It's funny...
I've been doing this teaching series on the Bible and I haven't even talked about HOW to study it (yet).
That's because things have changed.
HOW to study the Bible isn't even the biggest obstacle anymore.
WHY to study it is something I thought I would never have to teach.
But it's the sign of the times we live in.
Mark my words...
And that explains this lukewarm generation.
riches handed to us on a silver platter and we're too busy, to
self-absorbed, to lazy to even reach out and take what is freely given.
Yes, I'm talking about the Scriptures.
Jesus said we must live by EVERY WORD of God (Mt. 4:4).
We don't get to pick and choose which words we want to live by.
I'm led by the Spirit... God speaks to me directly... and the Bible is
just a record of what He said in the past... I want to know what He says
*Rolling my eyes*
EVERY WORD OF GOD means living, spoken, or written!
At some point you're going to have to get over yourself and get into the Bible if you want to grow spiritually.
Lazy people who want instant answers, shortcuts, and "hacks" choose the easy path.
know... going to a meeting, getting a "word" or getting somebody to lay
hands on them and create some instantaneous breakthrough while they sit
their like blob, soaking it all in, then going home and falling into
the same problems all over again.
Or worse - relying on the
pastor, preacher, prophet, or pope to tell them what to believe without
once searching anything for themselves.
In His grace, God sometimes helps people when they do stupid stuff.
But you need to get some wisdom.
for too many people, blasting the Bible is just an excuse for them not
to do the actual work of reading, searching, studying, and doing what He
says to do.
It's not that hard, but LAZY people find it unbearable.
I think LAZINESS is the root problem in these anti-Bible believers (so-called).
Oh yes, it's true that God wants to speak to us and lead us by His Spirit.
It's also true that the Holy Spirit uses Scripture to reveal Christ.
the truth is, most of us cannot be led *only* by the Spirit anyway
because we're too carnal, fleshly, immature, and doubled-minded.
The Holy Spirit cannot lead carnal Christians. That's kind of the point.
90% of people who claim to be "led by the Spirit" are really led by their feelings and emotions.
God, seeing that this would be the case with most people until they
grow up into Christ, said, "I'm going to write it down for you... My
Will, My Ways, My Wisdom, as demonstrated in the lives of ordinary
people and One Extraordinary Man so you can learn from their example."
All of these great spiritual truths and revelations written down in a book (of all things!).
book that you probably have one or two dozen copies of right now, while
people were killed trying to print, publish, pass it out or preach it.
here we are, sitting in our Facebook groups talking about "Bibleolatry"
and "we're led by the Spirit so we don't need to read the Bible."
Fools and blind!
God says, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge" (Hos. 4:6).
For us, it isn't for a lack of information, preachers, teachers, books and Bibles.
because of a lack of knowledge - practical wisdom about how to take
these wonderful spiritual truths and put them into practice.
I'm sick and tired of seeing God's people destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
That's why I've been doing this teaching series on Decoding the Bible.
In this week's teaching we're going to look at:
- 4 common mistakes people make when handling the Scriptures
- How God elegantly leads us with the Holy Spirit AND with Scripture (so there is no contradiction)
- 7 HUGE benefits of studying Scripture
- A simple plan for getting started with the Bible
- Much more!
There are two times to choose from:
-- Option 1 --
Click here to register:
-- Option 2 --
Click here to register:
register for one of the above times and you can join us online to watch
and listen from the comfort and convenience of your computer.
DO NOT COUNT ON A REPLAY. Make every effort to join us online because you never know.
It's free to join, but if you can give a little something towards the cost it is appreciated.
Hope to "see" you on the webinar!
I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Gereja Tuhan ataupun umat Tuhan harus menyuarakan suara profetik bukan sekedar dalam lingkungan orang percaya tetapi juga berbicara pada bangsa-bangsa yang belum mengenal Dia. Bukan hanya melalui kata-kata tetapi perbuatan kita yang menjadi berkat disertai belas kasihan
Jumat, 27 Mei 2016
THE DEMON that SHOCKED US - Video (4 mins).
THE DEMON that SHOCKED US - Video (4 mins).
You sure learn to "expect the unexpected" when something like
this happens. Actual footage. Take a look below-
God bless you all.
You sure learn to "expect the unexpected" when something like
this happens. Actual footage. Take a look below-
God bless you all.
TRAINING WEEKENDS - Whangarei, Auckland, Tauranga
TRAINING WEEKENDS - Whangarei, Auckland, Tauranga
We have held several of these weekends in New Zealand so far
this year and every time we have seen God do remarkable things.
Many healings, baptisms, people filled with the Holy Spirit, etc.
Praise Jesus! But best of all, many people seem to make the
"jump" up to a new level of expectancy and faith. Then they start
seeing these things happen themselves.
For those in Whangarei, Auckland and Tauranga, our training
weekends in those cities are coming up in June and July. I know
some people like to come just for the Saturday sessions only.
That is fine. But certainly you will get more out of it if you can
make the whole weekend, my friends.
(1) WHANGAREI, Northland. 17-18 June. (Starts 7pm on Fri).
VENUE: Tikipunga Baptist, 200 Kiripaka Rd, Tikipunga, Whangarei.
COST: Entry is no charge.
START TIMES: 7pm Friday, 10am Saturday. (Goes all day).
FACILITATORS: Andrew Strom, Chris Bradley and Mike Taylor.
TEACHING TOPICS: Healing the sick, casting out demons,
baptizing, preaching the full gospel that the apostles preached...
CONTACT: Chris Bradley - 027-2230850.
(2) WEST AUCKLAND. 1st - 2nd July. (Starts 7pm on Fri).
VENUE: Ranui Baptist, 464 Swanson Rd, Ranui, Auckland 0612.
COST: Entry is no charge.
START TIMES: 7pm Friday, 10am Saturday. (Goes all day).
FACILITATORS: Andrew Strom, Chris Bradley and Mike Taylor.
TEACHING TOPICS: Healing the sick, casting out demons,
baptizing, preaching the full gospel that the apostles preached...
CONTACT: Chris Bradley - 027-2230850.
(3) TAURANGA. 15 -16 July. (Starts 7pm on Fri).
VENUE: The Chapel at Otumoetai Baptist, 241 Otumoetai Rd,
Otumoetai, Tauranga 3110.
COST: Entry is no charge.
START TIMES: 7pm Friday, 10am Saturday. (Goes all day).
FACILITATORS: Andrew Strom, Chris Bradley and Mike Taylor.
TEACHING TOPICS: Healing the sick, casting out demons,
baptizing, preaching the full gospel that the apostles preached...
CONTACT: Chris Bradley - 027-2230850.
These are very practical, hands-on weekends. Please come
"PRAYED UP" - expecting great things from God rather than man.
We look forward to seeing you there, my friends. Please let your
contacts know about these events.
God bless you all.
We have held several of these weekends in New Zealand so far
this year and every time we have seen God do remarkable things.
Many healings, baptisms, people filled with the Holy Spirit, etc.
Praise Jesus! But best of all, many people seem to make the
"jump" up to a new level of expectancy and faith. Then they start
seeing these things happen themselves.
For those in Whangarei, Auckland and Tauranga, our training
weekends in those cities are coming up in June and July. I know
some people like to come just for the Saturday sessions only.
That is fine. But certainly you will get more out of it if you can
make the whole weekend, my friends.
(1) WHANGAREI, Northland. 17-18 June. (Starts 7pm on Fri).
VENUE: Tikipunga Baptist, 200 Kiripaka Rd, Tikipunga, Whangarei.
COST: Entry is no charge.
START TIMES: 7pm Friday, 10am Saturday. (Goes all day).
FACILITATORS: Andrew Strom, Chris Bradley and Mike Taylor.
