardless of your expression, you would most likely appreciate the order during the worship services.
Testimonies: I really appreciate the time they take in every service for testimonies. They usually have at least 5 testify of the manifest power of God that has just changed their lives. One First Nation man who had never been churched felt the fire of God consume Him and began to worship Jesus. A woman, who was on the verge of suicide from lifelong pain, was divinely rescued. Some of these will be on the taped interview that is now being edited.
Summary: We all have out presuppositions of what church looks like, what revival is, how we gather, how we worship, etc. Maybe there is a better word for revival these days. Joyce and I look for Jesus in the midst of many expressions and gatherings. We saw Jesus show up in marvelous ways in the life of the people at WRC. We felt His presence, and we saw transformed lives that were being carried out into the fabric of society. We may need to redefine what revival is at some point, but if changed lives (repentance), changed character, and moving in His power are revival, we saw many rumblings of this at our time at World Revival Church.
If you get a chance to visit the Kansas City area Steve, Kathy and the World Revival Church welcome you to visit them. You can get more information on their website
Senin, 03 November 2008
A Lakeland Update
From C. Peter Wagner
October 29, 2008
Dear friends,
This is an update on the aftermath of the Lakeland Outpouring.
As most of you know, a day or so after I went to Lakeland and helped align Todd Bentley with Revival Alliance on June 23, the veil of secrecy over a number of serious, hidden sins began to come off. God has now shaken what could be shaken in Todd's life. On August 12 he announced that he was leaving his wife of nine years, and it had been revealed that he had been directing his attentions toward another woman. This is now history, but many have been asking for an update.
I have delayed sending you this email until I had an official statement from Todd's apostolic alignment, John Arnott, Ché Ahn, and Bill Johnson of Revival Alliance.
Here is their statement, issued October 23, 2008, four months after the alignment:
Dear friends, several years ago, six leadership couples came together formed a relationally based, non-denominational network called Revival Alliance.
When the Lakeland revival broke out Todd Bentley and the revival meetings were coming under much criticism. At the suggestion of Peter Wagner, three of the members of the Revival Alliance team went to Lakeland because the Alliance as a whole wanted to express support for the Lakeland Outpouring and to commission Todd as a revivalistic evangelist. Having been powerfully touched in the Toronto outpouring, and seeing the opposition that came from leaders in the church because of that movement, we wanted to stand with Todd and deflect some of the personal assaults that were coming against him. Many of the attacks were coming from well-respected Christian leaders, people that we still hold in high esteem. Yet the mandate from the Lord was clear. And we stood with Todd and the Fresh Fire Ministries team to both endorse and support this move of God.
Rory and Wendy Alec of God TV also took tremendous risk in airing the revival prime time and broadcasting it to over 200 nations around the world. Their heart is to capture and release the move of God, no matter where it happens, or who God uses as His instrument. This unparalleled media attention gave unusual advertisement for the outpouring. But it also put their whole team in an unusual, high-level position of receiving both praise and criticism.
The impact of the Lakeland Outpouring has been amazing, and it still continues. The record of conversions and miracles of healing is extraordinarily great in number. And the spreading of the revival to nation after nation has also been very significant. The God TV broadcast stirred up the hunger in people from around the world to go to Lakeland and receive from God, but then bring it home to their local churches. Impartation seems to be one of the unusual markers of a genuine move of God. Revival fires began to spread around the world as a result of the impartation received at Lakeland. But as great as the fruit has been, so have the devastation and fallout from Todd's personal failure.
While there must be no toleration or whitewashing of sin, there must also be no allowances for ungodly judgments in the name of Jesus. Hatred often masquerades as a passion for holiness. And while the church has had its share of tragic failures of leaders in recent days and equally tragic reactions, we must get this one right. It is possible to promote holiness and accountability in the spirit of grace.
The quickness to condemn and abandon a fallen comrade has caused us as much concern as has the actual sin of our friend. Some want to humiliate and expose Todd before the world. And then there are others who want to point to the obvious anointing on Todd's life as the sign of God's approval of Todd's behavior. Neither is acceptable to us. There must be deep repentance and thorough restoration.
The restoration process must be firm but loving, while holding to the Kingdom standards of both holiness and grace. The initial goal is not to get Todd preaching again. It is to get him healed from the issues of the heart that have brought devastation to his family, and such shame and failure to him. His gift will always function when given an opportunity. We just want it to come from a place of personal victory and triumph this next time.
Since the announcement of Todd's leaving his wife, Revival Alliance has been working to help restore our fallen brother. Sin is disastrous on any level, but it is well known that "to whom much is given, much is required." Gross sin from someone on Todd's level of influence is devastating. Even so, God is ready to heal and restore.
Todd recently spent three days in Redding, California, with Bill Johnson dealing with the issues of his personal life. Following that, he went to Morningstar Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina, to be with Rick Joyner for the same reason. Rick, along with the Morningstar leadership team, has offered to help in his restoration. With great confidence, Revival Alliance recommends this as the appropriate process for Todd's healing and restoration. Todd will be moving to Morningstar Ministries to live for a season. Rick Joyner's wisdom, along with the strength of the Morningstar community of believers, will be a great support to Todd as he deals with the heart issues that brought about his failures. A council of three has also been formed to give oversight to the restoration process. Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, and Bill Johnson will give oversight as needed.
We appreciate the prayers and support of countless numbers of believers who have continued to support Fresh Fire Ministries. We also appreciate the prayer support of so many for the Revival Alliance. We are also very thankful for Rick Joyner and his whole team that will be working to bring about a complete healing to our friend, Todd Bentley.
It should also be noted that effort is being made to ensure that Shonnah (Todd's wife) and children are also cared for and given opportunity to receive ministry and help. As you may imagine, they have suffered great hurt from this failure.
There are many in Fresh Fire Ministries who also need help. Efforts are being made to serve them as best as possible. John Arnott recently invited the Fresh Fire Ministries associates to Toronto for their Signs and Wonders Conference to receive personal ministry and encouragement. These kinds of efforts will continue.
Bill Johnson, John Arnott, and Rick Joyner have each spent time with the Fresh Fire Ministries board, and will continue to assist them as needed through this tragic season.
Fresh Fire Ministries will continue their crusades and conference schedule around the world. They are a group of ministers with much integrity and a great heart for the lost. Pray for them as they maneuver through the challenging season ahead, while serving the church at large.
