NOTE: In 1997/98, well-known Christian musician Steve Camp
wrote the following hard-hitting commentary on today's Christian
music industry:
Out of love and zeal for Biblical truth and the desire
to bring it to light, I come to you, brethren,
burdened and broken over the current state of
Christian music. I come not out of a heart of
condemnation, but out of convictions immersed in tears
one in desperate need daily of our Lord's grace to be
conformed to His image. I come being aware of the
depravity from which I have been saved and that my
heart, apart from the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
is desperately wicked and eternally sick. Early in my
own musical journey I wrote songs that neither
represented good music or precise theology. My motives
were vitiated; my actions were not godly; and my lips
were unclean. The thirst for prominence and position
made my heart prideful, judgmental and callused. But
the Lord, out of His infinite grace and otherworldly
love, broke me with His chastening hand to bring true
repentance in my own life-and it's that life of
repentance which is my greatest desire and my greatest
failing. It is out of the crucible of those
experiences that I am driven to speak with conviction
to these issues.
This document is a call to Reformation-a clarion call
to recover Biblical Christianity in the arts. Music is
a powerful tool from the Lord Jesus to His church
intended for worship, praise, encouragement,
edification evangelism, teaching, admonishing, and
exhorting God's people to holiness-with always our
chief aim to glorify God and worship Him forever." But
beloved, the serpentine foe of compromise has invaded
the camp through years of specious living, skewed
doctrine and most recently secular ownership of
Christian music ministries. While I assert this, I
recognize that there are godly men and women who love
the Lord, that work for these companies and record for
these companies, but that's not the issue here. The
crux of the matter is that the overall nature of our
industry has dramatically shifted. The Apostle Paul
warns "it takes only a little leaven to leaven the
whole lump." (1 Corinthians 5:6) When sin is tolerated
ultimately permeates and corrupts the entire church.
What is pure today will inevitably be polluted
tomorrow if we do not "purge out the old leaven. . . "
(Ibid. 5:7) In the past several years, there has been
a not-so-subtle drifting away from Christocentric
music to an anthropocentric music. Sadly, this has
resulted in various visible manifestations of
spiritual sedition-where currently, the CCMI finds
itself on a slippery slope sliding away at accelerated
speeds from the Savior, the Scriptures and the church.
Contemporary Christian Music originally began
unashamedly declaring Jesus Christ as Lord. Within a
few years His name was replaced by several generic
titles filtering out the name of God ultimately to the
non-specific cognomen, "Love." This led to a multitude
of pseudonyms: "The Man Upstairs"; "My Higher Power";
"Our Family Values Expert" ad infinitum.
This Biblical illiteracy I've coined as theological
ebonics-Biblical language diminished to cultural
unintelligible chatter affirmed as profound,
acceptable spiritual truth. Os Guinness is "spot on"
when saying, "[we have seen a change] from an emphasis
on 'serving God', to an emphasis on 'serving the self'
in serving God." The object of faith is no longer
Christ, but our self-esteem; the goal of faith is no
longer holiness, but our happiness; and the source of
faith is no longer the Scriptures, but our experience.
Christian music currently reflects this. We are
producing a generation of people that "feel" their
God, but do not know their God.
We have been given a solemn and sacred duty to
communicate through music the fathomless riches of
God's eternal Word. The Word of God is the most holy
thing we will ever hold in our hands in this lifetime.
As Dr. John MacArthur says, "This book contains: the
mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation,
the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.
Read it to be wise, believe it to be saved and
practice it to be holy...."
Lamentably, the music of heaven has been sold to the
world-to the ones who had the deepest pockets and made
the sweetest promises. In a very real sense, "Simon
the Sorcerer" has succeeded in purchasing the work of
God from the "apostles" of our industry. (Acts 8:
14-25) What has been the result of this partnering
with the world? Gospel music today has become music
for the moment, but not for eternity. Transitory,
temporal, trivial messages that devalue Deity and
raise "felt need" affairs above eternal "real need"
concerns produce disposable, consumer driven,
cotton-candy music. This is playing marbles with
We are unequally yoked with an unbelieving world, sin
goes undisciplined, is even tolerated for some artists
because of their visibility and sales power and the
truth and authority of Scripture is ail but abrogated.
Biblical illiteracy is pandemic. Accountability to the
local church has all but been abandoned. Moral
pluralism and erroneous forms of ecumenism are the
dyslexic doctrines of today. A politically correct,
reductionist gospel that appeals only to the flesh and
a syncretistic methodology in communication through
the arts have sought to replace the true "Gospel
According To Jesus" evidenced in the fruit of an
obedient life fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit and
His truth.
Could it be that the love of money is at the root of
it all? Or could it be that ignorance has revealed the
unschooled in matters of faith and doctrine?
Unquestionably both. For many, money has been and
continues to be the prerequisite for "ministry" and
Biblical truth is no longer vital but vicarious!
Departure from the Word of God is now clearly
evidenced in our music, lyrics, business practices and
Alliances. Beloved, if we do not repent of our sins,
God's judgment will surely be upon us.
When Martin Luther stood at Wittenberg's Door he
called for reformation from the
recalcitrant Roman Church. Now it is our turn, almost five
centuries later, to sound the alarm in our generation. This time,
to call the Christian Music Industry to reformation back to the
supremacy, sufficiency and Lordship of Jesus Christ. Genuine
revival-a fresh return to obedience in Christ is surely needed
today, but that would be almost impossible given the current
environment of our industry.
Why? True revival is marked by repentance; true repentance brings
restitution; true restitution demands that Christian music be
owned and operated only by believers whose aim is the glory of
God consistent with Biblical truth. This means that the current
CCMI labels must return all the money they have received to their
respective secular counterparts that purchased them and divorce
alliances with them. The CCMI has gone too far down the wide road
of worldliness and there is not the tenacity of character and the
Biblical courage of heart and mind to do the right thing no
matter what the cost.
These are serious times, brethren, that call for real answers.
This is not a time for duplicitous people, proclaiming a diluted
message, from disingenuous ministries. It is a time for those
whose lives are tempered with the steel of righteousness, girded
with the belt of truth, standing firm in the gospel of peace,
raising high their shield of faith, guarded with the helmet of
salvation, to wield the sword of the Spirit with a surgeon's
exactitude, praying always with all prayer and supplication, with
all perseverance for all the saints in the Spirit. (Ephesians
Will we champion again the manifesto of the Reformers: Sola Fide
(by faith alone); Sola Gratia (by grace alone); Sola Scriptura
(on the Word alone); Solus Christus (because of Christ alone);
and Soli Deo Gloria (to the glory of God alone)? Do we have the
conviction of heart and courage of mind to do what's just? Do
we have the boldness to shout above the roar of the marketplace
that the Emperor has no clothes? Will we leave our careers, our
contracts, our carefully cultivated plans and press releases, our
unequally yoked record companies to serve the Lord again with all
our heart, soul, mind and strength? There is no gray in
this-it's a matter of obedience.
Oh brethren, "we have a name to be alive, but we are dead."
(Revelation 3:1) There is no greater love song to proclaim than
the once for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord at Calvary,
but yet others feel content to sing about the chaff of this
world. What the New Testament church wrestled with the least is
what our industry craves the most money. How dare we think we
can play politics with God, with His truth and with His church.
We can't negotiate with sin no matter what kind of capital is at
stake-and that really is the issue here.
Let us "press on, that [we] may lay hold of that for which Christ
Jesus has also laid hold of [us]. (Philippians 3:12) Let us
"lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us
and let us run with endurance the rave that is set before us."
(Hebrew 12:1) Let us fall on our faces before our Holy Lord,
repent of our sin and return to our First Love. With lives
bathed in His grace, let us provoke one another to love and good
works. With undivided hearts may we leave the prodigal's pigpen
and come back to the Father's house. Let us commit to prayer and
fasting seeking the Lord's will with a broken, contrite and
obedient heart. Let us return to our churches and to the
faithful pastors/elders that shepherd us - submitting ourselves
to their godly leadership. May we be students of His Word
filled daily with His Spirit.
Pray on this. Pounding on "Wittenberg's Door", let us come
together to make history to make Contemporary Christian
Music...Christian again.
-Source -
Gereja Tuhan ataupun umat Tuhan harus menyuarakan suara profetik bukan sekedar dalam lingkungan orang percaya tetapi juga berbicara pada bangsa-bangsa yang belum mengenal Dia. Bukan hanya melalui kata-kata tetapi perbuatan kita yang menjadi berkat disertai belas kasihan
Kamis, 29 September 2016
-Author Unknown.
The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured,
regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary
and central component of the heart.
This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units' code
names Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same
defect in all subsequent units.
This defect has been technically termed "Sub-sequential Internal
Non-Morality" or as it is more commonly known and primarily
expressed, "S.I.N."
Some other symptoms include:
1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry
9. Rebellion
The Manufacturer, Who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect,
is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to
correct this SIN defect.
The Repair Technician, Jesus, has most generously offered to
bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs.
There is no additional fee required!
The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R
Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the
REPENTANCE procedure. Next , download ATONEMENT from
the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.
No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control
Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (Believers'
Instruction Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of
these fixes.
Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction,
voids any Manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers
and problems too numerous to list and, will result in the human
unit being permanently impounded.
For free emergency service, call on Jesus.
The human being units NOT responding to this recall action will
have to be scrapped in the furnace.
The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter The Maker's facility,
Heaven, so as to prevent contamination of that facility.
Thank you for your PROMPT attention!,
GOD,The Maker
P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this
important RECALL Notice.