TEACHING TOPICS: Healing the sick, casting out demons,
baptizing, preaching the full gospel that the apostles preached...
CONTACT: Chris Bradley - 027-2230850.
(2) WEST AUCKLAND. 1st - 2nd July. (Starts 7pm on Fri).
VENUE: Ranui Baptist, 464 Swanson Rd, Ranui, Auckland 0612.
COST: Entry is no charge.
START TIMES: 7pm Friday, 10am Saturday. (Goes all day).
FACILITATORS: Andrew Strom, Chris Bradley and Mike Taylor.
TEACHING TOPICS: Healing the sick, casting out demons,
baptizing, preaching the full gospel that the apostles preached...
CONTACT: Chris Bradley - 027-2230850.
(3) TAURANGA. 15 -16 July. (Starts 7pm on Fri).
VENUE: The Chapel at Otumoetai Baptist, 241 Otumoetai Rd,
Otumoetai, Tauranga 3110.
COST: Entry is no charge.
START TIMES: 7pm Friday, 10am Saturday. (Goes all day).
FACILITATORS: Andrew Strom, Chris Bradley and Mike Taylor.
TEACHING TOPICS: Healing the sick, casting out demons,
baptizing, preaching the full gospel that the apostles preached...
CONTACT: Chris Bradley - 027-2230850.
These are very practical, hands-on weekends. Please come
"PRAYED UP" - expecting great things from God rather than man.
We look forward to seeing you there, my friends. Please let your
contacts know about these events.
God bless you all.
Minggu, 22 Mei 2016
"There was a day when I died; died to self, my opinions, preferences,
tastes and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to
the approval or blame even of my brethren or friends; and since
then I have studied only to show myself approved unto God."
- George Mueller
"Many mourn for their sins that do not truly repent of them, weep
bitterly for them, and yet continue in love and league with them."
- Matthew Henry
"True repentance is no light matter. It is a thorough change of heart
about sin, a change showing itself in godly sorrow and humiliation -
in heartfelt confession before the throne of grace - in a complete
breaking off from sinful habits, and an abiding hatred of all sin. Such
repentance is the inseparable companion of saving faith in Christ."
- J. C. Ryle
"Unless you have made a complete surrender and are doing his
will it will avail you nothing if you've reformed a thousand times
and have your name on fifty church records."
- Billy Sunday
"Repentance, as we know, is basically not moaning and remorse,
but turning and change."
- J.I. Packer
"People who cover their faults and excuse themselves do not have
a repentant spirit."
- Watchman Nee
"There was a day when I died; died to self, my opinions, preferences,
tastes and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to
the approval or blame even of my brethren or friends; and since
then I have studied only to show myself approved unto God."
- George Mueller
"Many mourn for their sins that do not truly repent of them, weep
bitterly for them, and yet continue in love and league with them."
- Matthew Henry
"True repentance is no light matter. It is a thorough change of heart
about sin, a change showing itself in godly sorrow and humiliation -
in heartfelt confession before the throne of grace - in a complete
breaking off from sinful habits, and an abiding hatred of all sin. Such
repentance is the inseparable companion of saving faith in Christ."
- J. C. Ryle
"Unless you have made a complete surrender and are doing his
will it will avail you nothing if you've reformed a thousand times
and have your name on fifty church records."
- Billy Sunday
"Repentance, as we know, is basically not moaning and remorse,
but turning and change."
- J.I. Packer
"People who cover their faults and excuse themselves do not have
a repentant spirit."
- Watchman Nee
Find God!
There is only one thing that keeps most churches from prospering spiritually. They have yet to find God.
Holiness Comes From Seeking the Glory of God"How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another, and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?" (John 5:44). If we are displaying our spirituality to impress men, still seeking honor from others, still living to appear righteous or special or "anointed" before people, can we honestly say we have been walking near to the living God? We know we are relating correctly to God when our hunger for His glory causes us to forsake the praise of men.
Does not all glory fade in the light of His glory? Even as Jesus challenged the genuineness of the Pharisees’ faith, so He challenges us: "How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another?"
What a weak comfort is the praise of men. Upon such a frail ledge do we mortals build our happiness. Consider: within but a few days after the Lycaonians attempted to worship Paul, they were congratulating themselves for having stoned him (Acts 14:11-19). Consider: was it not the same city whose songs and praise welcomed Jesus as "King . . . gentle, and mounted on a donkey" (Matt. 21:5-9) that roared, "Crucify Him!" less than one week later (Luke 23:21)? To seek the praise of men is to be tossed upon such a sea of instability!
We must ask ourselves, whose glory do we seek in life, God’s or our own? Jesus said, "He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory" (John 7:18). When we speak from ourselves and of ourselves, are we not seeking to solicit from men the praise that belongs only to God? To seek our glory is to fall headlong into vanity and deception. "But," Jesus continued, "He who is seeking the glory of the one who sent Him, He is true and there is no unrighteousness in Him" (v. 18). The same quality of heart that made Christ’s intentions true must become our standard as well. For only to the degree that we are seeking the glory of God are our motivations true! Only to the degree that we abide in the glory of Him who sends us is there no unrighteousness in our hearts!
Therefore, let us give ourselves to seeking the glory of God, and let us do so until we find Him. As we behold the nature of Christ, as our eyes see Him, like Job we "abhor" ourselves and "repent in dust and ashes" (Job 42:6 KJV). As we are bathed in His glory, we shall be washed from seeking the glory of man.
If we truly find Him, no one will have to tell us to be humble. No one need convince us our old natures are as filthy rags. As we truly find God, the things which are so highly esteemed among men will become detestable in our sight (Luke 16:15).
What could be more important than finding God? Take a day, a week or a month and do nothing but seek Him, persisting until you find Him. He has promised, "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13). Find God, and once you have Him, determine to live the rest of your life in pursuit of His glory. As you touch Him, something will come alive in you: something eternal, someone Almighty! Instead of looking down on people, you will seek to lift them up. You will dwell in the presence of God. And you will be holy, for He is holy.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Adapted from Francis Frangipane's books, I Will Be Found by You, and Holiness Truth and the Presence of God, available at
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Save up to 35% off this week
Limited time offer
Limited time offer
I Will Be Found By You Customer Reviews: I Will Be Found By You
Book - $9.10 (Retail $13.00)
Ebook - $9.10 (Retail $13.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God
Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God
Book $8.40 (Retail $12.00)
Ebook $8.40 (Retail $12.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
More of God - Audio Series
Our primary need in the church is not more programs; what we need most is more of God.
Message titles:
More of God | God's Will for Us
Dismantling Strongholds | With Unveiled Face
The Simplicity of Devotion | He Restores My Soul
CD Audio Series - $16.80 (Retail $24.00)
MP3 Audio Series Download - $8.40 (Retail $12.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
MP3 Audio Series Download - $8.40 (Retail $12.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Will Be Found By You
Holiness Truth and the Presence of God
Holiness Truth and the Presence of God
Two-book package - $16.25
(Retail $25.00)
(Retail $25.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A 6-minute video by Andrew Strom that looks at why healings are
suddenly occurring at a rate that we have never seen before. What
does it mean? Has something important changed?
Watch this video at the link below-
God bless you all.
A 6-minute video by Andrew Strom that looks at why healings are
suddenly occurring at a rate that we have never seen before. What
does it mean? Has something important changed?
Watch this video at the link below-
God bless you all.
I know that many of you have not seen this yet. Please watch
the video below-
God bless you all.
I know that many of you have not seen this yet. Please watch
the video below-
God bless you all.
Humility Precedes Holiness
"The bigger I grow in God, the smaller I become."