We are thankful for the honor of being involved in this crisis.
On behalf of Revival Alliance: John Arnott, Ché Ahn, and Bill Johnson
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Apostolic Protocol
The Todd Bentley situation affords us a good contemporary case study in the proper application of agreed-upon apostolic protocol. Before an international TV audience, Todd affirmed that he desired to be apostolically aligned with Revival Alliance, and then received their apostolic commissioning as a revivalistic evangelist. Almost immediately, the shifting that this alignment produced in the invisible world caused Todd's hidden personal life to begin to unravel until he left the Lakeland Outpouring in early August. Host apostle, Stephen Strader, continued services in Ignited Church until he finally closed it in October.
The Revival Alliance took the first steps toward dealing with Todd's discipline and possible restoration. However, Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries in Ft. Mill, South Carolina, a friend of Todd's, offered his services to help in the process. Revival Alliance, then, decided to outsource the long-term hands-on restoration to Rick. Rick brought his friend, Jack Deere onto his team, and Bill Johnson was added to maintain a link with Revival Alliance.
After reading the Revival Alliance statement above, some have asked not only who is now in charge of the restoration (Rick Joyner authorized by Revival Alliance), but also who would make the official announcement to the body of Christ if and when the restoration is complete and give Todd clearance to resume public ministry? The answer to this question revolves around responsible apostolic protocol, and the proper answer is that only Revival Alliance would be authorized to make such an announcement.
How would I reach that conclusion? Later on, I will explain the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team, but first let me introduce an official statement on apostolic protocol dealing with situations such as Todd Bentley's issued by the group in October:
Statement from the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team
Current issue: Paul Cain and his appearance on the platform of the Lakeland Outpouring I.
The background. At one point rather early in Lakeland Outpouring I, prophet Paul Cain was invited to appear on the platform. A few months before the Outpouring began he had prophesied publicly that such an outpouring would break out in Lakeland, and Todd Bentley felt it would be appropriate to recognize Cain on the platform and let the audience know about his accurate prophecy. While Cain was there, he took the opportunity to announce, among other things, that he had been living a chaste life and that rumors about him were not true.
This event drew criticism from many observers who knew something of Paul Cain's recent experiences. It turned out that he had been living a secret life which involved problems with drunkenness and homosexuality. Three Christian leaders who had been long-time friends and colleagues of Cain, namely Rick Joyner, Mike Bickle, and Jack Deere, attempted to bring correction and restoration privately, but to little avail. Consequently, they decided that, following the precepts of Matthew 18, they had come to the place where they needed to announce Cain's moral turpitude to the church at large with the hope that this public reprimand would speed the process of his restoration. Cain's response was to place himself under the accountability of other, self-chosen, Christian leaders who after a period of time announced that his restoration had been completed and that he was free to return to public ministry. This was an obvious violation of apostolic protocol. The correct apostolic protocol would have been for the three who first blew the whistle publicly to have been involved directly in any announcement to the body of Christ that Cain's restoration had been complete. Not only were the three not involved, but they felt that the timing for such an announcement had been premature.
Bentley knew something of this situation because he reportedly later commented that he had thought (wrongly!) that he had first cleared his intentions of inviting Cain to the platform with Rick Joyner. The problem had become more complicated with Cain's public confession of having lived a chaste life, apparently denying that he ever had been involved in homosexuality. His later explanation that he really meant that he had been chaste only since his "restoration" was not sufficient to change the impression left with the huge international television audience who heard his first words. Our conclusion is that inviting Cain on the platform and allowing him to have the microphone was an unfortunate mistake on the part of Bentley since it was an intended or unintended violation of apostolic protocol.
The principle. What can we learn from this? The principle is that the prescribed restoration of a fallen leader should be undertaken only by or under the direct supervision of the apostle or apostolic group (whether or not the term "apostle" is used) with which the fallen leader has previously aligned. The practice of the leader, himself or herself, slipping out from under a recognized accountability structure in order to select what would inevitably be a more lenient person or group of persons should be regarded by the body of Christ as unacceptable behavior. The proper apostolic protocol should be for those involved in the initial apostolic alignment, and those people only, to make any public announcement on the progress of the restoration or that the restoration has been completed and that the restored leader be allowed once again to resume public ministry.
As a footnote, it should be recorded that in recent years Paul Cain has not been the only high-profile leader to attempt this evasion of accountability. Others have taken similar erroneous pathways, and our opinion is that there should be a general consensus in the church that such behavior will not be repeated or tolerated in the future.
Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team
October 10, 2008
In light of the above statement it seems clear that public reports of the progress or successful termination of Todd Bentley's restoration be made only with the explicit approval of Revival Alliance. Any attempt to circumvent this apostolic protocol (as was done in the case of Paul Cain) should not be regarded as acceptable to the body of Christ. Especially those of us in the charismatically-inclined evangelical stream feel deep embarrassment over a number of recent cases that have taken this deviant route.
The Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team
As I have told you in other emails, after I moderated the meeting at which Todd Bentley was aligned and commissioned, I received over three thousand emails. Many of them expressed dismay and concern over issues that had surfaced during the Outpouring itself and during the commissioning. I carefully cataloged these and simultaneously pulled together a group of apostles which I called the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team. The team included Stephen Strader, Steve Strang, David Cannistraci, Ché Ahn, Lee Grady, Joe Askins, Jeff Beacham, Chuck Pierce, and John Arnott besides myself. One of the first things we did was to analyze the issues raised and end up with a list of 24 important concerns, each of which we would discuss and attempt to issue a public statement to the body of Christ.
We began our work and issued the statement above on apostolic protocol for the Paul Cain case, reducing the list to 23.
Meanwhile, God began speaking to Dutch Sheets, whom many of you know is my pastor at Freedom Church here in Colorado Springs, and who has been recognized as an apostle to our nation. Dutch felt that God was giving him an assignment to deal with many of the issues that I had on my list, and others as well, from a proactive, rather than a reactive posture as I had been doing.