-Author Unknown.
The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured,
regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary
and central component of the heart.
This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units' code
names Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same
defect in all subsequent units.
This defect has been technically termed "Sub-sequential Internal
Non-Morality" or as it is more commonly known and primarily
expressed, "S.I.N."
Some other symptoms include:
1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry
9. Rebellion
The Manufacturer, Who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect,
is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to
correct this SIN defect.
The Repair Technician, Jesus, has most generously offered to
bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs.
There is no additional fee required!
The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R
Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the
REPENTANCE procedure. Next , download ATONEMENT from
the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.
No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control
Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (Believers'
Instruction Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of
these fixes.
Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction,
voids any Manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers
and problems too numerous to list and, will result in the human
unit being permanently impounded.
For free emergency service, call on Jesus.
The human being units NOT responding to this recall action will
have to be scrapped in the furnace.
The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter The Maker's facility,
Heaven, so as to prevent contamination of that facility.
Thank you for your PROMPT attention!,
GOD,The Maker
P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this
important RECALL Notice.
Prophetic Passions and Protocols
Prophetic Passions and Protocols
(En Español)
When I came to Christ in 1970, America was already pre-wired with end-of-the-world forebodings. Nuclear war seemed inevitable, as Barry McGuire's dire hit "Eve of Destruction" warned. Revolution and lawlessness were spreading everywhere. Yes, the "times" were certainly "a-changin'" as Bob Dylan sang, and indeed so were we. From the rapture-ready hippie revival in the Jesus movement to Hal Lindsey's culture-shaping book, The Late Great Planet Earth, the charismatic movement emerged on the world scene overstocked with prophetic anticipations.
Thus, our preoccupation with all things prophetic has been a kind of spiritual birthmark; it is a prominent characteristic of who we are as last days Christians. Indeed, the '70s produced at least eight major end-of-the-world warnings from prominent authors and various church groups. Other warnings came in the 1980s, punctuated by the book 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988. When that failed, the revised edition came out with the same failed prophecies: The Final Shout: Rapture Report 1989. In the 1990s, especially with the approach of the year 2000 and the widespread computer failures expected from the Y2K Millennium bug, still more warnings came.
Continue reading

Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, Spiritual Discernment and the Mind of Christ, available at
Perhaps this compilation of teachings from Francis Frangipane will become his most important book yet. The essence of I Will Be Found by You
is a living promise from God. If we seek Him in earnest, He has
purposed to reveal Himself in ways that will transform us and impact the
world around us. In truth, when we consider the extent of impossible
conflicts in our world, only one remedy exists: we must have more of
God! If you desire more of God's presence in your life, more of God you
shall certainly have. This is a very inspiring book.
Sample chapter: "Love Me Where You Are At"
(En Español)
When I came to Christ in 1970, America was already pre-wired with end-of-the-world forebodings. Nuclear war seemed inevitable, as Barry McGuire's dire hit "Eve of Destruction" warned. Revolution and lawlessness were spreading everywhere. Yes, the "times" were certainly "a-changin'" as Bob Dylan sang, and indeed so were we. From the rapture-ready hippie revival in the Jesus movement to Hal Lindsey's culture-shaping book, The Late Great Planet Earth, the charismatic movement emerged on the world scene overstocked with prophetic anticipations.
Thus, our preoccupation with all things prophetic has been a kind of spiritual birthmark; it is a prominent characteristic of who we are as last days Christians. Indeed, the '70s produced at least eight major end-of-the-world warnings from prominent authors and various church groups. Other warnings came in the 1980s, punctuated by the book 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988. When that failed, the revised edition came out with the same failed prophecies: The Final Shout: Rapture Report 1989. In the 1990s, especially with the approach of the year 2000 and the widespread computer failures expected from the Y2K Millennium bug, still more warnings came.
Continue reading
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, Spiritual Discernment and the Mind of Christ, available at
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Save up to 57% this week
Limited time offer
Limited time offer
I Will Be Found by You
Chapter titles:
The Tent of Meeting Everyone Who Seeks Finds "Come and See" The Nearness of Our God The Earth Is Full of God's Glory For Dreams to Come True Find God! Two Things, Two Things Only Standing Behind Our Wall Unrelenting Love The Baptism of Love Because He First Loved Us "Love Me Where You're At" |
"I Will Be Found by You" The River of God's Pleasure The Divine Obsession To Behold the Face of God A Place for Him to Rest The Way Into the Holy Place Measure Those Who Worship A Thankful Heart "This Time I Will Praise the Lord" "Tell Francis I Miss Him" A True Worshipper Army of Worshippers |
Book - $8.25 (Retail $13.00)
Two-book package - $12.48 (Retail $26.00)
Two-book package - $12.48 (Retail $26.00)
Ebook - $5.59 (Retail $13.00)
Everyone Who Seeks Finds
Everyone Who Seeks Finds
(En Español)
It is not hard to recognize one who has spent extended time at a newsstand: his conversation overflows with the drama of current affairs. And it is not hard to discern a person who has come from a sporting event, as their face reveals the outcome of the game. Likewise, people can tell when an individual has spent extended time seeking God. An imperturbable calm guards their heart, and their countenance is radiant with light, as with the morning dew of Heaven.
Beloved, to seek and find God is everything.
"He Knew Not That His Face Shone"
When we first determine to draw near to God, it may seem we have little to show for our efforts. Yet be assured: even the thought of seeking God is a step toward our transformation. Still, we often do not notice the first signs of our spiritual renewal, for as we grow increasingly more aware of God, we simultaneously grow increasingly less aware of ourselves. Though we may not see that we are changing, others certainly will.
Consider the experience of Moses. The Lord's servant had ascended Mount Sinai and there stood before the living God. The eyes of Moses were actually filled with God's sun-like glory; his ears actually heard the audible sound of the Lord's voice. Yet when Moses returned to the people, the Bible says he "did not know that the skin of his face shone" (Exod. 34:29). When the Israelites saw the fire of God's glory on the face of Moses, "they were afraid to come near him" (v. 30). They saw he had been with God.
The church needs more people who have, like Moses, climbed ever closer to the Almighty -- people who have stood in the sacred fire of God's presence. Are we not more truly thirsting for the reality of God?
Perhaps this compilation of teachings from Francis Frangipane will become his most important book yet. The essence of I Will Be Found By You
is a living promise from God. If we seek Him in earnest, He has
purposed to reveal Himself in ways that will transform us and impact the
world around us. In truth, when we consider the extent of impossible
conflicts in our world, only one remedy exists: we must have more of
God! If you desire more of God's presence in your life, more of God you
shall certainly have. This is a very inspiring book.
Sample chapter: "Love Me Where You Are At"
(En Español)
It is not hard to recognize one who has spent extended time at a newsstand: his conversation overflows with the drama of current affairs. And it is not hard to discern a person who has come from a sporting event, as their face reveals the outcome of the game. Likewise, people can tell when an individual has spent extended time seeking God. An imperturbable calm guards their heart, and their countenance is radiant with light, as with the morning dew of Heaven.
Beloved, to seek and find God is everything.
"He Knew Not That His Face Shone"
When we first determine to draw near to God, it may seem we have little to show for our efforts. Yet be assured: even the thought of seeking God is a step toward our transformation. Still, we often do not notice the first signs of our spiritual renewal, for as we grow increasingly more aware of God, we simultaneously grow increasingly less aware of ourselves. Though we may not see that we are changing, others certainly will.
Consider the experience of Moses. The Lord's servant had ascended Mount Sinai and there stood before the living God. The eyes of Moses were actually filled with God's sun-like glory; his ears actually heard the audible sound of the Lord's voice. Yet when Moses returned to the people, the Bible says he "did not know that the skin of his face shone" (Exod. 34:29). When the Israelites saw the fire of God's glory on the face of Moses, "they were afraid to come near him" (v. 30). They saw he had been with God.
The church needs more people who have, like Moses, climbed ever closer to the Almighty -- people who have stood in the sacred fire of God's presence. Are we not more truly thirsting for the reality of God?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, I Will Be Found by You, available at
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Save up to 57% this week
Limited time offer
Limited time offer
I Will Be Found By You
Chapter titles:
The Tent of Meeting Everyone Who Seeks Finds "Come and See" The Nearness of Our God The Earth Is Full of God's Glory For Dreams to Come True Find God! Two Things, Two Things Only Standing Behind Our Wall Unrelenting Love The Baptism of Love Because He First Loved Us "Love Me Where You're At" |
"I Will Be Found by You" The River of God's Pleasure The Divine Obsession To Behold the Face of God A Place for Him to Rest The Way Into the Holy Place Measure Those Who Worship A Thankful Heart "This Time I Will Praise the Lord" "Tell Francis I Miss Him" A True Worshipper Army of Worshippers |
Book - $8.25 (Retail $13.00)
Two-book package - $12.48 (Retail $26.00)
Two-book package - $12.48 (Retail $26.00)
Ebook - $5.59 (Retail $13.00)
-Author Unknown.
There was a group of women in a Bible study on the book of
Malachi. As they were studying chapter three they came across
verse three which says, "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of
silver." This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what
this statement meant about the character and nature of God.
One of the women offered to find out about the process of refining
silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study. That
week the woman called up a silversmith and made an appointment
to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the
reason for her interest in silver beyond her curiosity about the
process of refining silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held
a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that,
in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of
the fire where the flames were hottest so as to burn away all the
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot -
then she thought again about the verse, that He sits as a refiner
and purifier of silver. She asked the silversmith if it was true that
he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver
was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had
to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on
the silver the entire time it was in the fire. For if the silver was
left even a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the
silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"
He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's the easy part --
when I see my image reflected in it."