---Allen Bond
A Holy Man Is a Humble Man
"Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart" (Matt. 11:29 KJV). The holiest, most powerful voice that ever spoke described Himself as "meek and lowly in heart." Why begin a message on holiness with a quote concerning humility? Simply because holiness is the product of grace and God gives grace only to the humble.
It is vital we understand that Jesus did not condemn sinners; He condemned hypocrites. A hypocrite is a person who excuses his own sin while condemning the sins of another. He is not merely "two-faced," for even the best of us must work at single-mindedness in all instances. A hypocrite, therefore, is one who refuses to admit he is, at times, two-faced, thereby pretending a righteousness that he fails to live.
Indeed, the hypocrite does not discern his hypocrisy, for he cannot perceive flaws within himself. Rarely does he actually deal with the corruption in his heart. Since he seeks no mercy, he has no mercy to give; since he is always under God's judgment, judging is what comes through him.
We cannot remain hypocrites and at the same time find holiness. Therefore, the first step we truly take toward sanctification is to admit we are not as holy as we would like to appear. This first step is called humility.
In our desire to know God, we must discern this about the Almighty: He resists the proud but His grace is drawn to the humble. Humility brings grace to our need, and grace alone can change our hearts. Humility, therefore, is the substructure of transformation. It is the essence of all virtues.
At some phase in each of our lives, we all will be confronted with the impurities of our hearts. The Holy Spirit reveals our sinfulness, not to condemn us but to establish humility and deepen the knowledge of our personal need for grace. It is at this crossroad that both holy men and hypocrites are bred. Those who become holy see their need and fall prostrate before God for deliverance. Those who become hypocrites are they who, in seeing their sin, excuse it and thus remain intact. Though all men must eventually stand at this junction, few are they who embrace the voice of truth; few are they indeed who will walk humbly toward true holiness.
Therefore, sanctification starts not with rules but with the forsaking of pride. Purity begins with our determined refusal to hide from the condition of our hearts. Out of self-discovery comes forth humility, and in meekness true holiness grows.
If we are not enlightened to the depravity of our old nature, we become "Christian Pharisees," hypocrites, full of contempt and self-righteousness. Did not our Master warn of those who, "trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt"? (Luke 18:9) Every time we judge another Christian, we do so with an attitude of self-righteousness. Each time we criticize another church, contempt is the motive behind our words. The irony of our Christianity is that so many churches look upon each other with identical attitudes of superiority. The modern church has become overstocked with those who, thinking they were holy, have become the exact opposite of holiness because they so lack humility!
Yet the humility we seek is drawn from a well that goes deeper than the awareness of our needs. Even in times of spiritual fullness, we must delight in weakness, knowing all strength is the product of God's grace. The humility we hope to find must go beyond the pattern of living proud lives, interrupted momentarily by intervals of self-abasement. Meekness must become our way of life. Like Jesus, we must delight in becoming "lowly in heart." Like Jesus, His disciples are humble by choice.
Anyone Can Judge, But Can You Save?
Hypocrites love to judge; it makes them feel superior. But it shall not be so with you. You must seek earnestly for lowliness of heart. Many zealous but proud Christians failed to reach holiness because they presumed they were called to judge others.
Jesus Christ did not come to condemn the world but to save the world. Anyone can pass judgment, but can they save? Can they lay down their lives in love, intercession and faith for the one judged? Can they target an area of need and, rather than criticizing, fast and pray, asking God to supply the very virtue they feel is lacking? And then, can they persevere in love-motivated prayer until that fallen area blooms in godliness? Such is the life Christ commands we follow!
To judge after the flesh requires but one eye and a carnal mind. On the other hand, it takes the loving faithfulness of Christ to redeem and save. One act of His love revealed through us will do more to warm cold hearts than the sum of all our pompous criticisms. Therefore, grow in love, excel in mercy, and you will have a clearer perception into the essence of holiness, for it is the nature of God, who is love.
One may argue, "But Jesus condemned sin." Yes, and we condemn sin also, but the sin we must condemn first is the sin of judging others, for it obscures our vision from discerning sin in ourselves (Matt. 7:5). Understand this: We will never become holy by criticizing others; nor is anyone brought nearer to God through finding fault!
If we are honestly pursuing our sanctification, we will soon discover we have no time for judging others. Indeed, being in need of mercy, we will seek eagerly for opportunities to be merciful to others.
Yes, Scripture tells us that Jesus judged men in certain situations, but His motive was always to save. His love was perfectly committed to the one He judged. When our love toward another is such that we can honestly say, like Christ, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you" (Heb. 13:5), our powers of discernment will be likewise perfected; for it is love alone that gives us pure motives in judgment (1 John 4:16-17).
Do you still insist on finding fault? Beware, Christ's standard of judgment is high: "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone" (John 8:7). Indeed, speak out against unrighteousness but be motivated by the love of Jesus. Remember, it is written, "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8). In the kingdom of God, unless you are first committed to die for people, you are not permitted to judge them.
It is also important to note that the ears which listen to gossip or criticism are as guilty as the mouth that speaks it. Do not contribute to such sins. Instead, stop the offender from speaking and entreat him to intercede, as Jesus does, for that person or situation. Your ears are holy; do not let them come into agreement with the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10).
Remember, Christ did not condemn sinners, He condemned hypocrites. He numbered Himself with sinners -- bearing our sins and sorrows (Isa. 53). This is the humility we are seeking. Indeed, holiness shines brightly through the meek and lowly of heart.
is the first book ever written by Pastor Francis. It came after three
years of studying and repeatedly reading the Gospels. The truths in this
book have stirred men to revivals. This book is a penetrating study of
the human heart and how God prepares it for His glory.
Book $8.71 (Retail $12.00)
Ebook $8.25 (Retail $12.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
---Allen Bond
A Holy Man Is a Humble Man
"Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart" (Matt. 11:29 KJV). The holiest, most powerful voice that ever spoke described Himself as "meek and lowly in heart." Why begin a message on holiness with a quote concerning humility? Simply because holiness is the product of grace and God gives grace only to the humble.
It is vital we understand that Jesus did not condemn sinners; He condemned hypocrites. A hypocrite is a person who excuses his own sin while condemning the sins of another. He is not merely "two-faced," for even the best of us must work at single-mindedness in all instances. A hypocrite, therefore, is one who refuses to admit he is, at times, two-faced, thereby pretending a righteousness that he fails to live.
Indeed, the hypocrite does not discern his hypocrisy, for he cannot perceive flaws within himself. Rarely does he actually deal with the corruption in his heart. Since he seeks no mercy, he has no mercy to give; since he is always under God's judgment, judging is what comes through him.
We cannot remain hypocrites and at the same time find holiness. Therefore, the first step we truly take toward sanctification is to admit we are not as holy as we would like to appear. This first step is called humility.
In our desire to know God, we must discern this about the Almighty: He resists the proud but His grace is drawn to the humble. Humility brings grace to our need, and grace alone can change our hearts. Humility, therefore, is the substructure of transformation. It is the essence of all virtues.
At some phase in each of our lives, we all will be confronted with the impurities of our hearts. The Holy Spirit reveals our sinfulness, not to condemn us but to establish humility and deepen the knowledge of our personal need for grace. It is at this crossroad that both holy men and hypocrites are bred. Those who become holy see their need and fall prostrate before God for deliverance. Those who become hypocrites are they who, in seeing their sin, excuse it and thus remain intact. Though all men must eventually stand at this junction, few are they who embrace the voice of truth; few are they indeed who will walk humbly toward true holiness.
Therefore, sanctification starts not with rules but with the forsaking of pride. Purity begins with our determined refusal to hide from the condition of our hearts. Out of self-discovery comes forth humility, and in meekness true holiness grows.