After consulting with John Kilpatrick, Dutch approached me with the possibility of making some changes. I gladly received his suggestions and, frankly, I was greatly relieved. While I chaired Todd's alignment ceremony in obedience to a direct word from God, I did not have the same clear assignment from God to deal with the issues. I had organized the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team only because I felt it was my duty. Dutch now has a passion for the task, while I only had a sense of responsibility. The upshot is that I have now disbanded the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team and passed the torch to Dutch Sheets, who will form a similar group. One condition for Dutch's action was that I would agree to be a member of the new group, which I did. I also think that a proactive stance will be much more profitable for the body of Christ long term than my reactive approach, dealing specifically with problems arising from the Lakeland Outpouring which no longer exists.
That is my update for now, and probably the last one I will issue on the subject of Lakeland. Criticisms of what I have done have been severe, but affirmations have outnumbered them maybe one hundred to one. Only a few have been so upset that they have severed relations with me, and I deeply regret this. But I have no regrets over what I have done in the last four months, although there are undoubtedly a few things that I could have done better.
Let's move on to new horizons for the kingdom of God!
Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008
Worshiping At The Altar Of Success
by David Ravenhill
Though you may find it hard to believe, there is an addiction more subtle and more powerful than either drugs or pornography. It’s older than prostitution, more prevalent than alcohol, more addictive than cocaine. It doesn’t discriminate between male and female, black or white, young or old, rich or poor. Its strength is greater than all other addictions combined. It’s as rampant in the Church as it is in the world. It leaves the body unscathed but destroys the soul. The vast majority of people addicted have little if any understanding of its power or perils.
The history of the worship of success dates back to Lucifer, the rebellious archangel who wanted to relegate God to a subordinate role and take the ‘top gun’ position for himself. This desire for success soon spread throughout the earth like a cancer, reaching its pinnacle with mankind seeking to build a tower and to make for themselves a name. What a contrast in attitudes we find between Genesis 11 and 12. Chapter 11 exposes man striving for recognition, while chapter 12 we find God promising humble Abraham that He would make his name great.
A clear picture of this obsession with success can be found in the story of King Ahaz. His numerous sins had brought judgment upon himself and the nation of Judah. This punishment came through the king of Aram who carried off a great number of his people as captives. Embarrassed and distressed over his glaring defeat, the Jewish king made the monumental mistake of attributing the Aramean victory to their gods. Whatever small faith he may have had in Jehovah was completely discarded in favor of idol worship. “Because the gods of the kings of Aram helped them,” he reasoned, “I will sacrifice to them that they may help me.” (II Chronicles 28:23) It seems that Ahaz was prepared to pay any price for success.
Lamentably, it seems that much of the American Church holds this same misguided logic. Pastors around the nation are flocking to follow the ‘mega church’ pattern, believing that what worked somewhere else will work for them as well. We now have the mentality that success is purely numerical. Witness what the Barna Research Group stated as the result of a recent study:
“The most discouraging study we ever conducted was one in which we attempted to identify churches in the U.S. that consistently and intelligently evaluate life transformation among the people to whom they minister. We found that very few churches - emphasis on very - measure anything beyond attendance, donations, square footage, number of programs and size of staff. None of that necessarily reflects life transformation.” (Italics mine)
How tragic! Success is now measured by attendance, donations, square footage, etc. It’s time we stopped worshipping the ‘gods of success’ and turned our gaze afresh upon the Lord, for beholding we will be changed. I think that is the definition of SUCCESS in the Kingdom of God.
Worshiping At The Altar Of Success
by David Ravenhill
Though you may find it hard to believe, there is an addiction more subtle and more powerful than either drugs or pornography. It’s older than prostitution, more prevalent than alcohol, more addictive than cocaine. It doesn’t discriminate between male and female, black or white, young or old, rich or poor. Its strength is greater than all other addictions combined. It’s as rampant in the Church as it is in the world. It leaves the body unscathed but destroys the soul. The vast majority of people addicted have little if any understanding of its power or perils.
The history of the worship of success dates back to Lucifer, the rebellious archangel who wanted to relegate God to a subordinate role and take the ‘top gun’ position for himself. This desire for success soon spread throughout the earth like a cancer, reaching its pinnacle with mankind seeking to build a tower and to make for themselves a name. What a contrast in attitudes we find between Genesis 11 and 12. Chapter 11 exposes man striving for recognition, while chapter 12 we find God promising humble Abraham that He would make his name great.
A clear picture of this obsession with success can be found in the story of King Ahaz. His numerous sins had brought judgment upon himself and the nation of Judah. This punishment came through the king of Aram who carried off a great number of his people as captives. Embarrassed and distressed over his glaring defeat, the Jewish king made the monumental mistake of attributing the Aramean victory to their gods. Whatever small faith he may have had in Jehovah was completely discarded in favor of idol worship. “Because the gods of the kings of Aram helped them,” he reasoned, “I will sacrifice to them that they may help me.” (II Chronicles 28:23) It seems that Ahaz was prepared to pay any price for success.
Lamentably, it seems that much of the American Church holds this same misguided logic. Pastors around the nation are flocking to follow the ‘mega church’ pattern, believing that what worked somewhere else will work for them as well. We now have the mentality that success is purely numerical. Witness what the Barna Research Group stated as the result of a recent study:
“The most discouraging study we ever conducted was one in which we attempted to identify churches in the U.S. that consistently and intelligently evaluate life transformation among the people to whom they minister. We found that very few churches - emphasis on very - measure anything beyond attendance, donations, square footage, number of programs and size of staff. None of that necessarily reflects life transformation.” (Italics mine)
How tragic! Success is now measured by attendance, donations, square footage, etc. It’s time we stopped worshipping the ‘gods of success’ and turned our gaze afresh upon the Lord, for beholding we will be changed. I think that is the definition of SUCCESS in the Kingdom of God.
Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008
The Prophets Tower
by Samuel Chadwick
’I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me.’ Habakkuk 2:1.
Habakkuk is the skeptic among the prophets. His prophecy opens with a passionate remonstrance with God. The times in which he lived were sadly out of joint. He looked for God and found chaos; for righteousness and found confusion. Western Asia was being swept by Chaldean armies. Judah was helpless. Prayer availed nothing.
The prophet’s heart was sore. He had hoped, believed, and declared that God would come with swift and miraculous power to overthrow their enemies and deliver His people. He cried unto the Lord, and there was no sign of His appearing. The enemy marched forward unhindered, invincible. Then he shook his fist at the Almighty, and demanded an explanation. The facts he faced made him a skeptic; for skeptic and prophet are both seers. They both faced facts.