If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God
has His eye on you and will keep His hand on you and watch
over you until He sees His image in you.
-Author Unknown.
There was a group of women in a Bible study on the book of
Malachi. As they were studying chapter three they came across
verse three which says, "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of
silver." This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what
this statement meant about the character and nature of God.
One of the women offered to find out about the process of refining
silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study. That
week the woman called up a silversmith and made an appointment
to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the
reason for her interest in silver beyond her curiosity about the
process of refining silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held
a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that,
in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of
the fire where the flames were hottest so as to burn away all the
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot -
then she thought again about the verse, that He sits as a refiner
and purifier of silver. She asked the silversmith if it was true that
he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver
was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had
to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on
the silver the entire time it was in the fire. For if the silver was
left even a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the
silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"
He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's the easy part --
when I see my image reflected in it."
If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God
has His eye on you and will keep His hand on you and watch
over you until He sees His image in you.
"I'm not about to put up a silly skit and preach a 15-minute
message on 'how to cope' to a multitude of people who are dying
and going to hell. I tremble at the thought." - David Wilkerson
"He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them
of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the
rich he hath sent empty away." ~Mary, the mother of Jesus.
"To read much and practice nothing, is to hunt much and catch
nothing." -Thomas Brooks
"In conquering of those enemies that be within, you make a
conquest over the devil and hell itself... And as this is the most
noble conquest, so it is the most necessary conquest. You must
be the death of your sins, or they will be the death of your souls.
Sin is a viper, that does always kill where it is not killed."
-Thomas Brooks
"Whatsoever we scatter to the poor, we gather for ourselves. Not
getting, but giving... The poor man's hand is Christ's treasury,
Christ's bank. Oh let not Christ's hand and Christ's treasury be
empty!" - Thomas Brooks
"I'm not about to put up a silly skit and preach a 15-minute
message on 'how to cope' to a multitude of people who are dying
and going to hell. I tremble at the thought." - David Wilkerson
"He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them
of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the
rich he hath sent empty away." ~Mary, the mother of Jesus.
"To read much and practice nothing, is to hunt much and catch
nothing." -Thomas Brooks
"In conquering of those enemies that be within, you make a
conquest over the devil and hell itself... And as this is the most
noble conquest, so it is the most necessary conquest. You must
be the death of your sins, or they will be the death of your souls.
Sin is a viper, that does always kill where it is not killed."
-Thomas Brooks
"Whatsoever we scatter to the poor, we gather for ourselves. Not
getting, but giving... The poor man's hand is Christ's treasury,
Christ's bank. Oh let not Christ's hand and Christ's treasury be
empty!" - Thomas Brooks
The Mountain of God
The Mountain of God
(En Español)
(En Español)
Moses was pasturing the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest
of Midian; and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and
came to Horeb, the mountain of God" (Exod. 3:1).
Mount Horeb
was not what it seemed. Though forbidding and barren, Horeb (also called
Sinai in Exodus) was the gateway God used to reveal Himself to the
Hebrew nation. It was here that the living God appeared in a burning
bush to Moses. It was also here that the aged and stammering Moses was
sent back to Egypt with miraculous authority to liberate Israel.It was to Horeb that the Israelites came, following the pillar of fire at night and the covering cloud by day. On Horeb, God Himself inscribed Israel's laws on tablets of stone. Then in the midst of a blazing fire, a deep gloom, and a whirlwind, the terrifying voice of the Most High spoke audibly to His people, thus establishing His covenant with them.
Israel had other sacred places -- the tabernacle in the wilderness, the temple in Jerusalem, and various altars men erected to God -- but Horeb was unique. Horeb was where Moses and the Israelites met God, and it was where Elijah fled when all he tried had failed.
Horeb was "the mountain of God."
Redeemer God
As a geographic and historic place, Horeb was weighty with spiritual significance. Yet the reality symbolized by Horeb -- that God chose a desolate place and then drew desolate men to meet with Him -- is a truth that resonates yet today. Horeb's message is this: the Lord does not turn away from our desolation; He comes to redeem it.
Consider Moses, the great prince of Egypt. From his high estate, he is exiled for forty years in the wilderness. He marries into a Midianite family and assumes the role abhorred by the Egyptians: a shepherd. Yet it is precisely at Horeb that God meets with Moses and commissions him. The word Horeb means "desolation," and it is here that Moses finds redemption as he returns to Egypt empowered with godlike authority.
Or consider Elijah, the fierce prophet whose spectacular but failed efforts to bring revival burdened him with depression, fear, and discouragement. Elijah also comes to Horeb -- the loner, Elijah, who seemingly can't get over the idea that all the prophets are dead and he alone is left. Yet it is here that he discovers not only that there are seven thousand Israelites who are loyal to God, but among them is Elisha, a man who will receive a double portion of Elijah's power. He will bring an end to Jezebel's perverse reign and bring a season of revival to the northern tribes.
On Horeb Elijah discovers that his true call was not to lead a revival but to "go before" and "prepare the way" for greater things to come. Indeed it was this very spirit of Elijah that actually prepared the way for Jesus, Israel's Messiah, in the first century, and it shall again be the spirit of Elijah who prepares the way for the second coming of Christ. (See Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11.)
Horeb in Your World
At Horeb we not only discover more about God but also finally begin to understand ourselves and what the Lord desires of us. Our lives simplify and truly focus on that which is most important. Beloved, you know you are at Horeb when God cuts you back to the root source of your spiritual life. Yes, you are at Horeb when you are inwardly repelled by the superficial distractions of modern Christianity and desperate for more of God.
You will not become a better person at Horeb. For Horeb is not about the perfection of self; it's about the abandonment of self. It is about the discovery that in us -- in our successes and our failures -- there dwells "no good thing." We do not have to perform but conform to the surrendered life of Christ.
Not everyone who walks with God goes through a Horeb experience. Some find God in worship; others knew desolation prior to knowing Christ and now know only thanksgiving to God for their salvation. Some may have actually been through Horeb but not identified it as such. At Horeb the morphine of religion wears off, and we can once again feel our pain. Reality manifests. We see ourselves in the light of God, and as we do, we fall upon Christ the cornerstone (Luke 20:18). Though "broken to pieces," we are finally fit to be used by God.
For those who are even now at Horeb, I urge you to let your soul open and your pain rise to God. He knows. He sees your heartache. He feels your sense of shame, bewilderment, and regret. Whatever He says, do it. When you leave Horeb, He will have brought you to a level you previously thought unattainable.
Recall the infusion of life that Moses and Elijah, the men of Horeb, each experienced beyond their season of desolation. Both experienced a type of the resurrection that is to come (Jude; 1 King 20). And in a mystery beyond our comprehension, it was these two Horebites who appeared in splendorous glory and spoke with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-3).
Horeb, once the place of desolation, is redeemed and revealed as a gateway to God. It is here, in brokenness and fearless honesty, where God brings wholeness of soul.
Horeb is the mountain of God. And once here, we are just steps away from the shelter of the Most High.
O living God, I bow before You. I confess my abject need of You. My guard is down, my actor is dead, and with him I fear my dreams are also gone. Yet you give dreams even to old men. You are the Resurrection. I cast myself upon You, O great God of my salvation. Draw me into Your holy shelter, and renew me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The preceding message is adapted from a chapter in Francis' best selling book, The Shelter of the Most High.
This book unveils powerful, biblical dynamics that help renew the
reader's consciousness so he or she can abide in the awareness of God.
For a limited time, this book and other resources are available at reduced pricing. Visit our Specials page at
by Colin Wilson,
Highland Christian News
Dear Christian believer,
For a considerable time now you have been strangely unsettled in
your spirit. This has perplexed you - as you have just been getting
on with your Christian walk and participating in the general life of
the church. But you have been disturbed in yourself. You have
re-read the pages of the Bible relating to the dynamic works of the
apostles and the early disciples; and then compared these with
what you have been experiencing in your own life and fellowship
setting. And you have perceived a huge "mis-match"; a yawning
gap between where (spiritually-speaking) things are now, and
where the early followers of Christ were in their day. (Note: I am
not suggesting that Pentecost is to be repeated; but rather
continued.. Eph 5:18.)
In different times and circumstances you may have felt that it was
time to "move on to a new situation" in your journey with Christ,
but in a strange way you have not felt any clear direction regarding
which way to go. You have not felt called to "re-locate"; indeed you
may have been feeling and continuing to feel that you need strive
to indentify more closely with your immediate neighbours and that
section of society (neighbourhood/ workplace, etc.) in your
immediate orbit.
In a strange way, any striving that you have done to draw closer to
Christ, and to be more committed to His calling and God's word,
has increased rather than reduced the dis-satisfaction and unrest
that you have been feeling. And you have felt lonely even when
surrounded by other Christians who do not seem to be disturbed
in spirit in the way that you are. Most other Christians in fact seem
to be just happily getting on with their lives. And this adds to your
perplexity. "Is it just me? Why am I feeling this way? There must
be something wrong with me; as most others seem to be getting along OK."
You have been concerned that you might be getting cynical and
critical over what you see as the increasing worldliness in the
church. And you long for fellowship with others whom you feel might
understand - in some measure at least - "where you are". But as
you cautiously yet honestly open up to others whom you sense
may be walking the same path, you find that they too in their heart
of hearts have been going through exactly the same inner spiritual
processes and turmoil as yourself.