If we are not enlightened to the depravity of our old nature, we become "Christian Pharisees," hypocrites, full of contempt and self-righteousness. Did not our Master warn of those who, "trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt"? (Luke 18:9) Every time we judge another Christian, we do so with an attitude of self-righteousness. Each time we criticize another church, contempt is the motive behind our words. The irony of our Christianity is that so many churches look upon each other with identical attitudes of superiority. The modern church has become overstocked with those who, thinking they were holy, have become the exact opposite of holiness because they so lack humility!
Yet the humility we seek is drawn from a well that goes deeper than the awareness of our needs. Even in times of spiritual fullness, we must delight in weakness, knowing all strength is the product of God's grace. The humility we hope to find must go beyond the pattern of living proud lives, interrupted momentarily by intervals of self-abasement. Meekness must become our way of life. Like Jesus, we must delight in becoming "lowly in heart." Like Jesus, His disciples are humble by choice.
Anyone Can Judge, But Can You Save?
Hypocrites love to judge; it makes them feel superior. But it shall not be so with you. You must seek earnestly for lowliness of heart. Many zealous but proud Christians failed to reach holiness because they presumed they were called to judge others.
Jesus Christ did not come to condemn the world but to save the world. Anyone can pass judgment, but can they save? Can they lay down their lives in love, intercession and faith for the one judged? Can they target an area of need and, rather than criticizing, fast and pray, asking God to supply the very virtue they feel is lacking? And then, can they persevere in love-motivated prayer until that fallen area blooms in godliness? Such is the life Christ commands we follow!
To judge after the flesh requires but one eye and a carnal mind. On the other hand, it takes the loving faithfulness of Christ to redeem and save. One act of His love revealed through us will do more to warm cold hearts than the sum of all our pompous criticisms. Therefore, grow in love, excel in mercy, and you will have a clearer perception into the essence of holiness, for it is the nature of God, who is love.
One may argue, "But Jesus condemned sin." Yes, and we condemn sin also, but the sin we must condemn first is the sin of judging others, for it obscures our vision from discerning sin in ourselves (Matt. 7:5). Understand this: We will never become holy by criticizing others; nor is anyone brought nearer to God through finding fault!
If we are honestly pursuing our sanctification, we will soon discover we have no time for judging others. Indeed, being in need of mercy, we will seek eagerly for opportunities to be merciful to others.
Yes, Scripture tells us that Jesus judged men in certain situations, but His motive was always to save. His love was perfectly committed to the one He judged. When our love toward another is such that we can honestly say, like Christ, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you" (Heb. 13:5), our powers of discernment will be likewise perfected; for it is love alone that gives us pure motives in judgment (1 John 4:16-17).
Do you still insist on finding fault? Beware, Christ's standard of judgment is high: "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone" (John 8:7). Indeed, speak out against unrighteousness but be motivated by the love of Jesus. Remember, it is written, "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8). In the kingdom of God, unless you are first committed to die for people, you are not permitted to judge them.
It is also important to note that the ears which listen to gossip or criticism are as guilty as the mouth that speaks it. Do not contribute to such sins. Instead, stop the offender from speaking and entreat him to intercede, as Jesus does, for that person or situation. Your ears are holy; do not let them come into agreement with the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10).
Remember, Christ did not condemn sinners, He condemned hypocrites. He numbered Himself with sinners -- bearing our sins and sorrows (Isa. 53). This is the humility we are seeking. Indeed, holiness shines brightly through the meek and lowly of heart.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God, available at
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Rabu, 18 Mei 2016
(PERCAKAPAN DENGAN TUHAN) untuk informasi Anda & para
Hati-hati terhadap buku ini! Oprah mendukung dan
mengedepankan buku ini. Menakutkan bahwa seseorang tanpa segan dan malu menulis
sebuah buku dari sudut pandang TUHAN padahal
bertentangan dengan Firman-Nya. Mohon teruskan ke semua orang yang mempunyai
anak atau cucu.
Jika Anda
mempunyai anak atau cucu, bekerja samalah dengan anak-anak di gereja, atau anda
kenal anak-anak dilingkungan yang orangtuanya anda kenal, mohon perhatikan
informasi berikut di bawah dan teruskanlah ke orang lain. Sekolah-sekolah
mendistribusikan buku ini kepada anak-anak lewat Scholastic Book Club (di USA)
Nama buku
tersebut adalah "CONVERSATIONS with GOD"
James Dobson
membicarakan buku ini dua kali dalam minggu ini. Buku ini amat merusak.
Orangtua, gereja dan sekolah Kristen perlu menyadari bahaya buku ini. Tolong
sebarluaskan informasi ini ke gereja, para orangtua, kakek, paman, sepupu dan
perhatikan dengan khusus tidak hanya pada apa yang ditonton anak-anak anda di
TV, di bioskop, di internet, dan musik yang mereka dengar, tetapi juga perhatikan
dengan sungguh-sungguh buku-buku yang mereka baca.
Khususnya dua
buku sebagai berikut; "Conversations with God"
(Percakapan dengan TUHAN) dan "Conversations with God for Teens"
(Percakapan dengan TUHAN untuk para Remaja).
adalah Neale D. Walsch.
Membaca judul
buku-buku itu sepertinya aman-aman saja, tidak ada yang berbahaya. Buku-buku tersebut
bertengger di daftar buku best seller New York Times untuk beberapa
minggu, dan mereka menggaris
bawahi pernyataan, "Jangan menghakimi sebuah buku dari sampul atau
Si pengarang mengaku menjawab berbagai
pertanyaan yang ditanyakan anak-anak dengan memakai "suara TUHAN". Bagaimanapun, "jawaban-jawaban" yang
ia berikan tidak berdasarkan Alkitab dan berlawanan dengan Firman Allah yang
sempurna. Sebagai contoh, (dan saya mengutip), ketika seorang remaja putri
bertanya "Mengapa saya seorang lesbian?" Jawabannya
adalah, bahwa 'ia dilahirkan demikian dari sononya', disebabkan
masalah genetika (sama seperti jika kamu dilahirkan kidal, dengan mata coklat,
dsbnya). Lalu ia memberitahu dia untuk 'pergi keluar dan "merayakan"
Remaja putri lain bertanya "Saya hidup
bersama pacar saya. Orangtua saya mengatakan bahwa saya harus menikah dengannya
karena saya hidup dalam dosa. Haruskan saya menikah dengannya?" Jawabnya, "Huh, kamu
berdosa pada siapa? Tidak dimata saya, karena kamu tidak melakukan apapun yang
lain menanyakan tentang pengampunan TUHAN atas dosa. Jawabnya "Saya tidak mengampuni
siapapun sebab tidak ada apapun untuk diampuni ... Engga ada tuh sesuatu itu benar
atau salah, dan hal ini sudah saya coba beritahukan semua orang, jangan
menghakimi orang. Orang memilih untuk saling menghakimi
satu terhadap yang lain dan ini salah karena aturannya adalah "jangan menghakimi atau kamu akan dihakimi"
Buku-buku ini
tidak saja berisi doktrin palsu Iblis, tetapi dalam beberapa kejadian Firman TUHAN
dikutip (dengan keliru).
Dan daftar jadi semakin panjang.
Buku-buku ini (dan yang serupa) dijual pada anak-anak sekolah lewat Scholastic Book Club (Klub Buku Ilmiah),
dan kita hendaknya menyadari dan waspada apa yang dicekoki ke anak-anak kita.
kita sedang diserang. Olehkarenanya saya berdoa agar anda bijaksana dan waspada
mengajarkan Firman TUHAN kepada anak anak anda dan menjaga keterbukaan mereka terhadap
media duniawi, karena lawan kita, si Iblis, berjalan
keliling sama seperti singa yang mengaum-aum dan mencari orang yang dapat
ditelannya (1 Petrus 5:8)
artikel ini kepada setiap orang percaya yang anda kenal. Tuhan Memberkati!