The difference is that one finds his way to a tower, and the other does not. One beholds the confusion, and the other rises above it. They both gaze sorrowfully upon the scene of dust, disaster, and din, but the prophet gazes till he sees through it; and he discerns the eternal realities beyond the temporary confusion. That is how prophets are made. It was in the year King Uzziah died that Isaiah saw the Lord, and it was in the broken heart of love betrayed that Hosea found the secret of God’s yearning for sinners. How Long? And Why?
The prophet’s problem is summed up in questions that are with us still. How long? Why? Wherefore? How long shall I cry, and Thou wilt not hear? Why dost Thou show me iniquity, and cause me to look on perverseness? Wherefore lookest Thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest Thy peace, when the wicked swalloweth up the man that is more righteous than he?
How long shall the oppressed and afflicted appeal in vain? Why are the righteous so helpless against the forces of iniquity? How is it that Heaven’s prospering blessing seems so often to be given to the wrong people? When Carlyle and Froude discussed the affairs of the world, Froude remarked that God did not seem to interfere much in the affairs of men, and that he could only believe in a God who did something. To this Carlyle grunted, ’He does nothing?’ Stand! Watch! Wait!
Salvation comes to the man who has a tower. There is no solution in the thick of the confusion. The seer must get above the crowd. He cannot keep his feet in the seething mass of a shouting, screaming, blaspheming multitude. He must ascend. Like his Lord, he must be high and lifted up. He must be detached if he would understand. Only by getting above the scene can he truly see. In the tower he finds standing-ground for his feet, and control of himself. No voice is without signification, but when they are all heard at once the signification is lost. He must get away from the clamor, that he may give God a chance. With deliberation he must set himself to stand, watch and wait. He climbs that he may see.
Serenity must not be secured by shutting the eyes and hardening the heart. They are false prophets who cry peace when there is no peace. The tower is a point of vantage from which the anomalies and tragedies, that stagger the faith of man, can be seen more clearly and felt more keenly. His vision gains in comprehensiveness and perspective. History in fragments makes God a liar, but the broad sweep of centuries witness to His power.
Eternity rebukes our impatience, and teaches us the secret of tranquil faith. God reigns. He may be invisible, but He is not indifferent. The lesson of history is that the just live, and right ultimately prevails. Things puffed up may loom large, but they do not last. Through all the confusion and contradictions God works to plan. He has His appointed time. It will not fail, neither will it be late. Though it tarry, wait for it, for it will surely come. In the tower men learn that the just must triumph, and right – not might – prevail.
The Wrong Telephone
The weakness of modern life is that it has no tower. We have many politicians, but no prophet. When Lord Rosebery was Prime Minister he made a speech in which he said all a statesman could do was to keep his ear to the telephone of public opinion and carry its wishes into law. That explains much. The most colossal failures in modern politics are due to the fact that the men had no tower. They put their ear to the wrong telephone.
The Church suffers from the same cause. Ecclesiastics wrangle over property and privilege. The Church is in the thick of the world’s activities. There never was so much perspiring haste to hurry up the Kingdom of Heaven. We have no time for towers. The drains are bad, and the devil is everywhere; so the Church hustles and jostles with the rest. Prayer is abandoned. Our fathers imagined Satan was to be conquered with weapons not carnal, but we are a practical generation and we find it handier to fight the world with its own weapons.
To the tower all ye fuming, perspiring, fussy unbelievers who bear the name of Christ! Take your stand upon the eternal realities, look out upon the history of the world, wait to see what God will speak. There you will learn the secret of God’s eternity, and receive of His quietness and strength. The tower makes the prophet. It is the place of vision, the place of wisdom, the place of power, and the place of song.
Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008
Why Mike Guglielmucci Lied to the World
by Lee Grady (Charisma Editor)
The Australian musician who wrote “Healer” needed his own healing from a porn addiction. His tragic story should challenge us to embrace purity.
I play the song “Healer” all the time in my car. I can’t get the tune out of my head. You probably know the words:
I believe You’re my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You’re my portion
I believe You’re more than enough for me
Jesus You’re all I need.
Thousands of churches have been singing the popular worship chorus since Australian youth pastor Michael Guglielmucci wrote it in 2007. The Aussie worship band Hillsong United has made it a global anthem, and it’s especially popular among people battling illness. But the song took on a darker meaning in August when Guglielmucci admitted it was part of an elaborate hoax he created.
"When we sing ‘Healer’ from now on, let’s remember that Jesus wasn’t lying when He promised to heal our broken souls.”
Christians around the world felt shocked and betrayed when the 29-year-old minister admitted he had faked cancer for two years in a strange ploy to hide his secret pornography addiction. The fiasco has become one of the biggest scandals to rock Australia’s Christian community in years.
In a tearful apology aired on Australian television several weeks ago, Guglielmucci said he faked symptoms and wrote bogus e-mails from doctors. He sat in waiting rooms alone while his family assumed he was getting treatment. He appeared in church concerts with an oxygen tube in his nose, deceiving thousands of mostly teenage fans into believing he needed a physical healing.
This talented but tormented young man eventually trapped himself in his own deceptive web.
Church leaders asked him to confess his lies to the police, since he used the story to raise funds. He was stripped of his ministerial credentials and is now receiving psychiatric help. Aussie church leaders, including pastor Brian Houston of Hillsong Church in Sydney, had to make public statements to calm distraught churchgoers who feel betrayed and, in some cases, defrauded of their money.
I can’t begin to imagine the pain that Guglielmucci’s parents feel. (His father is an Assemblies of God pastor who read his son’s apology to a stunned congregation outside Adelaide). I am sure trust has been severely damaged among members of Guglielmucci’s family. But how do we respond when a leader fails us like this?
Thankfully, in Guglielmucci’s case, he did not justify his behavior. His apology was read in churches all over Australia. He told a news reporter: “I’m so sorry not just for lying to my friends and family even about a sickness, but I’m sorry for a life of saying I was something when I’m not. From this day on I’m telling the truth.”
On behalf of American Christians who (1) have endured our own share of religious scandals and (2) still believe that Jesus Christ heals today, I want to say to Michael Guglielmucci: We forgive you.
I’m not excusing his behavior. It’s possible he will go to prison for fraud. But at least he’s not denying his sin. And honest confession is the first step to true restoration. I pray Guglielmucci will embrace the process so he can not only preach the truth of Christ but also live the truth inside.