If you have been sensing or experiencing any of these things take
heart dear child of God. I believe that what you have been going
through is a God-given unsettledness, a Holy dissatisfaction with
"what is"; and what He has been creating in you is to prepare you
for the days to come.
I believe a great crisis lies ahead - for society, its peoples and the
religious system which many would call "the church"; and God
needs those who have been weaned away from dependancy on
the structures, programmes and other facets of organised
churchianity. He is looking for those who hunger and thirst after
righteousness; and long to be filled with the life-giving Spirit of God.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is searching for those who
are - and will seek to be - Kingdom-builders (as opposed to empire-
builders). He is desiring and preparing those who will seek to know
nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified; those who will find no
satisfaction in the trinkets of this world and who will spurn the
carnal methods, the fixation with "success" and the worldly
measurements of "spirituality" and "commitment" that have invaded the
But, if you have not done so already, please consider some
questions. Are you a believer who is prepared to "abandon all" in
the cause of Christ and His Great Commission to reach the lost?
Have you considered the cost, and are you prepared to pay that
price in the context of the measure of grace that has been shown
to you? Indeed, in your spirit, you realise that nothing short of total
submission will slake your thirst for God and satisfy the desires
of your heart. The way ahead could involve great sacrifice; and you
may face rejection and much criticism - even from those around
you and close to you in the "church", but it is this type of sacrifice
in which the Lord delights (Matt 5:11&12). And indeed the cost of
turning away from His calling upon your life will be even greater.
Take heart dear follower of "the Way", you are not alone. Many
others are being spoken to in exactly the same way as God is
speaking to you. If it is not apparent to you yet, time will reveal
those who will stand with you. Meanwhile equip yourself with
(a knowledge of) His Word and abandon yourself to (the leading
of) His Spirit, that He might use you to the extent that He would,
as the God of all ages works out His purposes in our fallen and
needy world; both now and forever.
Your God and my God has clearly stated through His Son Jesus
Christ: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteous-
ness, because they shall be filled. Blessed are those who are
persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute
you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven."
-Your brother, Colin Wilson.
by Colin Wilson,
Highland Christian News
Dear Christian believer,
For a considerable time now you have been strangely unsettled in
your spirit. This has perplexed you - as you have just been getting
on with your Christian walk and participating in the general life of
the church. But you have been disturbed in yourself. You have
re-read the pages of the Bible relating to the dynamic works of the
apostles and the early disciples; and then compared these with
what you have been experiencing in your own life and fellowship
setting. And you have perceived a huge "mis-match"; a yawning
gap between where (spiritually-speaking) things are now, and
where the early followers of Christ were in their day. (Note: I am
not suggesting that Pentecost is to be repeated; but rather
continued.. Eph 5:18.)
In different times and circumstances you may have felt that it was
time to "move on to a new situation" in your journey with Christ,
but in a strange way you have not felt any clear direction regarding
which way to go. You have not felt called to "re-locate"; indeed you
may have been feeling and continuing to feel that you need strive
to indentify more closely with your immediate neighbours and that
section of society (neighbourhood/ workplace, etc.) in your
immediate orbit.
In a strange way, any striving that you have done to draw closer to
Christ, and to be more committed to His calling and God's word,
has increased rather than reduced the dis-satisfaction and unrest
that you have been feeling. And you have felt lonely even when
surrounded by other Christians who do not seem to be disturbed
in spirit in the way that you are. Most other Christians in fact seem
to be just happily getting on with their lives. And this adds to your
perplexity. "Is it just me? Why am I feeling this way? There must
be something wrong with me; as most others seem to be getting along OK."
You have been concerned that you might be getting cynical and
critical over what you see as the increasing worldliness in the
church. And you long for fellowship with others whom you feel might
understand - in some measure at least - "where you are". But as
you cautiously yet honestly open up to others whom you sense
may be walking the same path, you find that they too in their heart
of hearts have been going through exactly the same inner spiritual
processes and turmoil as yourself.
If you have been sensing or experiencing any of these things take
heart dear child of God. I believe that what you have been going
through is a God-given unsettledness, a Holy dissatisfaction with
"what is"; and what He has been creating in you is to prepare you
for the days to come.
I believe a great crisis lies ahead - for society, its peoples and the
religious system which many would call "the church"; and God
needs those who have been weaned away from dependancy on
the structures, programmes and other facets of organised
churchianity. He is looking for those who hunger and thirst after
righteousness; and long to be filled with the life-giving Spirit of God.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is searching for those who
are - and will seek to be - Kingdom-builders (as opposed to empire-
builders). He is desiring and preparing those who will seek to know
nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified; those who will find no
satisfaction in the trinkets of this world and who will spurn the
carnal methods, the fixation with "success" and the worldly
measurements of "spirituality" and "commitment" that have invaded the
But, if you have not done so already, please consider some
questions. Are you a believer who is prepared to "abandon all" in
the cause of Christ and His Great Commission to reach the lost?
Have you considered the cost, and are you prepared to pay that
price in the context of the measure of grace that has been shown
to you? Indeed, in your spirit, you realise that nothing short of total
submission will slake your thirst for God and satisfy the desires
of your heart. The way ahead could involve great sacrifice; and you
may face rejection and much criticism - even from those around
you and close to you in the "church", but it is this type of sacrifice
in which the Lord delights (Matt 5:11&12). And indeed the cost of
turning away from His calling upon your life will be even greater.
Take heart dear follower of "the Way", you are not alone. Many
others are being spoken to in exactly the same way as God is
speaking to you. If it is not apparent to you yet, time will reveal
those who will stand with you. Meanwhile equip yourself with
(a knowledge of) His Word and abandon yourself to (the leading
of) His Spirit, that He might use you to the extent that He would,
as the God of all ages works out His purposes in our fallen and
needy world; both now and forever.
Your God and my God has clearly stated through His Son Jesus
Christ: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteous-
ness, because they shall be filled. Blessed are those who are
persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute
you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven."
-Your brother, Colin Wilson.
by Jack Ely
I had this dream a good many years ago. Recent talk about the Titanic
brought it to mind so I thought I would share it.
I was aboard a ship with my family. It was some sort of "Christian
Cruise" or something. All about the deck were families of Christians and
the atmosphere was one of merriment and socializing, kind of like a
Church picnic.
The ship was slowly sinking and this was not hidden from anyone for all
knew it to be absolutely true. As we socialized and talked we would
occassionally go to the railings and look overboard to try to gauge how
much longer we might have.
There seemed to be two mindsets about our plight. Most believed that we
would be rescued long before the ship sank. Others, like myself, thought
we would probably have to abandon ship. The former group accused the
latter of being pessimists and having no faith. The latter, smaller
group thought they were wiser.
Even though there were no lifeboats, there was no sense of panic.
Regardless of which belief you held, you could look and see that the
shoreline was not too far away. It would be a strenuous swim, to be
sure, but we all figured we could make it if we had to.
Looking over on the shore I saw the figure of a man and as I watched I
realized that it was an old Apostle. Noone seemed to notice him except
me, or at least, if they did, they chose to ignore him. He was jumping
up and down loudly and cupping his hands to his mouth in a frantic
effort to make himself heard. The distance was much too far for his
voice to travel but I understood that he was warning of danger and this
caused me to try to figure out for myself what he was saying.
Suddenly, in an instant, it dawned on me. We were slowly but surely
drifting farther and farther from the shore and the currents were
getting stronger all the time. Not only was the swim going to be more
difficult the longer we waited, but if we waited too long, the suction
of the ship would pull us under and we wouldn't be able to escape. I
started telling everybody as frantically as the old Apostle on the
shore that we had to get off NOW before it was too late!
I pointed people to the old Apostle and told them to listen to him. Very
few believed that what I was telling them was what he was actually
saying though I knew with absolute certainty that it was. They watched
him with amusement but they found me annoying. The message burned inside
of me deeply though and I both reasoned and pleaded with the men to take
their loved ones and swim for their lives.
Some jumped overboard with their families and swam for shore. The old
Apostle ran up and down the shore line helping them out of the water,
embracing them and drying them off while I was on the ship pleading with
all earnestness. We were working together with all of our might and
effort, united in one spirit to save as many as we could.
Though the situation was perilous, there was also joy unspeakable and
full of glory shared between myself, the old Apostle, and the families
warming themselves on the shoreline.
I would have gone down with the ship if the Lord wanted me to but I had
my own family with me and when I realized that noone else was going to
listen, I threw them overboard and told them to swim as fast as they
could and not look back. I gave one last warning and jumped over to help
my own family to shore.
That was the end of the dream. I awoke immediately and knew the Lord
had spoken to me from heaven, thus qualifying me as an "old man"
according to Joel and Peter.
Seeing the movie "Titanic" I was amazed to learn that the "suction"
principle was actually true. I also found it interesting that an
explosion on the ship caused many of those who were being sucked down to
be pushed back up to the surface. This spoke to me that Got is not
willing for any to perish but wants ALL to come to repentance.
Minggu, 25 September 2016
"Preaching truth without the anointing of the Holy Ghost is helping
the devil to damn souls. There's nothing on earth today so
deadening as preaching without heaven's anointing. Refrain from
preaching unless you know that the dew of heaven is on your soul."
-- Duncan Campbell
"Are not the Church in their present state, a standing, public,
perpetual denial of the gospel? Do they not stand out before
the world, as a living, unanswerable contradiction?"
--Charles Finney
"Cowards never won heaven. Do not claim that you are begotten
of God and have His royal blood running in your veins unless you
can prove your lineage by this heroic spirit: to dare to be holy in
spite of men and devils." -- William Gurnall
"Christians don't tell lies - they just go to church and sing them."