Alih Bahasa: RH
Jumat, 06 Mei 2016
Several weeks ago we published a prophetic word taken from my
1996 book, 'THE COMING GREAT REFORMATION - New Insights
into the Coming Worldwide Shaking, Reformation and Street
Revival.' Below is another prophecy taken from the same book-
"SMASHING DOWN the WALLS" - by Andrew Strom
"God is going to use this Reformation and Revival to smash down
the dividing walls that separate the Christians. Jesus has never
stopped desiring that there be only "one" undivided body. Today,
however, just amongst the Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians
alone there are so many divisions, "streams" and denominations
that it is almost impossible to count them all. Each division has
it's own `label', and in many ways they operate like competing
corporations, selling the same "product" under different labels
(with slight variations)...
God is going to smash down these `walls' in this Revival. How?
By bringing His people out from underneath all these "labels"! In
one very significant vision several years ago, a NZ prophet saw
God firing "flaming arrows" into the churches. These flaming
arrows were `on-fire' ministries, speaking the word of God. However,
the Pastors were rushing around trying to damp down the flames!
God then sent a "mighty wind" to fan the flames, and suddenly
the doors of the churches burst open and all the people flooded
out onto the streets to become one huge throng. I believe that this
is an exact picture of what is about to take place, and in many
ways it also illustrates the whole concept of "Reformation"...
Another local intercessor was also shown a vision relating to this
several years ago, while deep in prayer. The first thing she saw
was church buildings of every kind - stained glass, steeples, plain
and modern, etc. This part of the vision was in black and white.
The churches all looked abandoned - like a ghost town, with birds
nesting in them and doors and windows askew, etc. And in each
church, the intercessor saw a huge old curtain or `veil' that was
in absolute tatters.
The second part of the vision was all in colour. She saw hundreds
of Christians outdoors (with guitars, etc) fellowshipping together
in the open air. She knew that these Christians had abandoned
their church buildings and `divisions', and were now fellowshipping
freely out-of-doors. When she asked God what the huge tattered
curtain in each of the abandoned churches represented, she was
told that when Jesus was crucified, the veil/curtain in the temple
was rent, thus allowing the people free access to the `holy of
holies'. However, the churches had raised up this veil once again.
But now these structures had been abandoned, thus allowing the
common people free access to God's holy-of-holies once more.
What an astounding vision!
There can be no doubt that God desires a loving, militant "street-
level" Church today. After all, isn't that what the early church was
all about? I believe that it will become common for incredible signs,
wonders and miracles to be performed on the streets as a result
of this coming Revival. In fact, I believe that we are about to see
a demonstration of God's glory in the area of the miraculous that
will be even more powerful than the book of Acts.
Enormous love, enormous boldness and `joy unspeakable' will be
just some of the characteristics of this Revival. And everything will
be bathed in prayer. In fact this Revival is going to be BUILT on
prayer. As Charles Finney said, "Revival comes from heaven when
heroic souls enter the conflict determined to win or die... `The
kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by
force.'" There is no substitute for faith-filled, Spirit-fired "agonizing"
prayer. Only those who are prepared and praying will be involved
in this Revival from the beginning. As history shows, great
blessing can only ever fall when the people of God learn to seek
His face with all their heart."
-Source- 'The Coming Great Reformation', 1996.
Several weeks ago we published a prophetic word taken from my
1996 book, 'THE COMING GREAT REFORMATION - New Insights
into the Coming Worldwide Shaking, Reformation and Street
Revival.' Below is another prophecy taken from the same book-
"SMASHING DOWN the WALLS" - by Andrew Strom
"God is going to use this Reformation and Revival to smash down
the dividing walls that separate the Christians. Jesus has never
stopped desiring that there be only "one" undivided body. Today,
however, just amongst the Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians
alone there are so many divisions, "streams" and denominations
that it is almost impossible to count them all. Each division has
it's own `label', and in many ways they operate like competing
corporations, selling the same "product" under different labels
(with slight variations)...
God is going to smash down these `walls' in this Revival. How?
By bringing His people out from underneath all these "labels"! In
one very significant vision several years ago, a NZ prophet saw
God firing "flaming arrows" into the churches. These flaming
arrows were `on-fire' ministries, speaking the word of God. However,
the Pastors were rushing around trying to damp down the flames!
God then sent a "mighty wind" to fan the flames, and suddenly
the doors of the churches burst open and all the people flooded
out onto the streets to become one huge throng. I believe that this
is an exact picture of what is about to take place, and in many
ways it also illustrates the whole concept of "Reformation"...
Another local intercessor was also shown a vision relating to this
several years ago, while deep in prayer. The first thing she saw
was church buildings of every kind - stained glass, steeples, plain
and modern, etc. This part of the vision was in black and white.
The churches all looked abandoned - like a ghost town, with birds
nesting in them and doors and windows askew, etc. And in each
church, the intercessor saw a huge old curtain or `veil' that was
in absolute tatters.
The second part of the vision was all in colour. She saw hundreds
of Christians outdoors (with guitars, etc) fellowshipping together
in the open air. She knew that these Christians had abandoned
their church buildings and `divisions', and were now fellowshipping
freely out-of-doors. When she asked God what the huge tattered
curtain in each of the abandoned churches represented, she was
told that when Jesus was crucified, the veil/curtain in the temple
was rent, thus allowing the people free access to the `holy of
holies'. However, the churches had raised up this veil once again.
But now these structures had been abandoned, thus allowing the
common people free access to God's holy-of-holies once more.
What an astounding vision!
There can be no doubt that God desires a loving, militant "street-
level" Church today. After all, isn't that what the early church was
all about? I believe that it will become common for incredible signs,
wonders and miracles to be performed on the streets as a result
of this coming Revival. In fact, I believe that we are about to see
a demonstration of God's glory in the area of the miraculous that
will be even more powerful than the book of Acts.
Enormous love, enormous boldness and `joy unspeakable' will be
just some of the characteristics of this Revival. And everything will
be bathed in prayer. In fact this Revival is going to be BUILT on
prayer. As Charles Finney said, "Revival comes from heaven when
heroic souls enter the conflict determined to win or die... `The
kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by
force.'" There is no substitute for faith-filled, Spirit-fired "agonizing"
prayer. Only those who are prepared and praying will be involved
in this Revival from the beginning. As history shows, great
blessing can only ever fall when the people of God learn to seek
His face with all their heart."
-Source- 'The Coming Great Reformation', 1996.
by Andrew Strom
People have been writing to me telling me that I am trying to say
that Torben's "Last Reformation" movement is somehow a
'fulfillment' of the prophecies that I gave 20 years ago. Actually
this is not the case. The healings and things that we are seeing
now are just a small glimpse - just a start - of what God really
wants to do. God wants to bring about the fulness of the word
"Church". The full extent of all that this word is supposed to mean.
What is happening now is just a fraction of it.
The full gospel, the full purity, the full power, the full stature of
Christ that His Body is supposed to represent in the earth. That
is true "Reformation". What we are seeing now is only a tiny
portion of the fullness that must come.
Torben himself is very aware of the prophecies I wrote about in
'The Coming Great Reformation'. He has read that book and a lot
of the other material we have put out. He has been on this email
List for years. That's why he invited me to preach in Denmark ten
years ago - and we have been friends ever since. I was preaching
on all that kind of stuff back then. That's why we got on so well.
None of this is new. But what is new is that God Himself has
begun to actively bring this stuff into being. It is actually happening
for real. This is very recent and very new. I myself am seeing God
do powerful things that I have never seen before. And suddenly it
seems totally "normal". Something has changed. A shift has occurred.