This sad drama from Down Under reveals a global problem that the church must face. Pornography is eating our culture alive—and it is affecting ministers along with everyone else.
Guglielmucci admitted that he began to weave his false story of illness in order to mask his addiction. Sometimes he felt so guilty after looking at porn that he couldn’t go to work—so he called in sick. He dug himself deeper every day. His little lies grew to become a monstrous con job.
This man’s pretend sickness was caused by a disease of the soul that plagues millions of people today, including many Christian men who wear masks to church to hide their shame. They haven’t stuck tubes in their noses or broadcast their lies to teenage audiences like Guglielmucci did, but they are lying just the same to cover up their lust. They, too, need to come clean.
If you are struggling with a porn addiction, I challenge you to take a bold step and confess your sin to your pastor, your spouse or a trusted Christian friend. Don’t hide any longer. Don’t live a lie. Lust does not have to control you. Jesus has provided a way of escape. Don’t wait until your sin is exposed; instead, expose your sin to the light of God’s holiness.
James 5:16 summarizes this simple formula: “Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. (NASB)” Those ancient words still work today.
True healing is available from Jesus, not only for the victims of cancer but also for all those men like Mike Guglielmucci who are battling sexual addictions. When we sing “Healer” from now on, let’s remember that Jesus wasn’t lying when He promised to heal our broken souls.
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008
A Fulfilled Prophecy
by R. Loren Sandford
November 30, 2007 I posted the following "Prophetic Moments". In light of the crisis unfolding right now in our nation's financial system, I felt it appropriate to re-post at least key excerpts from it now today:
"RIDING THE ROLLER COASTER - For several years I've been warning believers that the kind of security and stability many of us have known in America during the last half of the twentieth century has ended....American believers have placed their faith in their prosperity (and thought it was God) to a degree most us have been blind to. This will be tested in days to come by the fires of instability and turmoil. The shaking that has come upon us will intensify and expose everything in us that has not been built upon a true foundation in Him....Having said this, I do not believe that America’s economy will collapse, but instability and uncertainty will get much worse. We will be like riders on a roller coaster, filled with fear because of the speed and violence of the changes of elevation and direction, when the truth is that for believers the ride is perfectly safe, fastened to the tracks in such a way as to ensure safety....The roller coaster of material instability is upon us and will remain, but for the believer the danger is only an illusion sent to produce fear. Fear shuts off the flow of the gospel and cripples the ministry of the body of Christ. Only true apprehension of the Father’s perfect love and a choice to have faith in His faithfulness form the antidote to the fear that threatens to overwhelm so many of us. In days to come we must learn to rely solely on our Lord for provision rather than the world’s lost stability."
To read the entire posting as I wrote it in November, 2007, click HERE. In "Purifying the Prophetic" I wrote that the true religion of America is not Christianity, but recycled Baalism. The cult of Baal in Bible times focused on material prosperity, the fulfillment of self. This focus, inspired by the same wicked principality, has dominated our American culture and has invaded the doctrines and practices of the church, drawing us away from the selfless message of the cross and installing prosperity as an article of faith. We are now experiencing the hand of God shaking this form of idolatry to its foundation. This is the fulfillment of what the Lord told me a year ago.
God has not given up on America. Not yet. This is why we are in no danger of imminent collapse, although some very difficult times lie before us. In 586 B.C. Israel's stubborn apostasy led God, in effect, to give them up to utter destruction, although a restoration came later when destruction produced its good fruit. We are not yet at that point - and America is not Israel. We might be more like Sodom and Gommorhah that would have been saved if even ten righteous could be found in them. Many more than ten righteous dwell in this nation and cry out in repentance for our sins. God still listens.
The shaking in coming months, however, will be violent. Never in my lifetime of 57 years have we seen such a stream of natural disasters impact this nation and the world. My sense is that we have seen only about a third of what is to come in terms of hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so on. Some of these will impact regions previously considered safe. These disasters in nature are not the judgment of God, but rather the inevitable reaping of what we have sown in sin. Earth literally groans under the burden of it in the same way that when Cain murdered his brother Abel, his blood cried out to God from the ground. The financial meltdown we now see unfolding, however, is a different matter. I believe this is the hand of God directly shaking that in which we have placed our faith. Baal must be de-throned, beginning in the churches.
We must restore a faith like the apostle Paul's. I Corinthians 2:2, "For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." He didn't die to make us prosperous. He died that we might die with Him, the old self laid to rest and a new self raised up in His image, reflecting His own nature and living it out in the world - and best of all, living in the Father's embrace. It's time for a radical adjustment of focus for our lives and spirituality.
Finally, as those in world around us become more fearful, they will need to know that a God in heaven loves them. They will be vulnerable to the gospel as never before. We must be ready to minister the kingdom of God to them. We cannot do that if we ourselves walk in the same level of fear as they do, or if we allow ourselves to be angry with God for material setbacks and financial difficulties. He has not let us down. We've let ourselves down. This is the time to press into intimacy with the Father who loves us and then to share our hope - our true hope - with those made ready to listen.
A Fulfilled Prophecy
by R. Loren Sandford
November 30, 2007 I posted the following "Prophetic Moments". In light of the crisis unfolding right now in our nation's financial system, I felt it appropriate to re-post at least key excerpts from it now today:
"RIDING THE ROLLER COASTER - For several years I've been warning believers that the kind of security and stability many of us have known in America during the last half of the twentieth century has ended....American believers have placed their faith in their prosperity (and thought it was God) to a degree most us have been blind to. This will be tested in days to come by the fires of instability and turmoil. The shaking that has come upon us will intensify and expose everything in us that has not been built upon a true foundation in Him....Having said this, I do not believe that America’s economy will collapse, but instability and uncertainty will get much worse. We will be like riders on a roller coaster, filled with fear because of the speed and violence of the changes of elevation and direction, when the truth is that for believers the ride is perfectly safe, fastened to the tracks in such a way as to ensure safety....The roller coaster of material instability is upon us and will remain, but for the believer the danger is only an illusion sent to produce fear. Fear shuts off the flow of the gospel and cripples the ministry of the body of Christ. Only true apprehension of the Father’s perfect love and a choice to have faith in His faithfulness form the antidote to the fear that threatens to overwhelm so many of us. In days to come we must learn to rely solely on our Lord for provision rather than the world’s lost stability."