--A.W. Tozer
"Any concept of grace that makes us feel more comfortable
sinning is not biblical grace. God's grace never encourages us to
live in sin, on the contrary, it empowers us to say no to sin and
yes to truth." -- Randy Alcorn
"An unholy church! it is useless to the world, and of no esteem
among men. It is an abomination, hell´s laughter, heaven´s
abhorrence. The worst evils which have ever come upon the world
have been brought upon her by an unholy church."
--C.H. Spurgeon
"I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever
cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest
they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion
without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case unless
they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which
they first set out." -- John Wesley
From the journals of John Wesley:
"Sunday a.m., May 5 -Preached in St. Ann's; was asked not to
come back any more.
Sunday p.m., May 5- Preached at St. John's; deacons said, 'Get
out and stay out.'
Sunday a.m., May 12 - Preached at St. Jude's; can't go back
there either.
Sunday p.m., May 12-Preached at St. George's; kicked out again.
Sunday a.m., May 19- Preached at St. Somebody Else's;
deacons called a special meeting and said I couldn't return.
Sunday p.m., May 19 - Preached on the street; kicked off the
Sunday a.m., May 26- Preached out in a meadow; chased out of
meadow when a bull was turned loose during the service.
Sunday a.m., June 2- Preached out at the edge of town; kicked
off the highway.
Sunday p.m., June 2- Afternoon service, preached in pasture;
10,000 people came."
--John Wesley.
"Preaching truth without the anointing of the Holy Ghost is helping
the devil to damn souls. There's nothing on earth today so
deadening as preaching without heaven's anointing. Refrain from
preaching unless you know that the dew of heaven is on your soul."
-- Duncan Campbell
"Are not the Church in their present state, a standing, public,
perpetual denial of the gospel? Do they not stand out before
the world, as a living, unanswerable contradiction?"
--Charles Finney
"Cowards never won heaven. Do not claim that you are begotten
of God and have His royal blood running in your veins unless you
can prove your lineage by this heroic spirit: to dare to be holy in
spite of men and devils." -- William Gurnall
"Christians don't tell lies - they just go to church and sing them."
--A.W. Tozer
"Any concept of grace that makes us feel more comfortable
sinning is not biblical grace. God's grace never encourages us to
live in sin, on the contrary, it empowers us to say no to sin and
yes to truth." -- Randy Alcorn
"An unholy church! it is useless to the world, and of no esteem
among men. It is an abomination, hell´s laughter, heaven´s
abhorrence. The worst evils which have ever come upon the world
have been brought upon her by an unholy church."
--C.H. Spurgeon
"I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever
cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest
they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion
without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case unless
they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which
they first set out." -- John Wesley
From the journals of John Wesley:
"Sunday a.m., May 5 -Preached in St. Ann's; was asked not to
come back any more.
Sunday p.m., May 5- Preached at St. John's; deacons said, 'Get
out and stay out.'
Sunday a.m., May 12 - Preached at St. Jude's; can't go back
there either.
Sunday p.m., May 12-Preached at St. George's; kicked out again.
Sunday a.m., May 19- Preached at St. Somebody Else's;
deacons called a special meeting and said I couldn't return.
Sunday p.m., May 19 - Preached on the street; kicked off the
Sunday a.m., May 26- Preached out in a meadow; chased out of
meadow when a bull was turned loose during the service.
Sunday a.m., June 2- Preached out at the edge of town; kicked
off the highway.
Sunday p.m., June 2- Afternoon service, preached in pasture;
10,000 people came."
--John Wesley.
Sabtu, 24 September 2016
Are You Having an Identity Crisis?
Are You Having an Identity Crisis?
(En Español)
It is our conviction that Christ's life not only atoned for the sins of mankind, through our union with Him, a second Genesis began. Paul explains, "The first man, Adam, became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit" (1 Cor. 15:45).
The word Adam means "man" and is representative of "mankind." There are now two Adams or two species of man. The first species is the descendant of sinful Adam. His thoughts orbit around his carnal or "natural" desires. He carries both the DNA of Adam's nature and the consequences of Adam's sin. He is, indeed, a "living soul," who is controlled by fears, physical needs, intellect boundaries, pride, culture and sin.
The second species or race of man is Spirit-centered. His thoughts, dreams and experiences originate primarily from the Holy Spirit, who lives in union with him. The highest aspiration of the Spirit-centered man is not on attaining natural successes, but upon attaining conformity to Christ. While the first man lives to experience what the world around him can give, the last species of man, the Christ-man, lives for what he can give to the world: he is a "life-giving spirit." The first Adam engendered descendants with problems; the spiritual descendants of the last Adam, Christ, provide the world with answers.
New Creatures
While men divide over many things -- culture, skin color, language or social status -- from God's view mankind is only truly divided into two subsets: those controlled by their souls and those controlled by the Holy Spirit. One race is dead in sin; the other is alive in Christ. One species of man is destined to perish; the other will live forever. Just as the first Adam passed sin, weakness and death to his children, so the second Adam, Christ, passes virtue, power and eternal life to the children of God.
"Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come" (2 Cor. 5:17).
"For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation" (Gal. 6:15).
We are not merely creatures of flesh temporarily acting spiritual, but we are spiritual beings temporarily living as men of flesh. If you have received Christ into your life, you are part of the second Genesis. You possess a new nature that, like Christ's, shall live forever.
Identity Crisis
Yet too many of us suffer from an "identity crisis." We are confused about who we really are. We attend church, but internally we are still deeply identified with the traits and expectations of the first Adam. Paul rebuked the church in Corinth, which suffered with fleshy attitudes, saying, "Are you not walking like mere men?" (1 Cor. 3:3).
Hear me well: If you have received Christ, you are no mere mortal. The very same power that raised Christ from the dead, abides also in you. While you may experience many of the same trials that the descendants of the first Adam face, you are buoyed by God's Spirit as He faithfully works all things for good in your life. On the other side of your trials is not death, but resurrection!
"But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you" (Rom. 8:11).
We may look human, but abiding within us is a treasure more valuable the earth itself: resurrection power.
"But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power" (Acts 2:24).
Just as it was impossible for death to hold Christ in the grave, so it is impossible for the substance of "death" still in us -- our sins and failures -- to hold Him as well. Christ conquers death as readily as light drives out darkness. Indeed, in all things we are "more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Rom. 8:37 NIV).
Seated With Christ
I was once engaged in a particular struggle, and a friend asked me, "How are you doing under the circumstances?" I answered, "I'm not under the circumstances; I'm seated with Christ in heavenly places. My Father is God. There is no weapon formed against me that can prosper. I'm born again from above, a new creation; I am a partaker of the Divine nature."
Everything I answered came directly from God's Word and represents the reality granted each of us by faith in God's promises. Faith unlocks the power of God's promises. My friends, none of us need be under circumstances or "the weather," or pressures or curses; you are alive together with Christ (Col. 2) and positioned in the shelter of God's domain. Yes, we face conflict, which God uses to perfect our character, but He also "always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place" (2 Cor. 2:14).
Beloved, if you are not using God's Word to define and shape your spiritual identity, you will, in fact, be under circumstances and clouded by the oppression that abides on the first Adam. You may still be a Christian, but you will suffer from your identity crisis. This is why Paul said, "Put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth" (Eph. 4: 24). You must accept, believe, and then apply the word of God until you are fully established as a new creation.
"Those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren" (Rom. 8:29).
The quest to walk in your new nature is the crux of your primary battles in life. This is not just a war between your virtue and your vices. No, it is a war between your identity after the flesh and your true identity as a new creature in Christ. Faith, John tells us, "is the victory that overcomes the world" (1 John 5:4).
You see, you are a citizen of a new realm. As such, you must learn the customs and understand the language. In the kingdom of God, everyone believes what God says about them. When God speaks, His words create realities. Our faith accepts the grace and truth of God's Word and, in so doing, our lives are transformed.
Yes, we will still fail, but Christ is greater than our failings. True, we will still err, but in all things God works good. Indeed, we pass through hard experiences that God uses to transform us. (see Phil. 3:10), yet He also brings us through such things so we can possess eternal life!
Consider Paul's analysis of his personal journey:
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me" (Gal. 2:20).
Again, he wrote:
"Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day" (2 Cor. 4:16).
Let us ask ourselves: Is our spiritual consciousness focused upon what is outwardly "decaying" or are our hearts lifted to that part of us that is "being renewed day by day"? Are we living as mere men or as new creatures fashioned after the likeness of Christ? Would you agree that it is time to get over your identity crisis?
Lord, forgive me for dwelling in the basement of my old nature rather than the penthouse of Your love and promises. You have chosen me to reveal Your life; You've given me Your Holy Spirit and spoken to me through Your Word. I am Your child, born from above and destined to inherit Your glory. I worship You, my Lord and King.

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MP3 Audio Series Download - $8.68 (Retail $14.00)
(En Español)
It is our conviction that Christ's life not only atoned for the sins of mankind, through our union with Him, a second Genesis began. Paul explains, "The first man, Adam, became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit" (1 Cor. 15:45).
The word Adam means "man" and is representative of "mankind." There are now two Adams or two species of man. The first species is the descendant of sinful Adam. His thoughts orbit around his carnal or "natural" desires. He carries both the DNA of Adam's nature and the consequences of Adam's sin. He is, indeed, a "living soul," who is controlled by fears, physical needs, intellect boundaries, pride, culture and sin.