Ten years ago we would take teams outside regularly - preaching
repentance, praying for the sick, baptizing people on the streets -
all of it. But it was not going anywhere. There was no breakthrough -
no momentum. God was waiting for His perfect time. Years and
years of "wilderness" have elapsed in between.
But now suddenly everything has changed. This is God's work.
It belongs to no man. And no - the "Last Reformation" movement
is not the "fulfillment" of those prophecies. It is simply a stepping-
stone - a springboard to what is coming. The beginning of a journey
toward the fulness of what God's people are supposed to be in the
earth. As you know, I am not a 'member' of Torben's movement.
I believe things have got to go a lot deeper to become a full
"Reformation". But at least the process is underway. And that is
a huge shift in itself. Praise God! Let us all press in to make sure
we do not miss our part in it.
Special blessings in Christ,
Andrew Strom.
by Andrew Strom
People have been writing to me telling me that I am trying to say
that Torben's "Last Reformation" movement is somehow a
'fulfillment' of the prophecies that I gave 20 years ago. Actually
this is not the case. The healings and things that we are seeing
now are just a small glimpse - just a start - of what God really
wants to do. God wants to bring about the fulness of the word
"Church". The full extent of all that this word is supposed to mean.
What is happening now is just a fraction of it.
The full gospel, the full purity, the full power, the full stature of
Christ that His Body is supposed to represent in the earth. That
is true "Reformation". What we are seeing now is only a tiny
portion of the fullness that must come.
Torben himself is very aware of the prophecies I wrote about in
'The Coming Great Reformation'. He has read that book and a lot
of the other material we have put out. He has been on this email
List for years. That's why he invited me to preach in Denmark ten
years ago - and we have been friends ever since. I was preaching
on all that kind of stuff back then. That's why we got on so well.
None of this is new. But what is new is that God Himself has
begun to actively bring this stuff into being. It is actually happening
for real. This is very recent and very new. I myself am seeing God
do powerful things that I have never seen before. And suddenly it
seems totally "normal". Something has changed. A shift has occurred.
Ten years ago we would take teams outside regularly - preaching
repentance, praying for the sick, baptizing people on the streets -
all of it. But it was not going anywhere. There was no breakthrough -
no momentum. God was waiting for His perfect time. Years and
years of "wilderness" have elapsed in between.
But now suddenly everything has changed. This is God's work.
It belongs to no man. And no - the "Last Reformation" movement
is not the "fulfillment" of those prophecies. It is simply a stepping-
stone - a springboard to what is coming. The beginning of a journey
toward the fulness of what God's people are supposed to be in the
earth. As you know, I am not a 'member' of Torben's movement.
I believe things have got to go a lot deeper to become a full
"Reformation". But at least the process is underway. And that is
a huge shift in itself. Praise God! Let us all press in to make sure
we do not miss our part in it.
Special blessings in Christ,
Andrew Strom.
COMMENT: Sadly, have we now become too cynical to believe
such prophecies? Are we only convinced that evil will triumph
and that true Revival is "impossible"? Maybe such cynicism is
hurting us more than we know. Why can God not pour out His
Spirit again in our day the same as He did in the past?
-Michael Edds & co.
As the Azusa Street Revival was coming to an end in the 1900s,
it is recorded that Charles Parham, known as "Father of Pentecost"
and William Seymour, known as "The Catalyst of Pentecost" on
the same day, at two separate locations, prophesied that there
will be another stronger move of God´s Spirit on the earth, which
will take place 100 years from then. They said that it will be an
outpouring of God´s Spirit and His Shekinah glory that would be
greater and more far-reaching than what was experienced at Azusa.
This prophecy was also confirmed by Maria Woodworth-Etter in
1913. The revival had moved from Los Angeles to its new focal
point of Chicago, Illinois. Pentecost swept from Chicago to Canada,
Europe, South America and Africa. One of the greatest outpourings
occurred at Stone Church in 1913. The renowned evangelist Maria
Woodworth Etter began a revival on July 2, 1913 at Stone Church.
The services were to last until the end of July but continued for six
months. This was a time of divine appointment for the city of
Chicago; God rent the heavens and came down!! Scenes from the
days of the Early Church began to occur at Stone Church. Word
began to spread throughout Chicago of miraculous healings,
deliverance from demonic possession, conversions, and of the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit happening in these meetings.
Advertisement was no longer necessary! The city was incredibly
shaken. Word spread of the miraculous intervention of God.
Thousands came on trolleys, buggies, and trains, while many
walked. Some came from distances of 1,600 miles away. 1200
to 1500 packed into Stone Church each night. The basement was
filled and many stood out on the street. Street meetings were held
to accommodate them.
As Christians prayed around the altar one evening, Sister
Woodworth-Etter and others gave the following powerful prophecy-
"We are not yet up to the fullness... it will far exceed anything
we have seen." Also that "there will be a greater move of God in
the next 100 years, the glory of which has never been seen..."
Michael Edds continues-
"I believe that we have reached the time of the fulfillment of these
100 year old prophecies. We must be diligent to pray, intercede
and protect what the Lord is doing. We must encourage and edify
one another as never before. We must crucify every critical,
judgmental and religious spirit that may be within us. We must
put on the holiness and righteousness of Christ. Our time of divine
destiny has come. We are about to experience what Brother
Seymour and Sister Woodworth-Etter foresaw."
such prophecies? Are we only convinced that evil will triumph
and that true Revival is "impossible"? Maybe such cynicism is
hurting us more than we know. Why can God not pour out His
Spirit again in our day the same as He did in the past?
-Michael Edds & co.
As the Azusa Street Revival was coming to an end in the 1900s,
it is recorded that Charles Parham, known as "Father of Pentecost"
and William Seymour, known as "The Catalyst of Pentecost" on
the same day, at two separate locations, prophesied that there
will be another stronger move of God´s Spirit on the earth, which
will take place 100 years from then. They said that it will be an
outpouring of God´s Spirit and His Shekinah glory that would be
greater and more far-reaching than what was experienced at Azusa.
This prophecy was also confirmed by Maria Woodworth-Etter in
1913. The revival had moved from Los Angeles to its new focal
point of Chicago, Illinois. Pentecost swept from Chicago to Canada,
Europe, South America and Africa. One of the greatest outpourings
occurred at Stone Church in 1913. The renowned evangelist Maria
Woodworth Etter began a revival on July 2, 1913 at Stone Church.
The services were to last until the end of July but continued for six
months. This was a time of divine appointment for the city of
Chicago; God rent the heavens and came down!! Scenes from the
days of the Early Church began to occur at Stone Church. Word
began to spread throughout Chicago of miraculous healings,
deliverance from demonic possession, conversions, and of the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit happening in these meetings.
Advertisement was no longer necessary! The city was incredibly
shaken. Word spread of the miraculous intervention of God.
Thousands came on trolleys, buggies, and trains, while many
walked. Some came from distances of 1,600 miles away. 1200
to 1500 packed into Stone Church each night. The basement was
filled and many stood out on the street. Street meetings were held
to accommodate them.
As Christians prayed around the altar one evening, Sister
Woodworth-Etter and others gave the following powerful prophecy-
"We are not yet up to the fullness... it will far exceed anything
we have seen." Also that "there will be a greater move of God in
the next 100 years, the glory of which has never been seen..."
Michael Edds continues-
"I believe that we have reached the time of the fulfillment of these
100 year old prophecies. We must be diligent to pray, intercede
and protect what the Lord is doing. We must encourage and edify
one another as never before. We must crucify every critical,
judgmental and religious spirit that may be within us. We must
put on the holiness and righteousness of Christ. Our time of divine
destiny has come. We are about to experience what Brother
Seymour and Sister Woodworth-Etter foresaw."