To read the entire posting as I wrote it in November, 2007, click HERE. In "Purifying the Prophetic" I wrote that the true religion of America is not Christianity, but recycled Baalism. The cult of Baal in Bible times focused on material prosperity, the fulfillment of self. This focus, inspired by the same wicked principality, has dominated our American culture and has invaded the doctrines and practices of the church, drawing us away from the selfless message of the cross and installing prosperity as an article of faith. We are now experiencing the hand of God shaking this form of idolatry to its foundation. This is the fulfillment of what the Lord told me a year ago.
God has not given up on America. Not yet. This is why we are in no danger of imminent collapse, although some very difficult times lie before us. In 586 B.C. Israel's stubborn apostasy led God, in effect, to give them up to utter destruction, although a restoration came later when destruction produced its good fruit. We are not yet at that point - and America is not Israel. We might be more like Sodom and Gommorhah that would have been saved if even ten righteous could be found in them. Many more than ten righteous dwell in this nation and cry out in repentance for our sins. God still listens.
The shaking in coming months, however, will be violent. Never in my lifetime of 57 years have we seen such a stream of natural disasters impact this nation and the world. My sense is that we have seen only about a third of what is to come in terms of hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so on. Some of these will impact regions previously considered safe. These disasters in nature are not the judgment of God, but rather the inevitable reaping of what we have sown in sin. Earth literally groans under the burden of it in the same way that when Cain murdered his brother Abel, his blood cried out to God from the ground. The financial meltdown we now see unfolding, however, is a different matter. I believe this is the hand of God directly shaking that in which we have placed our faith. Baal must be de-throned, beginning in the churches.
We must restore a faith like the apostle Paul's. I Corinthians 2:2, "For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." He didn't die to make us prosperous. He died that we might die with Him, the old self laid to rest and a new self raised up in His image, reflecting His own nature and living it out in the world - and best of all, living in the Father's embrace. It's time for a radical adjustment of focus for our lives and spirituality.
Finally, as those in world around us become more fearful, they will need to know that a God in heaven loves them. They will be vulnerable to the gospel as never before. We must be ready to minister the kingdom of God to them. We cannot do that if we ourselves walk in the same level of fear as they do, or if we allow ourselves to be angry with God for material setbacks and financial difficulties. He has not let us down. We've let ourselves down. This is the time to press into intimacy with the Father who loves us and then to share our hope - our true hope - with those made ready to listen.
Selasa, 07 Oktober 2008
Modern Idols and False Prophets
by Terry Somerville
Jeremiah 23:16 "Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they teach you vanity; they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of Jehovah."
In both the old and New Testament we are repeatedly warned about idols and false prophets. Today, both are in the church. The idols look Christian,and the prophets may do miracles and signs! They may even speak true words like Balaam. But he was a false prophet because he did not lead the people into faithfulness to God.
The issue here is not the power to prophecy, signs etc, it is the heart of the prophet, his character and teaching. The true ministry of a prophet is to bring fidelity to Christ, but as we shall see there is much false prophecy when idolatry increases in God's people.
Jeremiah 23: 21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. 22 But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
Mt 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves
Mt 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
True and False Sources of Prophecy
True prophecy is inspired by the spirit of the Lord. But the scripture makes it clear that God's prophets may speak from other sources! Note carefully how prophets can speak from their own heart and spirit but think it is the Lord!
Sources Of Prophecy
1. The prophets own heart
Ez 13:2 …say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD;
Jer 23: 26 How long shall there be lies in the heart of the prophets. They are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
2. The Prophets Own Mind
Jer 23:16 They speak a vision of their own minds, and not from the mouth of the LORD.
3. The Prophets Own Spirit
Ez 13:3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!
4. A Demon
Jeremiah 23:13 And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err"
Micah 2:11 If a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and of strong drink; he shall even be the prophet of this people.
Idols In The Heart Of Christians and The Prophets
Idol worship still tempts Christians converts in India. They believe certain fears, needs or desires may be answered by these false gods. Why do we think our spiritual life in the west is any different just because we don't bow to a graven image? Idolatry of the heart is rampant! As far as the Lord is concerned it is real idolatry and serving an image in the place of God!
Here is how it idolatry of the heart works.
1. Our Heart Is Gods Temple
I Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
2. Idols Can Be Taken Into The Heart
Ezekiel 14:3 Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be enquired of at all by them?
3. Images and Pictures In The Heart Are The Idols
Ezekiel 8:10 behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about.
4. Covetousness (Desiring These Images) Is Idolatry
Colossians 3:5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
5. The Flesh Serves The Idol Resulting In Unrighteousness
James 3:14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
The Question is, what are the pictures, ideas and images portrayed in your heart? What desires possess you? Are they Kingdom ideas or western culture?
My Own Experience
Many years ago the Lord confronted my about my idol worship. It was a revelation. I had three idol-pictures in my heart, covetous desires that I served. He revealed them by putting me through difficult circumstances. I needed to smash them down!
1. The Idol Of Ministry
I had a picture in my heart of "successful ministry". Even though it was all about REVIVAL, the pictures on the walls of my heart were created by the idols of our culture. Success, fame, youth, size, power etc. I prayed for it, prophesied it, and preached it. Because it was religious I could not see that my ministry had become my idol. My flesh served the idol. I was glad or depressed depending on the results.
2. The Idol Of My Wife
I also had an idol-picture in my heart of what I wanted my wife Karen to be like. It was an image of how I wanted her to look and act. I had fallen in love with this picture in my heart I coveted, instead of loving her. My flesh served the idol because I was glad when Karen was like the image, and upset when she was not.
3. The Idol Of My Home
God used our circumstances to expose this one. We moved to Campbell River from a water front home in Bermuda. For several years I would see images of the home we left behind every morning when I put my contact lenses in. I rebuked the devil but it was not him, it was my idol controlling my heart! I was miserable and tormented but could get free in my heart until I smashed this idol.
The Idols Of The Church Are Producing Todays False Prophets
The idols of our culture are being served in the church. But we don't see them because they are often equated with Christianity. Perhaps the greatest one is the idol of revival! I believe in genuine revival. But what the prophets are prophesying and what the people are chasing is NOT revival. It is an IDOL OF REVIVAL.
Success and fame. Everyone will come!
Size - We'll "catch it" and our church will grow.