The second species or race of man is Spirit-centered. His thoughts, dreams and experiences originate primarily from the Holy Spirit, who lives in union with him. The highest aspiration of the Spirit-centered man is not on attaining natural successes, but upon attaining conformity to Christ. While the first man lives to experience what the world around him can give, the last species of man, the Christ-man, lives for what he can give to the world: he is a "life-giving spirit." The first Adam engendered descendants with problems; the spiritual descendants of the last Adam, Christ, provide the world with answers.
New Creatures
While men divide over many things -- culture, skin color, language or social status -- from God's view mankind is only truly divided into two subsets: those controlled by their souls and those controlled by the Holy Spirit. One race is dead in sin; the other is alive in Christ. One species of man is destined to perish; the other will live forever. Just as the first Adam passed sin, weakness and death to his children, so the second Adam, Christ, passes virtue, power and eternal life to the children of God.
"Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come" (2 Cor. 5:17).
"For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation" (Gal. 6:15).
We are not merely creatures of flesh temporarily acting spiritual, but we are spiritual beings temporarily living as men of flesh. If you have received Christ into your life, you are part of the second Genesis. You possess a new nature that, like Christ's, shall live forever.
Identity Crisis
Yet too many of us suffer from an "identity crisis." We are confused about who we really are. We attend church, but internally we are still deeply identified with the traits and expectations of the first Adam. Paul rebuked the church in Corinth, which suffered with fleshy attitudes, saying, "Are you not walking like mere men?" (1 Cor. 3:3).
Hear me well: If you have received Christ, you are no mere mortal. The very same power that raised Christ from the dead, abides also in you. While you may experience many of the same trials that the descendants of the first Adam face, you are buoyed by God's Spirit as He faithfully works all things for good in your life. On the other side of your trials is not death, but resurrection!
"But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you" (Rom. 8:11).
We may look human, but abiding within us is a treasure more valuable the earth itself: resurrection power.
"But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power" (Acts 2:24).
Just as it was impossible for death to hold Christ in the grave, so it is impossible for the substance of "death" still in us -- our sins and failures -- to hold Him as well. Christ conquers death as readily as light drives out darkness. Indeed, in all things we are "more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Rom. 8:37 NIV).
Seated With Christ
I was once engaged in a particular struggle, and a friend asked me, "How are you doing under the circumstances?" I answered, "I'm not under the circumstances; I'm seated with Christ in heavenly places. My Father is God. There is no weapon formed against me that can prosper. I'm born again from above, a new creation; I am a partaker of the Divine nature."
Everything I answered came directly from God's Word and represents the reality granted each of us by faith in God's promises. Faith unlocks the power of God's promises. My friends, none of us need be under circumstances or "the weather," or pressures or curses; you are alive together with Christ (Col. 2) and positioned in the shelter of God's domain. Yes, we face conflict, which God uses to perfect our character, but He also "always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place" (2 Cor. 2:14).
Beloved, if you are not using God's Word to define and shape your spiritual identity, you will, in fact, be under circumstances and clouded by the oppression that abides on the first Adam. You may still be a Christian, but you will suffer from your identity crisis. This is why Paul said, "Put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth" (Eph. 4: 24). You must accept, believe, and then apply the word of God until you are fully established as a new creation.
"Those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren" (Rom. 8:29).
The quest to walk in your new nature is the crux of your primary battles in life. This is not just a war between your virtue and your vices. No, it is a war between your identity after the flesh and your true identity as a new creature in Christ. Faith, John tells us, "is the victory that overcomes the world" (1 John 5:4).
You see, you are a citizen of a new realm. As such, you must learn the customs and understand the language. In the kingdom of God, everyone believes what God says about them. When God speaks, His words create realities. Our faith accepts the grace and truth of God's Word and, in so doing, our lives are transformed.
Yes, we will still fail, but Christ is greater than our failings. True, we will still err, but in all things God works good. Indeed, we pass through hard experiences that God uses to transform us. (see Phil. 3:10), yet He also brings us through such things so we can possess eternal life!
Consider Paul's analysis of his personal journey:
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me" (Gal. 2:20).
Again, he wrote:
"Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day" (2 Cor. 4:16).
Let us ask ourselves: Is our spiritual consciousness focused upon what is outwardly "decaying" or are our hearts lifted to that part of us that is "being renewed day by day"? Are we living as mere men or as new creatures fashioned after the likeness of Christ? Would you agree that it is time to get over your identity crisis?
Lord, forgive me for dwelling in the basement of my old nature rather than the penthouse of Your love and promises. You have chosen me to reveal Your life; You've given me Your Holy Spirit and spoken to me through Your Word. I am Your child, born from above and destined to inherit Your glory. I worship You, my Lord and King.
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Limited time offer
A House United
splits, strife and division. Have you experienced the trauma of
division? Hell itself was created when Lucifer's ambition broke rank
with God. If you have experienced strife, either in your home or church,
A House United will guide you out of division and into the way
of peace. Francis Frangipane, speaking as a father to the church, shows
the importance of unity and how to build on the foundation of the
nature of Christ.
Special Note: We sold our previously released book It's Time to End Church Splits to
our friends at Chosen Books. The new edition, now called A House
United, has been somewhat revised. A new final section, which includes
three chapters, has been added.
Book - $8.75 (Retail $15.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When the Many Are One
the Christian community - driven by grace, unified in love, and
activated by prayer - can bring revival and change the world.
best efforts will not stop the flood of problems in our cities if we
remain isolated from each other. In a season when external forces are
causing disunity and division, Francis Frangipane calls us back to
oneness with Christ, and through Him oneness with other Christians. With
the character and power of Christ in our midst, the Church can again
bring transformation to our communities, our nation, and our world.
Book - $8.75 (Retail $15.00)
Ebook - $8.75 (Retail $15.00)
Ebook - $8.75 (Retail $15.00)
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Two-book package - $16.50
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Audios ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
House of Prayer
Audio Series
Audio Series
This classic series from Francis Frangipane helps us to not only understand the power of redemptive intercession but to walk in it to the glory of God.
Message Titles:
A House of Mercy | Zeal for God's House | The Intercessor's Vision
Standing Before God | Prayer Warrior | The Life of Vision
If My People will Pray | A Call to Prayer
CD Audio Series - $17.36 (Retail $28.00)Standing Before God | Prayer Warrior | The Life of Vision
If My People will Pray | A Call to Prayer
MP3 Audio Series Download - $8.68 (Retail $14.00)
Kamis, 22 September 2016
by Bryan Hupperts
There has been so much in the Christian news about a worldwide
revival taking place that I just had to start looking for it. Revival
properly understood is essentially a new beginning of obedience
to God. Jesus said you would know something by the fruit it
produces. Look at the fruit of what is occurring and then ask: Is
it really revival?
When the Spirit of God is poured over your city but husbands will
not love their wives, and wives will not obey their husbands, is it
really revival?
What the Bible is mocked and doctrine called "a divisive tool of
the devil", when the "old" gifts of the Spirit are thrown out in favor
of a new, secret gift allegedly from the Holy Spirit, is it really revival?
When the love of Unity supercedes the love of the Absolute Truth,
is it really revival?
When a move of the Spirit of God is measured by bodies piled
on the floor and not by the number of repentant prayers baptized
by tears at an altar, is it really revival?
When leaders openly confess some personal lust of their heart
and publicly challenge God with statements like, "This is the
desire of my heart and I demand this from you, Lord. If you do
not produce it immediately, on the authority of your own Word,
I declare you a liar," and then the crowd of on-looking fools
squeals "Amen!" - where is the fear of the Lord? Is this really revival?
When tried and tested prophets of the Lord warn of impending
judgment for sin and are mocked by the Christian media who
want to whoop it up with the pervading party spirit in the church,
is this really revival?
When the church is more concerned with her own welfare and
well being and not that of a lost, dying world, and calls it
"intimacy with God," is it really revival?
When "don't judge anything" is seen as a litmus test for spiritual
maturity instead of honoring the Lord who loves "righteous
judgment," is this really revival?
When churches who are claiming supernatural visitations of all
manner of angelic beings but cannot seem to open their doors
to welcome mere humans of differing color and social and
economic status, is it really revival?
When the saints of the Most High run from marathon meeting to
marathon meeting blind to the needs of the widow down the
street from them who cannot get her lawn mowed or has no one
to help her get to the market to buy food, is it really revival?
When fellowship chat lines are filled on the net with loving, wise
believers who cannot seem to spare 15 minutes outside of
cyberspace to pray with their flesh and blood spouse and children
before bed, is it really revival?
When believers can "bind the strongman" over a city but cannot
rule their own tongues, is it really revival?
When practical holiness is branded as fleshly legalism, it is really revival?
When people walk away from awesome spiritual encounters only
to then be plagued with thoughts of suicide, depression, the ability
to see demons but not angels, and a pervading sense of
hopelessness, is it really revival?
When the love of the saints is not extended to those who cautiously
question your movement, and who are then labeled, branded really,
as being possessed by "a spirit of criticism," is it really revival?
When believers flock to get a word from the prophet but cannot
seem to take the time to lock themselves in their prayer closet to
get a word from God, or better yet, simply commune with Him, is
it really revival?
When angel worship (which means paying honor and homage) is
welcomed and embraced in the church, and being touched by an
angel is somehow more glorious than being touched by the Lord,
is it really revival?
When Jesus is honored with passioned cries of "Lord, Lord," but
is then not obeyed, is this really revival?
When you finally have God figured out and can order Him around
to suit your desires, you can prophesy on cue, and behave in
such an other-worldly bizarre manner that even the cults are
afraid of you, is it really revival?