Selasa, 03 Mei 2016
Great Quotes
"There is no use in running before you are sent; there is no use in
attempting to do God´s work without God´s power. A man working
without this unction, a man working without this anointing, a man
working without the Holy Ghost upon him, is losing time after all."
- D.L. Moody
"Trying to do the Lord´s work in your own strength is the most
confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are
filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows
out of you."
- Corrie Ten Boom
"Even in my own church I heard the words, 'Francis Chan' more
than I heard the words, 'Holy Spirit.'"
- Francis Chan
"Without the Spirit we can neither love God nor keep His
- Augustine
"It is the Spirit that sheds the love of God abroad in their hearts,
and the love of all mankind; thereby purifying their hearts from
the love of the world, from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the
eye, and the pride of life. It is by Him they are delivered from
anger and pride, from all vile and inordinate affections."
- John Wesley
"There is no use in running before you are sent; there is no use in
attempting to do God´s work without God´s power. A man working
without this unction, a man working without this anointing, a man
working without the Holy Ghost upon him, is losing time after all."
- D.L. Moody
"Trying to do the Lord´s work in your own strength is the most
confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are
filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows
out of you."
- Corrie Ten Boom
"Even in my own church I heard the words, 'Francis Chan' more
than I heard the words, 'Holy Spirit.'"
- Francis Chan
"Without the Spirit we can neither love God nor keep His
- Augustine
"It is the Spirit that sheds the love of God abroad in their hearts,
and the love of all mankind; thereby purifying their hearts from
the love of the world, from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the
eye, and the pride of life. It is by Him they are delivered from
anger and pride, from all vile and inordinate affections."
- John Wesley
Ask of ME
The Great Revolt
As though Jesus were reading a news summary of recent years, His prophecies of two thousand years ago clearly describe our times. Thus, we are compelled to discern accurately the significant era in which we live. Indeed, of the many prophetic fulfillments of our day, one in particular rises with undimmed candor. I am speaking of what the Bible calls the "apostasy." Recall Paul's warning:
"Let no one in any way deceive you, for [the day of the Lord] will not come unless the apostasy comes first" (2 Thess. 2:3).
The apostasy has traditionally been described as a time of deception and massive falling away from authentic faith in Christ. Depending upon your specific view, sometime before or after the apostasy the rapture of the church will occur. However, the concept of apostasy as merely "a falling away" is incomplete. The original Greek word for apostasy, apostasia, when used in classical Greek literature, meant "a political revolt." From this we understand that the end-time apostasy is not just a time of sinfulness or large scale backsliding; it is actually a time of open defiance and warlike aggression against godliness in general. In other words, the apostasia is a political insurrection against the laws of God.
This interpretation of the apostasy is not an isolated view. The New International Version, Revised Standard Version, Phillips Translation, and New English Bible all render apostasia as "the rebellion." The Living Bible interprets the apostasy as the "great rebellion," while the Jerusalem Bible assigns a proper name to this era: "The Great Revolt."
As we consider the fulfillment of so many other prophecies, let us carefully observe: mankind has entered an era of open revolt and outright rebellion -- an apostasy -- against the moral standards of God.
Today, we are witnessing a large-scale rebellion against traditional moral values. Indeed, this brazen attitude has had a name for itself since the 1960s: the sexual revolution. And "revolution" is exactly what it is. Our moral standards have not only been challenged, they have been replaced by a nonstandard. Indeed, the great rebellion seeks to legitimize and then mainstream every perversity known to man!
There is much to say (and pray) on behalf of those trapped in perversity and who hate sin's effect on their lives. We must be compassionate toward them and not strident; many are sitting in our churches afraid to even speak of their need lest they be disowned. I am not speaking with reference to the victims of this advance, but of those who are engaged in a mutiny against the sway of God in our nation. They argue the only standard Americans have is the standard of individual freedom. In their view, freedom itself is the "god" ruling America, with self-indulgence sitting as prime minister.
Yet the God of Heaven desires the nations of the world. Though the apostasy will certainly intensify, we must remember it is only one of many prophecies unfolding in our day. The same divine Word that warned of the Great Rebellion also assures us that ultimately God's kingdom shall crush the demonic influences in our world (Dan. 2:44).
Yes, evil shall mature into full rebellion, but good is also ripening into full Christlikeness! (See Matt. 13:40-43; John 17:22-23.) True, the apostasy shall reveal the nature of Satan, but the true church shall manifest the nature of Christ! Our King is not only coming in the skies, He is coming "to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed" (2 Thess. 1:10). What seems to be Satan's hour, full of darkness and rebellion, is simply the opportunity for grace to abound to the glory of God in the church!
Seated with Christ!
The Second Psalm, perhaps more then any other Bible text, accurately portrays the spirit of our time. Indeed, it also proclaims our correct response to Satan's bold advance. Although it was quoted by the early church (Acts 4:25-26), God has set its full realization for the end of this age.
"Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!'" (Ps. 2:1-3).
Although "the rebellion" reveals itself worldwide in many ways, in America many of our leaders have certainly been counseling together "against the Lord" in their decisions. We see it in the efforts to mainstream perversion and give shelter to satanic rock music. Again, our anti-censorship laws, like armor plating, in many ways now defend sin against the Lord. The virulent cry of those in rebellion hammers relentlessly upon the fetters of moral restraint!
This railing against God has not gone unnoticed in Heaven. Is the Almighty confounded? Has fear concerning recent developments gripped the Lord's heart? No. The Psalm continues:
"He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury" (Ps. 2:4-5).
The Lord laughs at the foolishness of those in full revolt, as they imagine God's judgments cannot reach them. Why then, you ask, does the Lord delay His full judgment? In part, the Lord waits for us, His church. For while the world shall demand, and receive, the reign of hell, the goal of the praying church shall be for the reign of Heaven.
You see, all prophecies shall be fulfilled: not only those concerning evil but also those concerning righteousness. The Lord has purposed to have a "bride without spot or wrinkle" and a "kingdom" of wheat without tares. The transformation of the church will be fulfilled as surely as every other prophecy occurring before the Lord's return.
Thus, He commands us to sit with Him in the completeness of His purpose. He requires us not only to live without fear but to stand in prayer for these very nations that defy Him!
Listen again to this Second Psalm, for in the very context of worldwide rebellion against the Lord, it records the most remarkable discourse: "Ask of Me," the Father says to the Son, "and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession" (Ps. 2:8).
As Christ's church, we do not deserve a national revival, but Jesus does! As His representatives, in His name and virtue, we ask of the Father for America! We stand in prayer for the church to become one, filled with Christ followers from every ethnic background! Our prayer is not only an act of faith, it is an act of obedience: we are commanded to ask God for the nations!
Therefore, while the perverse strive toward complete rejection of God, even as their mocking words fill the air, the Almighty's unchangeable promise to His Son (and by extension, His church as Christ's body) is "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations!''
As violence, New Age religions and witchcraft flourish in our schools, ask God for this nation. While all restraint is removed from the entertainment industry, ask God for this nation! While perversity dresses in normalcy, ask God for America! While abortion remains protected by laws, ask God with confidence, with boldness, and with faith for our land! Where you see injustice in any form, ask God for His kingdom to manifest on earth!
"He who sits in the heavens laughs."
Put away fear and discouragement; repent of fretting. The more we accept our place in the divine plan, the more we shall laugh at the enemy's plans. The faith that relentlessly asks God, pleases God. Now, as the fullness of the times unfolds, as the world around us clothes itself in prophetic fulfillments, let us put away unbelief; let us repent for withdrawal. It is a time to boldly ask of God. As He has promised: He will give the nations as an inheritance to Christ!