Money - the offerings will bring financial blessing
Power and Influence. We will be respected as leaders
Spectacles of spiritual power
The idolatry around the church today has produced many prophets of revival who speak from their own minds and spirits. They serve these idols in their hearts. They rely on spectacular revelations to boost their ministries. The draw is signs and wonders and spiritual experiences. Believers serving the gods of the land will run because of the name and fame of these ministries. They say "Iam of Paul, I am of Appolos", it is not the Lord.
Check Out The Prophets and Their Prophecy
1 Thessalonians 5:21 but test everything; hold fast what is good,
1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Here are Some Tests for Prophecy and Prophets
1. The Word Of God – does it fit the Word of God ?
Psalms 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.
2. The spirit of the prophecy – does it bear witness of Christ in word and spirit?
1John 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
3. The character of the message – Does it lead to holiness?
Jer 23:22 But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
4. Confirmation - Do other prophets and prophecy agree?
1Cor.14:29 Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh(discern) what is said.
5. The character of the messenger
Jer 23:14 I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness:
21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
Conclusion - The Church Must Repent Of Her Idols
The great need of the day is cleansing of the church from the idols of the land. We should not be surprised at the behavior of ministries in our day. We are in the grip of a terrible idolatry that rules much of the church and inspires many prophets. Most faithful Old Testament prophets could not convince God's people they had a problem with false gods. Many prophets ended up serving those false gods in the name of Jehova! The same is true today.
It is time for a great repentance, and abandoning of the idols of our time. We pray that God will give us eyes to see.
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Revelation of John 3:18
Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008
Test Revival with Doctrine
by John Piper
Lee Grady, the editor of Charisma, one of the main charismatic magazines, has written a lament and critique of the Lakeland “revival” which is now in a tailspin over the leader’s announced separation from his wife. Grady’s summons to pray for the church and our nation is right, and among his commendable questions and observations are these:
“Many of us would rather watch a noisy demonstration of miracles, signs and wonders than have a quiet Bible study. Yet we are faced today with the sad reality that our untempered zeal is a sign of immaturity. Our adolescent craving for the wild and crazy makes us do stupid things. It’s way past time for us to grow up.”
“True revival will be accompanied by brokenness, humility, reverence and repentance—not the arrogance, showmanship and empty hype that often was on display in Lakeland.”
“A prominent Pentecostal evangelist called me this week after Bentley’s news hit the fan. He said to me: “I’m now convinced that a large segment of the charismatic church will follow the anti-Christ when he shows up because they have no discernment.” Ouch. Hopefully we’ll learn our lesson this time and apply the necessary caution when an imposter shows up.”
Charismatics will not be the only ones who follow the Antichrist when he rises. So will the mass of those who today in thousands of evangelical churches belittle the truth of biblical doctrine as God’s agent to set us free (John 8:32).
Discernment is not created in God’s people by brokenness, humility, reverence, and repentance. It is created by biblical truth and the application of truth by the power of the Holy Spirit to our hearts and minds. When that happens, then the brokenness, humility, reverence, and repentance will have the strong fiber of the full counsel of God in them. They will be profoundly Christian and not merely religious and emotional and psychological.
The common denominator of those who follow the Antichrist will not be “charismatic.” It will be, as Paul says, “they refused to love the truth.”
The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
Our test for every Lakeland that comes along should first be doctrinal and expositional. Is this awakening carried along by a “love for the truth” and a passion to hear the whole counsel of God proclaimed?
Sabtu, 27 September 2008
-by Andrew Strom.
Ten months ago in November 2007 while preaching in Wisconsin
USA, I felt a strong unction from the Holy Spirit to speak about
the future of the United States and the imminent Crash. As often
happens under that kind of anointing, a real boldness came over
me, and for the first time I found myself clearly putting a "date"
on the coming financial Depression - something I had never done
before - except in the vaguest of terms. I found myself predicting
that tragically within six months America would be in Recession,
and within 12 months the actual Depression would begin.
(-This audio is on our website - )
So let us look at the evidence. It is now ten months later. Has the
Depression begun? Sadly the answer has to be "Yes". In the last
two weeks the two largest mortgage giants in the world (Fannie
Mae & Freddie Mac) failed, the largest Insurance Company on earth
crashed (all taken over by the US Government), Lehman Brothers
went bankrupt (almost taking the entire financial system with it),
Money Markets reeled, the two remaining giant Investment banks
sought protection as "holding banks" - which means the end of
Wall Street as we know it, etc, etc. Stocks are in turmoil, Oil leapt
on Monday by the most ever recorded, gold is volatile - and on it
goes. -The most shattering two weeks since the Great Depression.
Meanwhile the US Treasury is seeking 700 billion dollars in a
forlorn effort to put Humpty back together again - tragically too late.
Why is this storm hitting America at this time? There are certainly
many reasons - most of which we have discussed before. But let
me put something else before you that I believe God spoke to me
not long ago:- There are "Jonahs" on the boat - and they are
sending the nation down.
Who are these Jonahs? I believe they are the "prophets" of America
who will not preach the truth - who sleep comfortably in the bowels
of the nation while chaos reigns all around them. Too afraid to
deliver God's word 'Repent', they run the other way - toward smooth
talk and pleasant sayings - "Peace peace" when there is no peace.
And the depths of this great crisis can be laid directly at their door.
Yes - that's right. A big reason why the ship of America is sinking
is because her prophets ran away from their God-given task and
message at the crucial moment.
If only these prophets had preached the TRUTH when the nation
so desperately needed to hear it. If only they had begun - way
back in the 1980's - to call the lukewarm church to repentance,
to rebuke the people for their love of money, their greed, their sin.
But no - the siren call of "popularity" was too strong. The call of
"grace, grace", of mass acceptance, of big reputations and even
bigger offerings. And so they sold out. And now they sleep bliss-
fully in the midst of the ship, while the storm whips to fury all
around. How do you sleep, O Jonahs, who would not cry "Repent"?
And it is not just the "prophets" either. It is the televangelists too.
Caught up in a world of fakery, hype and money-grubbing unseen
in the church since the Dark Ages, these hucksters are spreading
their garbage to every Third World Revival nation around the globe.
Greed, manipulation and pride on a scale that only America could
generate. Where is your shame, O charlatans of greed?