When being filled with the Holy Spirit is evidenced by all manner
of manifestation EXCEPT Holiness, is it really revival?
Have you gone to the Cross daily to die to self? Have you come
to a place of total surrender to Christ, to a new obedience to the
Living God, to a true love of the Truth and genuine worship that
springs from a cleansed, joyful heart? Is there a declaration of
the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ in your life? If so, then
you have experienced true revival. If not, ask yourself: Is this
really revival?
Be revived, and strengthen the things that remain.
Bryan Hupperts
(c) 1998.
by Bryan Hupperts
There has been so much in the Christian news about a worldwide
revival taking place that I just had to start looking for it. Revival
properly understood is essentially a new beginning of obedience
to God. Jesus said you would know something by the fruit it
produces. Look at the fruit of what is occurring and then ask: Is
it really revival?
When the Spirit of God is poured over your city but husbands will
not love their wives, and wives will not obey their husbands, is it
really revival?
What the Bible is mocked and doctrine called "a divisive tool of
the devil", when the "old" gifts of the Spirit are thrown out in favor
of a new, secret gift allegedly from the Holy Spirit, is it really revival?
When the love of Unity supercedes the love of the Absolute Truth,
is it really revival?
When a move of the Spirit of God is measured by bodies piled
on the floor and not by the number of repentant prayers baptized
by tears at an altar, is it really revival?
When leaders openly confess some personal lust of their heart
and publicly challenge God with statements like, "This is the
desire of my heart and I demand this from you, Lord. If you do
not produce it immediately, on the authority of your own Word,
I declare you a liar," and then the crowd of on-looking fools
squeals "Amen!" - where is the fear of the Lord? Is this really revival?
When tried and tested prophets of the Lord warn of impending
judgment for sin and are mocked by the Christian media who
want to whoop it up with the pervading party spirit in the church,
is this really revival?
When the church is more concerned with her own welfare and
well being and not that of a lost, dying world, and calls it
"intimacy with God," is it really revival?
When "don't judge anything" is seen as a litmus test for spiritual
maturity instead of honoring the Lord who loves "righteous
judgment," is this really revival?
When churches who are claiming supernatural visitations of all
manner of angelic beings but cannot seem to open their doors
to welcome mere humans of differing color and social and
economic status, is it really revival?
When the saints of the Most High run from marathon meeting to
marathon meeting blind to the needs of the widow down the
street from them who cannot get her lawn mowed or has no one
to help her get to the market to buy food, is it really revival?
When fellowship chat lines are filled on the net with loving, wise
believers who cannot seem to spare 15 minutes outside of
cyberspace to pray with their flesh and blood spouse and children
before bed, is it really revival?
When believers can "bind the strongman" over a city but cannot
rule their own tongues, is it really revival?
When practical holiness is branded as fleshly legalism, it is really revival?
When people walk away from awesome spiritual encounters only
to then be plagued with thoughts of suicide, depression, the ability
to see demons but not angels, and a pervading sense of
hopelessness, is it really revival?
When the love of the saints is not extended to those who cautiously
question your movement, and who are then labeled, branded really,
as being possessed by "a spirit of criticism," is it really revival?
When believers flock to get a word from the prophet but cannot
seem to take the time to lock themselves in their prayer closet to
get a word from God, or better yet, simply commune with Him, is
it really revival?
When angel worship (which means paying honor and homage) is
welcomed and embraced in the church, and being touched by an
angel is somehow more glorious than being touched by the Lord,
is it really revival?
When Jesus is honored with passioned cries of "Lord, Lord," but
is then not obeyed, is this really revival?
When you finally have God figured out and can order Him around
to suit your desires, you can prophesy on cue, and behave in
such an other-worldly bizarre manner that even the cults are
afraid of you, is it really revival?
When being filled with the Holy Spirit is evidenced by all manner
of manifestation EXCEPT Holiness, is it really revival?
Have you gone to the Cross daily to die to self? Have you come
to a place of total surrender to Christ, to a new obedience to the
Living God, to a true love of the Truth and genuine worship that
springs from a cleansed, joyful heart? Is there a declaration of
the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ in your life? If so, then
you have experienced true revival. If not, ask yourself: Is this
really revival?
Be revived, and strengthen the things that remain.
Bryan Hupperts
(c) 1998.
Sabtu, 17 September 2016
-P0RN sites receive more regular traffic than Netflix, Amazon, &
Twitter combined each month. (HuffPost)
-The P0RN industry makes more money than Hollywood. (-US
Statistics). 13,000 adult videos are produced annually, amassing
over $13 billion dollars in profit. By comparison, Hollywood released
507 movies and made only 8.8 billion (Bridges and Wosnitzer, 2007).
-They also make more than:
The National Football League, The National Basketball Association
and Major League Baseball combined - and more than NBC, CBS,
and ABC combined. In addition, they have larger revenues than the
top technology companies (Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay,
Yahoo, Apple and Netflix) combined (IFR, 2006).
- 35% of all internet downloads are P0RN-related. (WebRoot)
-P0RN increased marital infidelity by 300%. (WebRoot)
-Child P0RN is one of the fastest growing online businesses. (IWF)
- 624,000+ child P0RN traders have been discovered online in the
U.S. (Innocent Justice)
-The United States is the top producer of pornographic dvds and
web material; the second largest is Germany: they each produce
in excess of 400 porn films every week.
In the U.S., 2/3 of human resource professionals have found
P0RN on employees´ work computers. (Paintbottle, 2013)
Children as young as 11 years old are regularly accessing
hardcore gonzo pornography (IFR, 2006).
Following first exposure, the largest consumer group of internet
pornography is boys between the ages of 12-17.
* In December of 2000, the National Coalition to Protect Children
and Families surveyed 5 Christian Campuses to see how the
next generation of believers was doing with sexual purity:
48% of males admitted to current P0RN use.
68% of males said they intentionally viewed a sexually explicit
site at the school
* In a survey of over 500 Christian men at a men's retreat, over 90%
admitted that they were feeling disconnected from God because
lust, P0RN, or fantasy had gained a foothold in their lives. (-As
reported in an article on by Kenny Luck).
* 51% of Pastors say Internet pornography is a possible temptation.
37% say it is a current struggle. 4 in 10 pastors have visited a P0RN
website. ~Christianity Today, Leadership survey, Dec 2001
Of those polled at a Promise Keepers event, 50% said they had
checked out pornographic material within the past week.
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves... lovers of pleasures
more than lovers of God." - 2 Timothy 3:1,4b
-Sources - , ,
-P0RN sites receive more regular traffic than Netflix, Amazon, &
Twitter combined each month. (HuffPost)
-The P0RN industry makes more money than Hollywood. (-US
Statistics). 13,000 adult videos are produced annually, amassing
over $13 billion dollars in profit. By comparison, Hollywood released
507 movies and made only 8.8 billion (Bridges and Wosnitzer, 2007).
-They also make more than:
The National Football League, The National Basketball Association
and Major League Baseball combined - and more than NBC, CBS,
and ABC combined. In addition, they have larger revenues than the
top technology companies (Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay,
Yahoo, Apple and Netflix) combined (IFR, 2006).
- 35% of all internet downloads are P0RN-related. (WebRoot)
-P0RN increased marital infidelity by 300%. (WebRoot)
-Child P0RN is one of the fastest growing online businesses. (IWF)
- 624,000+ child P0RN traders have been discovered online in the
U.S. (Innocent Justice)
-The United States is the top producer of pornographic dvds and
web material; the second largest is Germany: they each produce
in excess of 400 porn films every week.
In the U.S., 2/3 of human resource professionals have found
P0RN on employees´ work computers. (Paintbottle, 2013)
Children as young as 11 years old are regularly accessing
hardcore gonzo pornography (IFR, 2006).
Following first exposure, the largest consumer group of internet
pornography is boys between the ages of 12-17.
* In December of 2000, the National Coalition to Protect Children
and Families surveyed 5 Christian Campuses to see how the
next generation of believers was doing with sexual purity:
48% of males admitted to current P0RN use.
68% of males said they intentionally viewed a sexually explicit
site at the school
* In a survey of over 500 Christian men at a men's retreat, over 90%
admitted that they were feeling disconnected from God because
lust, P0RN, or fantasy had gained a foothold in their lives. (-As
reported in an article on by Kenny Luck).
* 51% of Pastors say Internet pornography is a possible temptation.
37% say it is a current struggle. 4 in 10 pastors have visited a P0RN
website. ~Christianity Today, Leadership survey, Dec 2001
Of those polled at a Promise Keepers event, 50% said they had
checked out pornographic material within the past week.
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves... lovers of pleasures
more than lovers of God." - 2 Timothy 3:1,4b
-Sources - , ,
"Give yourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word. If you
do not pray, God will probably lay you aside from your ministry,
as He did me, to teach you to pray."
-Robert Murray McCheyne
"The evangelization of the world depends first of all upon a revival
of prayer. Deeper than the need for men - aye, deep down at the
bottom of our spiritless life, is the need for the forgotten secret
of prevailing, world-wide prayer."
- Andrew Murray
"Action without prayer is arrogance,
prayer without action is hypocrisy."
- Jose Zayas
"Only turning God's house into a house of fervent prayer will
reverse the power of evil so evident in the world today."
-- Jim Cymbala
"The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of
answered prayer."
-- E. M. Bounds
"Give yourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word. If you
do not pray, God will probably lay you aside from your ministry,
as He did me, to teach you to pray."