Let's pray: Lord Jesus, how blessed we are that as evil matures into full rebellion, Your church matures into full Christlikeness. Teach me to pray for my inheritance, my nation. Use me to stand in the gap until my people become Your people.

The Days of His Presence heralds not only the return of the Lord at the Rapture, but also the return of His glory to the church at the end of the age. Supported by Scripture and Francis' prophetic vision, this book will help fill in the gaps in your understanding of the last days; it will help prepare you to receive the fullness of Christ as mankind enters the fullness of time.
The Days of His Presence
heralds not only the return of the Lord at the Rapture, but also the
return of His glory to the church at the end of the age. Supported by
Scripture and Francis' prophetic vision, this book will help fill in the
gaps in your understanding of the last days; it will help prepare you
to receive the fullness of Christ as mankind enters the fullness of
As though Jesus were reading a news summary of recent years, His prophecies of two thousand years ago clearly describe our times. Thus, we are compelled to discern accurately the significant era in which we live. Indeed, of the many prophetic fulfillments of our day, one in particular rises with undimmed candor. I am speaking of what the Bible calls the "apostasy." Recall Paul's warning:
"Let no one in any way deceive you, for [the day of the Lord] will not come unless the apostasy comes first" (2 Thess. 2:3).
The apostasy has traditionally been described as a time of deception and massive falling away from authentic faith in Christ. Depending upon your specific view, sometime before or after the apostasy the rapture of the church will occur. However, the concept of apostasy as merely "a falling away" is incomplete. The original Greek word for apostasy, apostasia, when used in classical Greek literature, meant "a political revolt." From this we understand that the end-time apostasy is not just a time of sinfulness or large scale backsliding; it is actually a time of open defiance and warlike aggression against godliness in general. In other words, the apostasia is a political insurrection against the laws of God.
This interpretation of the apostasy is not an isolated view. The New International Version, Revised Standard Version, Phillips Translation, and New English Bible all render apostasia as "the rebellion." The Living Bible interprets the apostasy as the "great rebellion," while the Jerusalem Bible assigns a proper name to this era: "The Great Revolt."
As we consider the fulfillment of so many other prophecies, let us carefully observe: mankind has entered an era of open revolt and outright rebellion -- an apostasy -- against the moral standards of God.
Today, we are witnessing a large-scale rebellion against traditional moral values. Indeed, this brazen attitude has had a name for itself since the 1960s: the sexual revolution. And "revolution" is exactly what it is. Our moral standards have not only been challenged, they have been replaced by a nonstandard. Indeed, the great rebellion seeks to legitimize and then mainstream every perversity known to man!
There is much to say (and pray) on behalf of those trapped in perversity and who hate sin's effect on their lives. We must be compassionate toward them and not strident; many are sitting in our churches afraid to even speak of their need lest they be disowned. I am not speaking with reference to the victims of this advance, but of those who are engaged in a mutiny against the sway of God in our nation. They argue the only standard Americans have is the standard of individual freedom. In their view, freedom itself is the "god" ruling America, with self-indulgence sitting as prime minister.
Yet the God of Heaven desires the nations of the world. Though the apostasy will certainly intensify, we must remember it is only one of many prophecies unfolding in our day. The same divine Word that warned of the Great Rebellion also assures us that ultimately God's kingdom shall crush the demonic influences in our world (Dan. 2:44).
Yes, evil shall mature into full rebellion, but good is also ripening into full Christlikeness! (See Matt. 13:40-43; John 17:22-23.) True, the apostasy shall reveal the nature of Satan, but the true church shall manifest the nature of Christ! Our King is not only coming in the skies, He is coming "to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed" (2 Thess. 1:10). What seems to be Satan's hour, full of darkness and rebellion, is simply the opportunity for grace to abound to the glory of God in the church!
Seated with Christ!
The Second Psalm, perhaps more then any other Bible text, accurately portrays the spirit of our time. Indeed, it also proclaims our correct response to Satan's bold advance. Although it was quoted by the early church (Acts 4:25-26), God has set its full realization for the end of this age.
"Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!'" (Ps. 2:1-3).
Although "the rebellion" reveals itself worldwide in many ways, in America many of our leaders have certainly been counseling together "against the Lord" in their decisions. We see it in the efforts to mainstream perversion and give shelter to satanic rock music. Again, our anti-censorship laws, like armor plating, in many ways now defend sin against the Lord. The virulent cry of those in rebellion hammers relentlessly upon the fetters of moral restraint!
This railing against God has not gone unnoticed in Heaven. Is the Almighty confounded? Has fear concerning recent developments gripped the Lord's heart? No. The Psalm continues:
"He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury" (Ps. 2:4-5).
The Lord laughs at the foolishness of those in full revolt, as they imagine God's judgments cannot reach them. Why then, you ask, does the Lord delay His full judgment? In part, the Lord waits for us, His church. For while the world shall demand, and receive, the reign of hell, the goal of the praying church shall be for the reign of Heaven.
You see, all prophecies shall be fulfilled: not only those concerning evil but also those concerning righteousness. The Lord has purposed to have a "bride without spot or wrinkle" and a "kingdom" of wheat without tares. The transformation of the church will be fulfilled as surely as every other prophecy occurring before the Lord's return.
Thus, He commands us to sit with Him in the completeness of His purpose. He requires us not only to live without fear but to stand in prayer for these very nations that defy Him!
Listen again to this Second Psalm, for in the very context of worldwide rebellion against the Lord, it records the most remarkable discourse: "Ask of Me," the Father says to the Son, "and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession" (Ps. 2:8).
As Christ's church, we do not deserve a national revival, but Jesus does! As His representatives, in His name and virtue, we ask of the Father for America! We stand in prayer for the church to become one, filled with Christ followers from every ethnic background! Our prayer is not only an act of faith, it is an act of obedience: we are commanded to ask God for the nations!
Therefore, while the perverse strive toward complete rejection of God, even as their mocking words fill the air, the Almighty's unchangeable promise to His Son (and by extension, His church as Christ's body) is "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations!''
As violence, New Age religions and witchcraft flourish in our schools, ask God for this nation. While all restraint is removed from the entertainment industry, ask God for this nation! While perversity dresses in normalcy, ask God for America! While abortion remains protected by laws, ask God with confidence, with boldness, and with faith for our land! Where you see injustice in any form, ask God for His kingdom to manifest on earth!
"He who sits in the heavens laughs."
Put away fear and discouragement; repent of fretting. The more we accept our place in the divine plan, the more we shall laugh at the enemy's plans. The faith that relentlessly asks God, pleases God. Now, as the fullness of the times unfolds, as the world around us clothes itself in prophetic fulfillments, let us put away unbelief; let us repent for withdrawal. It is a time to boldly ask of God. As He has promised: He will give the nations as an inheritance to Christ!
Let's pray: Lord Jesus, how blessed we are that as evil matures into full rebellion, Your church matures into full Christlikeness. Teach me to pray for my inheritance, my nation. Use me to stand in the gap until my people become Your people.
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Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, The Days of His Presence available at
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The Days of His Presence
The Days of His Presence heralds not only the return of the Lord at the Rapture, but also the return of His glory to the church at the end of the age. Supported by Scripture and Francis' prophetic vision, this book will help fill in the gaps in your understanding of the last days; it will help prepare you to receive the fullness of Christ as mankind enters the fullness of time.
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The Days of His Presence - Companion Teaching - Audio Series
Message titles:
Days of His Glory | Christ in You | Behind Our Walls
Priority of His Passion | In God's Tabernacle
Days of His Glory | Christ in You | Behind Our Walls
Priority of His Passion | In God's Tabernacle
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