And so God is forced to act. And just like Jonah, the storm will
not abate until the wayward preachers are thrown overboard. Until
America is rid of these international thieves and prostitutes, she
is finished. And she will not recover until they are gone.
You see, it is not just the leaders who are at fault here. It is also
the people, who "love to have it so". And thus until the heart of the
people is scourged and purged they will accomodate the "Jonahs" -
even seeking more of their ear-tickling fables to comfort themselves
in this time of breaking.
Until the heart of American greed is shattered - until her people
act of their own volition to throw these Jonahs overboard - this
storm will go on and on. In fact, it is about to grow a whole lot worse.
Mark my words, America: Until you remove these Jonahs, your
nation cannot recover. They have held the whole world in thrall by
their apostasy. And God cannot have it so any more. How long will
it take you to realize? How long will it take you to act?
THROW THE JONAHS OVERBOARD and be done with them!!
Only then will this mother of all storms subside.
Sarah Palin and Women in Church Leadership
Dr. Kluane Spake -
Sarah Palin and Women in Church Leadership
Right now, many conservative Christian churches still don't allow women to preach in their pulpit or participate in governmental leadership. Most Conservative Christians believe that God has ordained the roles of men and women to be different in the Church.
On September 18, 2008, Gospel Magazine (the most widely distributed urban Christian publication in the country) was pulled off the shelves of more than 100 LifeWay Bookstore across America. The bookstores' owner, the Southern Baptist Convention, said the problem was that the five smiling women on the cover are women church pastors! Other churches still don't allow women leaders either - i.e. the Catholic Church and several evangelical groups (such as the Presbyterian Church in America still don't ordain women.
For years, I attended a church that would NOT allow me to speak at a public meeting, preach to a group in my home, teach a Sunday School class to adult men and women, take an offering, introduce a song, or say a public prayer. They were nice people - doing what they believed was right - that "Biblical order" demands that men alone were chosen to lead in Church government authority, and they alone should run the show!
It's odd that it seems okay to many of these same Conservative Christian types to support Governor Sarah Palin as potential Vice President -- when most of them don't even think that a woman should exercise co-leadership in her marriage, let alone lead her country!
Whether she wins or not, the question is why are people willing to vote for her as Vice President and still think that a woman is not qualified to serve as pastor of their church?
We must ask, IF the Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin, is supposed to be "UNDER" her husband and to be submissive to him (as so many theologians claim), then how can she independently lead America? Will her husband actually be making all the decisions? Will McCain be her "covering?" Will she just be some "man's" puppet or figure-head? Or, maybe her husband will relinquish his authority "over" her, so that she can do her job. Or, perhaps she is well able to stand firmly in her right to serve fully to her capacity?
With almost multiple personalities, the extreme Christian Right seemed ecstatic when Sarah Palin was invited to be on the McCain ticket. That was because she is a Christian! But how can she go along with their expectation to remain subservient," compliant, accommodating, submissive, and deferential to all men -- and still fulfill this assignment of Vice President of this great country?
This continued gender bias is a PRIORITY question for all of Christianity. I know! I write this as a woman pastor who has fought a career-long battle to shatter the "Stained Glass Ceiling" for gender equality. I've surveyed hundreds of churches to determine their use of women in leadership - and even though some say that it is okay, they usually don't implement it. OF course there are numerous pastors who champion women's rights to lead, but statistically they are few and far between.
And of course, during the last decades, there has been a great rise in successful female pastors, evangelists, Bishops, etc. They have endured in spite of it all.
Hierarchical tradition has long maintained that "Women should keep in their proper place," or as Martin Luther coined, "A woman's place is in the home." That saying is not anywhere in the Scripture, it's a quote from Luther!
Then there was Calvin, who taught that a woman was created in the image of God... "Though in the second degree."i Calvin was certain that women had absolutely no place of impact in society. Earlier Augustine wrote his theory in De Genesi ad Litteram IX.5, cfVII.3,1 that said the woman was only to be a helper for childbearing, but in every other case another man would be a better help.
Limiting and prejudicial ideas against women in leadership have endured in various forms for centuries.
We can no longer ignore the fact that thousands upon thousands of educated people flatly reject the Gospel because they refuse to accept these ridiculous kinds of preconceived, prejudicial ideas that barrier abilities and squelch potential of another human being.
In this era of heightened gender awareness and sexual revolution, the church must address this issue of discrimination. That's why we must re-examine Church history that ledgers continuous biased bigotry and closed mindedness against women in leadership.
Praise God! This truly is a cultural, political, social, and theological dilemma! This issue of equality has long gone fully addressed. Sure, some of us women are labeled "exceptions," but we still don't get invited to play golf with the guys!
The doors of full opportunity within the Church have been generally closed to most women. Often, a woman can have ten times the capability as a man, and not be given full recognition. Trust me when I say that even slightly egalitarian ideas are often labeled by many as feminist or a "Jezebel spirit!" If a woman should happen to have ministry success, it is usually met with condescending disapproval and even hostility. Secret subterfuge. Indifference. Or, at best, nuances of patronization.
Thankfully, Jesus was the ultimate rebel! He defended women, revealed truths to them that He had not told another, and appeared to them first after He died. The way He valued women was a concept that shook that culture to the heart. Paul insisted in Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ." This is a core-essential emphasis. No human being is excluded from service to God.2
The question is, can women make independent Church Leadership decisions regardless of their reproductive organs?
Win or not, Governor Sarah confronts the Church with a great predicament! We are being forced to confront long held standards. Church leaders at large must re-evaluate their staunch posturing against sincere and capable women leading.
If Sarah Palin is elected Vice President, will she (as a Christian leader and a political leader) be able to preach in a Southern Baptist pulpit? Or, in your church? WHAT? Are you open to women preaching in the pulpit? Leading governmentally?
Palin could potentially become President of the United States of America - and have authority over EVERY SINGLE PERSON in America (male and female). Does that mean that God can equally use both women and men in society, church, and home?
Lord God, we excitedly enjoy watching this unfolding reformation of change.
1 Calvin, "Commentaries on the First Book of Moses called Genesis" 1.2.18, vol. I, trans. John King (Grand Rapids, MI): Eerdmans, 1963.
2 See my book, "From Enmity to Equality" for a detailed theological study of what the Bible actually says about women.
God's Friend and Yours
Dr. Kluane Spake - Your Online Pastor
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