-Robert Murray McCheyne
"The evangelization of the world depends first of all upon a revival
of prayer. Deeper than the need for men - aye, deep down at the
bottom of our spiritless life, is the need for the forgotten secret
of prevailing, world-wide prayer."
- Andrew Murray
"Action without prayer is arrogance,
prayer without action is hypocrisy."
- Jose Zayas
"Only turning God's house into a house of fervent prayer will
reverse the power of evil so evident in the world today."
-- Jim Cymbala
"The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of
answered prayer."
-- E. M. Bounds
One of You Is a Gossip
One of You Is a Gossip
(En Español)
A perverse man spreads strife, and a slanderer separates intimate friends. ---Proverbs 16:28
Jesus made a remarkable statement concerning Judas. He said, "‘Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?’ Now He meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray Him" (John 6:70-71).
To what was Jesus referring when He identified Judas as "a devil"? Was He speaking figuratively or factually? Is Jesus saying that a human being could not only host an evil spirit in his soul, but that a person could actually become a demon?
Some teach that Judas had become so perfectly possessed by Satan that he actually lost his humanity. Before we accept this interpretation, let us remember that after Judas delivered Jesus to His enemies, he felt such remorse that he committed suicide. Could a demon feel remorse for sin? I do not think so.
What I believe Jesus is identifying in Judas Iscariot as a "devil" is something that, today, exists unchecked among many Christians. I’m talking about slander. In the New Testament the Greek word diabolos, which is translated "devil" in this text, is translated impersonally elsewhere as a "false accuser," "slanderer" or "malicious gossip." In fact, 1Timothy 3:11 and 2 Timothy 3:3 both translate diabolos (Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #1228) as "malicious gossip(s)."
In other words, Jesus is not saying "one of you is a devil" in an organic or theological sense, but that one of you is "a slanderer, a malicious gossip." So while the disciples were almost bragging about their loyalty to Christ, Jesus corrected them, in effect saying, "Yes, I chose you, but even among you there is one who is a malicious gossip, whose words will eventually betray Me to My enemies."
Gossip in the Last Days
This problem of gossip in the Church, Paul tells us, will continue right into the end of the age. Listen carefully to what Paul wrote to Timothy about the last days: "Men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips" (2 Tim. 3:2-3), and the list goes on. In the midst of this list of great sins, the apostle includes "malicious gossips." This is the exact same word translated "devil" in John 6:70.
Perhaps you know people who always have something negative to say about others, who are a sewer system of negative information about people. Do you see how "malicious gossip" is kin to the nature of Satan himself?
By Your Words . . .
The Scriptures say that we will be justified or condemned by our words. Yes, our words -- even those spoken in secret with a spouse or intimate friend -- are used by God to measure our obedience to His will. James writes, "If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man" (James 3:2).
Words have power. Scripture reveals that "death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Prov. 18:21). Our words, expressed as a confession of faith, bring us into salvation; but words rooted in bitterness can defile many, even an entire congregation.
James 3:8 warns, "The tongue . . . is a restless evil . . . full of deadly poison." "The tongue," he says, "is a fire, the very world of iniquity" (v. 6). And James reveals one of the most profound truths in the Bible. He says that the tongue “sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell" (v. 6).
Satan gains access to our world, to destroy all that is good and holy in it, through our words. The very course of our life, the direction and quality of life, is "set on fire by hell" through the words we speak. If we talk negatively about someone or maliciously spread gossip, the destructive fire of hell itself is released into our world. Lord, help us to understand the power of our words!
I believe God wants to break the power of gossip and negative speaking from the Church. We may have a perfect analysis of what is wrong and why it is evil, yet if all we do is talk about it, we have yet to disavow our allegiance to hell. God calls us to be a house of prayer for all nations -- a spiritual community that is mature, fully capable of seeing what is wrong, but positioning itself to release redemption into the world.
Finally, as we enter the election season here in America, let us guard against the mudslinging and slander that accompany this period. Yes, in a humble spirit, let's discuss and debate policies, and pray for guidance for ourselves and the candidates. But do not lose sight of your higher standing in God. Remember also the words of James: "The seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace" (James 3:18).
Lord, I consecrate myself to be a house of prayer for my nation, where my spirit prays without ceasing and where Your river of life flows out from my innermost being. In honor of Christ. Amen.

This classic series from Francis Frangipane helps us to not only understand the power of redemptive intercession but to walk in it to the glory of God.
MP3 Audio Series Download - $8.68 (Retail $14.00)
(En Español)
A perverse man spreads strife, and a slanderer separates intimate friends. ---Proverbs 16:28
Jesus made a remarkable statement concerning Judas. He said, "‘Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?’ Now He meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray Him" (John 6:70-71).
To what was Jesus referring when He identified Judas as "a devil"? Was He speaking figuratively or factually? Is Jesus saying that a human being could not only host an evil spirit in his soul, but that a person could actually become a demon?
Some teach that Judas had become so perfectly possessed by Satan that he actually lost his humanity. Before we accept this interpretation, let us remember that after Judas delivered Jesus to His enemies, he felt such remorse that he committed suicide. Could a demon feel remorse for sin? I do not think so.
What I believe Jesus is identifying in Judas Iscariot as a "devil" is something that, today, exists unchecked among many Christians. I’m talking about slander. In the New Testament the Greek word diabolos, which is translated "devil" in this text, is translated impersonally elsewhere as a "false accuser," "slanderer" or "malicious gossip." In fact, 1Timothy 3:11 and 2 Timothy 3:3 both translate diabolos (Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #1228) as "malicious gossip(s)."
In other words, Jesus is not saying "one of you is a devil" in an organic or theological sense, but that one of you is "a slanderer, a malicious gossip." So while the disciples were almost bragging about their loyalty to Christ, Jesus corrected them, in effect saying, "Yes, I chose you, but even among you there is one who is a malicious gossip, whose words will eventually betray Me to My enemies."
Gossip in the Last Days
This problem of gossip in the Church, Paul tells us, will continue right into the end of the age. Listen carefully to what Paul wrote to Timothy about the last days: "Men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips" (2 Tim. 3:2-3), and the list goes on. In the midst of this list of great sins, the apostle includes "malicious gossips." This is the exact same word translated "devil" in John 6:70.
Perhaps you know people who always have something negative to say about others, who are a sewer system of negative information about people. Do you see how "malicious gossip" is kin to the nature of Satan himself?
By Your Words . . .
The Scriptures say that we will be justified or condemned by our words. Yes, our words -- even those spoken in secret with a spouse or intimate friend -- are used by God to measure our obedience to His will. James writes, "If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man" (James 3:2).
Words have power. Scripture reveals that "death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Prov. 18:21). Our words, expressed as a confession of faith, bring us into salvation; but words rooted in bitterness can defile many, even an entire congregation.
James 3:8 warns, "The tongue . . . is a restless evil . . . full of deadly poison." "The tongue," he says, "is a fire, the very world of iniquity" (v. 6). And James reveals one of the most profound truths in the Bible. He says that the tongue “sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell" (v. 6).
Satan gains access to our world, to destroy all that is good and holy in it, through our words. The very course of our life, the direction and quality of life, is "set on fire by hell" through the words we speak. If we talk negatively about someone or maliciously spread gossip, the destructive fire of hell itself is released into our world. Lord, help us to understand the power of our words!
I believe God wants to break the power of gossip and negative speaking from the Church. We may have a perfect analysis of what is wrong and why it is evil, yet if all we do is talk about it, we have yet to disavow our allegiance to hell. God calls us to be a house of prayer for all nations -- a spiritual community that is mature, fully capable of seeing what is wrong, but positioning itself to release redemption into the world.
Finally, as we enter the election season here in America, let us guard against the mudslinging and slander that accompany this period. Yes, in a humble spirit, let's discuss and debate policies, and pray for guidance for ourselves and the candidates. But do not lose sight of your higher standing in God. Remember also the words of James: "The seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace" (James 3:18).
Lord, I consecrate myself to be a house of prayer for my nation, where my spirit prays without ceasing and where Your river of life flows out from my innermost being. In honor of Christ. Amen.
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Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, A House United, available at
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A House United
splits, strife and division. Have you experienced the trauma of
division? Hell itself was created when Lucifer's ambition broke rank
with God. If you have experienced strife, either in your home or church,
A House United will guide you out of division and into the way
of peace. Francis Frangipane, speaking as a father to the church, shows
the importance of unity and how to build on the foundation of the
nature of Christ.
Special Note: We sold our previously released book It's Time to End Church Splits to
our friends at Chosen Books. The new edition, now called A House
United, has been somewhat revised. A new final section, which includes
three chapters, has been added.
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When the Many Are One
the Christian community - driven by grace, unified in love, and
activated by prayer - can bring revival and change the world.
best efforts will not stop the flood of problems in our cities if we
remain isolated from each other. In a season when external forces are
causing disunity and division, Francis Frangipane calls us back to
oneness with Christ, and through Him oneness with other Christians. With
the character and power of Christ in our midst, the Church can again
bring transformation to our communities, our nation, and our world.
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House of Prayer
Audio Series
Audio Series
This classic series from Francis Frangipane helps us to not only understand the power of redemptive intercession but to walk in it to the glory of God.
Message Titles:
A House of Mercy | Zeal for God's House | The Intercessor's Vision
Standing Before God | Prayer Warrior | The Life of Vision
If My People will Pray | A Call to Prayer
CD Audio Series - $17.36 (Retail $28.00)Standing Before God | Prayer Warrior | The Life of Vision
If My People will Pray | A Call to Prayer
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